Just bought guild wars 2 along with these two, what am I in for?

Just bought guild wars 2 along with these two, what am I in for?

Why didn't you just play for free first before buying the expansions?

I haven't played this in a while but I enjoyed it for a couple montha. I got bummed I wasn't getting to level 80 fast enough for pvp so I bought gold for max crafting to 80. But I was still salty because 80 gear was complete shit. Then I realized I'm not good at PvP and wondered why I got into MMORPGs at all.

I hope you enjoy it.

Because I'm an impulsive buyer.
You're experience with it sounds like absolute dog shit.

>what am I in for?

For garbage OP, for garbage... nothing more. You should have started with Guild Wars 1.

Refund if you can. Awful games made by an awful company.

Like every current MMO on the market it plays just like any braindead loot grinder.

No engaging gameplay at all, just brainless combat to get higher stats so you can repeat the same braindead combat against higher level enemies.

You should have bought the first Guild Wars instead. GW2 is even f2p without the expansions.

Hackers and people who want to steal your shit, and credit cards. I installed the game, and made an account, but never even logged in. I get emails all the time telling me I been logged in from Asian countries.. fucking stupid, nothing there to take.

As a fan of Legion this sounds pretty g

It's pretty comfy dude, don't fall for all the gw1 salt, 1 and 2 are completely different games and people are still mad about it. Combat is quick and intuitive at the beginning, no MMO managing required outside of high level instances and the new mounts of PoF are honestly the best mounts of any MMO in the market, movement wise. I recommend doing PoF before HoT because the jungle is a pain to traverse without the new mounts. And at least get the raptor even just for leveling by just using an 80 boost on an alt and doing the first PoF mission.

>No engaging gameplay at all, just brainless combat to get higher stats so you can repeat the same braindead combat against higher level enemies.

something that never happened unless they changed it in last expansion, which I doubdt

Nah he's talking out of his ass.
Just started it here's my experience.
HoT zones are a pure pain in the ass until you have the 1st and 2nd PoF mounts to rank 3, then they become super fun and actually something you want to do meta-events on
Vanilla zones look bland and sometimes feel small, with little variety, but expansion areas, especially PoF ones, look impressive and make you forget they are actually just rectangles of land you can't go beyond. Also elevation gets real nice later on when you have mounts to capitalize on it.
Haven't tried raiding or dungeons yet.

Are you kidding me? It's been a grindfest even back since the Silverwastes was the meta.

Silverwastes grinding is just for money to spend on other things. There's no gear treadmill to get to higher stats.

>even back since the Silverwastes was the meta
It still is, at least for core game players
The ride never ends

$100 lootboxes

Ah shit son you dun goof'd.
What are you in for?

>boring fucking leveling with no quests, but repetitive shitty 'group activities'
>in zones that are literally all rectangular for no reason whatsoever
>killing the same 5 mob models throughout the entire thing, up to max level where it's still the same 5 mob models resized and recolored each and every single time
>no end game content, with a terrible story that made me stop playing after about 2 months
>only cash shop for 'gems'
>pvp that's just a shitty zergfest every time

That's gameplay wise. Looks wise
>everything is either 'omglolsocute' or feminine fucking soyboy shit, with every male looking like a trap (seriously check out some of the norn premade chars)
>weapon and armor design that looks like a tranny fashionista came up with it
>sjw up the ass everywhere - not even kidding, I usually don't care but in this game it's just shoveled into your face

And that was MY experience with it, approx 2 years ago. I honestly really doubt anything changed since then, the devs are incredibly lazy and incompetent. Not sure how this game manages to stay afloat.
I just went back to WoW, might be grindy and a bit stale now, but still. There's a reason it has many, many times this game's players despite the monthly fee

Dead game.

Shame, I kind of liked it back in the release.

It's pretty alive tho.

What I hate most about the expansions is that you can approach some hero points from 5 different directions and it's STILL out of reach.

Sometimes you can't even fucking see where it is despite running in circles near the point.


Only if you're trying to craft legendaries. I've been playing normally doing what interests me for 3 years and I have enough gold to gear 6 characters with exotics/ascended, buy gems for 2 character slots and still have 700+ gold leftover.

Stopped playing since last year though since it got boring but that's only after 4 years of playing.

Tangled depths?
It's in a cave above or below you

Op here, whats the top class that I should boost?
Don't want this to be another legion for me.

What class do you want? Fun to play or needed in instances?

