Kids used to bully me by calling me a "Gameboy"

>kids used to bully me by calling me a "Gameboy"
>Made me pull my pants down at recess
>Fast forward nearly 20 years later
>It's cool to have a Nintendo Switch now
What changed?

Fuck off gameboy

nu male culture is now the norm. fags need to be bullied to become normal again.

I want to marry Kumiko

Gay boi

If you were a kid today with a switch you'd still got bullied, gameboy.

Being a gamboy is cool.

Not trying to get political here, but

It's funny that when we were kids, girls would laugh at geeks and nerds. Fast forward to the current year where IT is so important, women are literally crying about IT being a male-driven field. And even with Google shilling and spending millions of dollars on educating women, they still can't make it in.

Yiff in hell

Nothing political there, they just want the pretty part of IT (fame, glory, 6 figures salaries) but they can't be bothered to go through the ugly part first (which pretty much is the largest) so they want to industry dumbs down everything so they can circulate over the ugly part and get to the pretty one.

Obviously this is just a generalization based on personal experiences, I have met both women who are posers bitches and women who are bros.

Shut up, gameboy.

Bully though you had a nice assume was probably in the closet and wanted to forcefully take you but cause legal and confused emotions since the age yell were he never fully followed through so he just did the shot he did instead

If you live in soyboy haven, then sure it's cool.
For the rest of the world, no it isn't really at all.

All the kids in my class had a Gameboy.

>Made me pull my pants down at recess

Why are bullies so gay?

It's a safe enviroment for them to explore their sexuality. It's not like the bitch boy is going to tell anyone.

>that one one kid grade above that liked to peek over bathroom stalls and mess with people taking a piss
>politely asked him if he was gay
>he got mad as fuck and tried to break my door
>stormed out and stopped doing it after

>have nearly no friends as child
>thought it was because I had lame hobbies like video games
>as an adult I shamefully remember how I was unwashed, smelled bad, loud, obnoxious, and intentionally wore the same clothes constantly when I was a child
>making fun of my hobby, the hobby I told everyone about and made clear it was my hobby, was the most merciful kind of bullying I could experience

I don't know if this applies to everyone but I truly deserved to be mocked

What the fuck are you bitches talking about?
Videogames have been popular ever since the NES.

And also this

what a fucking GAYboy

Somewhat similar.
Just that i turned out to be actually autistic, and acted like an asshole.
That and being ugly.

>all the kids had the cheap gameboy knock offs
>i had the real deal
>we passed the gameboy from hand to hand to see who gets the best time on mario kart
>i still keep contact with most of them.
It was 12 years ago.

They picked on you for being a sperg not because you had a gameboy

can anyone link me to the official nintendo dock AC adapter? i would like a second one so i can keep one with me and one perm in the dock

i want to hug fluffers

>getting bullied
>popular kids defend me
>thought they wanted to be my friend
>they just wanted to help me because it would make them look cool

I honestly enjoyed getting bullied more
