

skyrim belongs to the nords

Imperials deserve the suffering they get for wanting to be multicultural and import all these backwards race immigrants into their land
I hope primitive races they've opened their borders to outbreed them in Cyrodiil and when Imperials are finally a minority in their own homeland I hope those primitive races rape their children in front of the last Imperial man alive

I feel the same about Sweden.


>not snow niggers


wanna hear a joke elf? redguards.

Gee I wonder who could be behind this post

>the state of m*n posters

bretons are the only whites

bretons are mer+man mutts lol

Sad thing is it's already well on its way there.

Sweden is going to become an example to the rest of the world about what happens when you choose extreme left politics.

Imagine being so retarded even Sup Forums won't talk to you so you come to a video games board.

>not blindingly orange

Are redguards the most based race?


for an adaptive melee playstyle, yeah, they're a pretty good Jack-of-all-trades for the warriors.

Unironically yes. They're a good pick for an all round warrior and have interesting lore.

All other races are irrelevant.
Where are my dunmer bros.

In a refugee camp

argonian + redguard bff4ever

>living in skyrim


>The only race mixed race

Tell yourself that buddy

Bretons are literally le 51% face

>itt jealous altmer


>Used to be white
>Punished for all time to be black

What did Bethesda mean by this?

>killed elf jesus
>punished to be black
>worship false gods
>lose their homeland and are exiled
Deep stuff.

Vivec was a slutty hermaphrodite too. The Dunmer were punished for their degeneracy.

they are 56% white

>Be redguard
>Care about being Mer


They are a joke.
After having a civil war before facing the Great War their country must be a shit hole.

Turning dark made them sexier

>roman bust
>whining about multiculturalism
this post has to be a parody

and cyrodiil belong to thalmor :^)

They're not the only ones.
The imperial's are a mixed of Nords, Nedes and Aylieds.


Hol up nord boy


They aren't. Skyrim is white, imperials are mexican, thalmor are jews. Ulfric is Trump.

>splits his entire country in warring factions
>brainlets think he will remove thalmor
>is actually a thalmor puppet playing right into their hands
He truly is the elder scrolls trump.

So then you support the Stormcloaks?

If people hate Nords so much why don't they support the Stormcloaks so the Nords can have their own kingdom and get out of the Empire?

>Ulfric is a thalmor puppet

Nords are just snow nigger

>destroy Yokuda
>sail across to Hammerfell, immediately start a conquest and kill the natives and claim it as "their" homeland
>Don't do anything significant other than get their ass kicked by the Bretons
>After the Great War, Hammerfell is split into two main factions. One faction wants gibs from the Thalmor and wants to get in cozy with them, one faction wants gibs from the Empire

Yeah, "based" Redguards.

Redguard warrior and stealth archer everything else is the best way to play.

Who is the most fuckable Dark Elf in Skyrim?

What the fuck is this?

Is there a more boring race in TES than Imperials though?

>no cool lore at all other than deus ex machina bullshit that causes Empires to be formed in Cyrodiil

If Nords are white and Elves are jews, what are the Imperials?

Only the Thalmor are Jews, and if anything they are legitimately Nazis as well. Imperials are literally mixed with Nede/Colovian/Nord

>Marrying a dark elf when sylgia exists
Also thanks to that user who mentioned how amorous adventures let's you fuck her and her mom.

The one at the College

I only ever play Dunmer or Nord, and when I play Dunmer I want a Dunmer wife.

Bretons have never claimed to be anything but a race of man


Breton+Nord is the true master race alliance.

Reminder the Thalmor are not indicative of all Altmer

First stabilize the Reach, kill the Reachmen and Orcs then deal with the Altmer. Bretons tank the magic, Nords smash the faces.

Well the only dunmer girls I know of that you can marry her is the girl in the college and the merc in the drunken huntsmen I've never used.

>tfw my favourite races in elder scrolls is nord, dunmer and argonian but they all hate each other
>the only time I get to seem them together is a fucking mmo

These guys knows what's up.

We should still purge all elves though, just to be on the safe side.

Best race.

Jenassa is not that bad

What's worse, argonians or khajits?

>don't really like ESO
>but the idea of a Nord + Dunmer + Argonian alliance is cool as fuck

imagine being this obsessed






>best races form a alliance together
Whats not to love?

Wtf I love Altmer now?

More like the two best races and their boots. Still Argonians are less cucks than the orcs

>Joining the two provinces that do nothing but sack you in tandem every few hundred years

Absolute state of Orsinium.

The game itself. I REALLY want to like ESO, but it still feels like a fake TES ripoff to me.

Its not a Nord-Breton alliance

>"The Thalmor know how to deal with Talos worshipers."

Bretons are literal mutts.

They used to have sub races Colovian and Ninenese until Oblivion make everybody the same

Yeah but they're incredibly skilled with Magic.

There's great irony in the image you chose. Rome, one of the greatest civilizations in history, was the master of cultural amalgamation. Pre-Christianity the Romans didn't roll in and take down your temples and force you to follow their beliefs. If you willingly joined the Empire, you kept all your shit and probably had your gods added to the Roman pantheon in some way. At the very least they let you do what you want as long as you jumped when Rome said jump.

Name one Breton as skilled as Shalidor.

The one that I made

>sven is this asshurt

Jackie Chan

Wasn't Manimarco originally a Breton but then got changed to a High Elf?

Nope. He's a Breton in Oblivion.


>Gods' Chosen Tier

>Excellent Tier

>Solid Tier

>Aggressively Boring Tier

>Ruined Everything For Everyone Tier

>Living in the Shit Tier


>ruined everything for everyone

Imperials and the Empire would be absolutely nothing if they didn't have the constant support of Nords.

God Tier
Great Tier
Okay Tier
Boring Tier

No, they're literally Nedes with few mer traits. Do people forget how shit works in Tamriel, the race of the child is the same as the mother, with only a few qualities carried over from the father.

Bretons are a race of Man, they're MANmer. They get the best qualities of Man like drive, and ambition, with a relatively longer lifespan than Imperials, Nords, or Redguards, and they have the intellect of Mer.

Do Bretons actually have longer lifespans?

Huh. I remember him being a Breton.

Which Mer are they descended from, anyway? Aldmer/Altmer? Or is it a mix of Dwemer and Falmer in there too?

Excuse my shitty understanding of pre-3e lore.

Aylied I think. I'm actually incredibly confused on what actually constitutes and Aldmer.