You almost snuck that one in there but I saw it
Opinion: discarded
Return when you learn to make posts without meme language

boring grind fiesta just for glamour

be very very careful investing in flavor of the week
the balance devs are fucking retarded
if there even are any

you havnt played guild wars 2. you can get best gear from the trading post or crafting and thats your character set for life

I know it is. Despite knowing it's above or below it's still extremely difficult to locate without using the walkthroughs.

Guild Wars 2 has a different feel from most other MMO's It feels like they're trying to go in a different direction.

I'd have said try it f2p first bruh.

there's a reason Sup Forums only talks about WoW and FFXIV

if youre gonna play them both. i would recommend getting to lvl80 then select the path of fire story till you unlock the raptor mount

Don't boost a class until you've played the game normally once.
You'll be skipping the entire base game.
The gear you get from boosting is dogshit so you'll have to farm anyway.
The only reason you should have to boost something right away is to get a glider and basic mount before going back.

Don't worry about choosing a class either, once you start clearing content you'll start getting shitloads of level increasing tomes.
These let you skip the leveling process instantly, and when you're at this stage getting good gear will be effortless.
The top classes right now vary between gametypes and balance patches, but for PvE endgame Elementalist tends to be the safest bet for DPS.
Warriors, Rangers (as Druid for healing and buffing) and Mesmers (as Chronomancer and probably the most expensive and grindy class to properly gear up) will always be in high demand.
For leveling though, you probably want to skip Mesmer because the base specs are worthless for groups.

As others have said you'll end up either loving or hating it. If you still can, try to get a refund and play the f2p version.
The gameplay is rather different from other MMOs and the way the content is laid out may be unappealing.
The dynamic changes considerably once you're past the base game but you won't need to experience the expansions to figure out if you like the game or not.

>boring fucking leveling with no quests, but repetitive shitty 'group activities'
>in zones that are literally all rectangular for no reason whatsoever
>killing the same 5 mob models throughout the entire thing, up to max level where it's still the same 5 mob models resized and recolored each and every single time
>no end game content, with a terrible story that made me stop playing after about 2 months
>only cash shop for 'gems'
>pvp that's just a shitty zergfest every time

That's exactly what I think about GW2. I would add broken ingame economy which forces you to cheat, grind+farm or just pay huge amount of real money to buy gems.

Gameplay itself is just boring. I used to farm World Bosses for some time and after a week of non stop farm I only got one exotic armor piece from them, not to mention I had already magic find boost around 250%...

>I used to farm World Bosses for some time and after a week of non stop farm I only got one exotic armor piece
You're supposed to salvage the guaranteed rares and sell the ectos.

This user is correct about the HoTzones.
I played through them without mounts and they were awkward to navigate.

Of the two expansions, HoT probably has the higher difficulty, especially with hero challenges.
It will mess with your story, but it might be worth playing through PoF until you at least get the springer mount if only for quality of life reasons.

Good thing is, once you hit 80, a lot of stuff you level up shifts to the mastery system and unlocks account wide, so get a mount with your main character, ride it with all of them.
Same for the HoT glider.

>Why didn't you just play for free first before buying the expansions?

The free version is for suckers. You play with so many basic core mechanics gimped that they only thing it's good for is preloading the full game.

Actually in the new expansion mobs are a bit harder. You have to manage buffs, debuffs, and removals to get good now.

that's Rift

Buyer's remorse.

so you're saying you can't refute his points so you focus on the one insignificant word and hope people miss out the part where you failed to refute his point?

Lots of comfy open-world exploration.
Huge numbers of varied content in fractals.
Meh raids.
Lamentations of women in WvW.

>52min ago
wew good thing you valiantly stepped in to respond to his shitpost and reward him for his behavior

McAngel got fired before this expansion.

you don't have to be level 80 for pvp, you can make a new character and hop in (i would not recommend this shit at all tho
you can't buy ascended, so you're objectively wrong


qr Asura goddesses to worship

Weaver's are for fast finger spammers.
Firebrands are for stackers.
Scourges are for wanna be healers.
Spell breakers are for people who like doing only one thing.
Holosmiths are for engineers who want to pretend they are interesting.

The best leveling experience of all MMOs
The most QoL stuff of all MMOs (even more than in wow & ffxiv)
Mostly social and friendly players (ready to help verbally or with a boss/quest/etc)

This is my experience so far, but I've only gotten myself to level 80 a few days ago.
I don't have high expectations for the endgame because it's really easy to get frustrated about it nowadays.

you only have to hit like 3 keys and only use 2 attunements in weaver for the most dps tho

>nasty child lizard rats
Pedofags are worse than pic.

>till you unlock the raptor mount

So, the first ten minutes?

female asuras can be ok, but male asuras are ALWAYS pic related

Summed up my words well. Fuck Shit Wars 2 and fuck Wildstar as well.

>when you're too much of a baddie for t4 fractals and raids

>Buying gems.

Why? 99% of the store is cosmetic. Unless you are lusting after the minor convenience of unlimited harvest tools, remake kits, or character expansion slots.

There is no push for the store to be necessary besides character slots.

Yeah, these games sure are fucking bad

PvP is pretty fun if you're into that kinda stuff, can't say that the PvE is my specialty though. But hey, if you like shortstacks it's got cute femsuras.

>99% of the store is cosmetic.

the only endgame to gw2 is cosmetics

>idk what im talking about

i used to suck too, but if you work at it and look up some good builds if you need help, you can get there. the game is fun if you let it be (and as long as you don't end up with trash teams)

>liking femsuras
>instead of superior femcharr
Why though?

Asura aren't shortstacks, they're just short

Like every mmo?

Not in the traditional sense but I think they're still worthy of the title. You can make them pretty goddamn chubby in the game though.

I didn't say they were bad but it really is a class for switching elements in a class that already is about switching elements. Hell, the ult for Weaver's is how fast you can change in 20 seconds, then stop for ten seconds, and hit your ult again before it goes to get a very strong knockdown. Okay, floating, but still.

No, stats are the name of the game in almost every MMO.

>mfw I would rather fuck this than a sparklecat
I guess its because its overflow from my amazonian women fetish

They aren't stacked though.
Only femnorn are actually stacked and they're 10 ft tall.

I enjoy the game. You just have to be aware it's casual as fuck, which isn't really bad but you have to realize if you play it like every other MMORPG you'll basically play through everything it has to offer in like two weeks tops.

It's the old none or six thing.

That's interesting since the norn maps are right next to the charr maps.

Lore rape, SJW propaganda and furries.

The shittiest most boring not balanced overrated overhyped cash grab of all times. And the "community" around that game is absolute shit.I feel sorry for the money you've spend on this shit.

Male Asuras can be cute fuckbois though

Kill yourself /gw2g/ scum!

It's decent enough but make sure you have people to play with because mission challenges get hard.Other than that there's shitloads to do with achievements and collections.

You sound butthurt that you got BTFO.

Cuckholm syndrome

cool comeback, my dude. get gud, loser

The community is one of the better ones. If anything the game is kinda average, but people shit on it too hard because it was the worst hype crash since TOR and killed the magic of videogames for many here.

BTFO by what you brainless retard?!
>The community is one of the better ones
Autistic SJW's, wanna be trolls in WvW and PvP. This "community" is tumblr tier cancer.

PvP is shite m8.

Warriors are steamrollers with no weakness to CC.
Thieves are 2edgy blast masters that flip around everywhere.
The rest of the classes are pointless besides the one skill for rangers.
You win PvP by 2v1ing everyone unless you're the above two classes.
If your good at PvP you just click your skill rotation fast as shit.

who hurt you?

You hurt yourself on the head, that's why you're so retarded.

Don't forget nice.

i think you need a timeout, little guy. be any more rude and santa will bring you coal

>not buying ESO


Nice piece of crap.
Crawl back into Kike 'O Brien's asshole where you you came from.

>Autistic sjws
>community is tumble tier cancer
After 2 years of interacting the community seems pretty decent idk what your issue is

>saving a dev screenshot from years ago to get the meanies on Sup Forums
i was having fun belittling you, but this is honestly sad

Autistic just like yourself
>After 2 years
Two years means nothing in this game. Maybe if you'd actually leave PVE and go into WvW and PvP then you'd know what i'm talking about you arenashill. Stand around in Lion's Arch some more with your ^^ xD :) :D autism.

>Having no argument to begin with
You are pitiful Mike the Kike O Brien. That you have to come here and shill and damage control for your dead piece of crap of a game. Pathetic! Not making enough PoF Pay or Fail shekels from your loyal ass kissing SJW goyim?!

>Being this retarded
Mate, I can 2v1 as engineer scrapper and your average warrior is a piece of cake to deal with

i wish anet paid me to make fun of sad manchildren desu

>I can 2v1
People actually believe this


>I can 2 v 1
people unironically think they're smarter than everyone else without having the second grade math skills to crunch the numbers of their rotations

Found the tumblrina.
Anyway, manchildren are the fat fedora tipping idiots like (you) who still defend this piece of crap.

Sadly, closure of RP servers killed any remnants of good community in TOR.

A refund.