"Good" god is a woman

>"Good" god is a woman
>"Evil" god is a man

t.No game ever

>woman god is nude

>god in a game

fucking weebs I swear to god.

>"Evil" god is a woman

>evil character has a name like Dark Lord Deathbringer

I mean honestly, what chance did the kid have? I'd be interested in seeing someone with that name just grow up to be a good natured normie, I think that'd be a more interesting story.

Hades in KI:U was great though.

>Evil edgy item is the most powerful

>every evil star wars character ever

Iirc Dissidia Final Fantasy does this

It's like with Voldemort and Darth Vader though. Those aren't actually their names. Voldemort's name is Tom, while Vader's name is Anakin.

They choose their edgy villain names.

>he hasn’t played the best JRPG in recent times

What General Grievous?

And Sheev. That's a name to drive you to evil if I've ever heard it.

>"good" god is a woman
>"evil" god is a woman
>the "good" goddess that everyone worships is the one that causes the apocalypse
>the "evil" goddess is the one who wants to undo it
>they're actually the same being

>Dude: hey can you help me collect an evil set of weapons belonging to a demon Lord so I can exorcise them and break the curse on my family
>Lloyd: okay sure what's your name my dude
>Dude: abyssion
>Lloyd: *laughs*


Yeah I didn't like Moana that much

That's a cool sword

Fire Emblem

It was Radiant Dawn but okay

God is just

>you get to kill a god

>hey Abortion Lord Wrathfilled, how goes your job at the church?

Leftists in my university instead of saying "thank God" actually go out of their way to say "thank goddess", sometimes they accidentally say "God" and correct themselves, and they do that for the sheer purpose of pissing Christians off

This made me deeply despise leftists and almost made me like Sup Forums (almost)

That's super gay. I say thank God when the situation is dire.

It's honestly kind of dumb to assume God has any fixed gender at all.

Why don't they just say "thank heavens"? They are the ones always so super anal about people assuming genders and here they go and do it for a never seen creature.

Being an absolute perfection it would be logical to assume God is a hermaphrodite.

But isn't god already supposed to be genderless all powerful thing without form?

Nanatsu no taizai? Though that isn't video games.

Here's how it works in Christianity.

First of all, "gender" is something specific to physical beings, more specifically flesh entities like animals. Spirits don't have a "gender", that's why there is no such thing as male or female angels.

While God and angels are purely spiritual beings, and while beings like dogs and cats are purely physical and "fleshy", humans are some form of hybrid. We are spiritual beings stuck temporarily in a flesh body. This is very special because spirits are eternal, meaning they exist outside of time, and humans are the only type of spirits that are stuck in time. We have a past, a present and a future.

So yeah, spirits do not have a gender. Humans do because we have a body.


You must always refer to God using male pronouns. Not because he is male, but because males and females have very defined roles in Christianity. Females can't assume leader roles in spirituality for example. You can't see a female priest, or even a female pastor in a protestant church. There are maaany reasons for that and a lot of biblical foundation for this, so much I couldn't fit in a post. For that reason, you refer to God using specifically male pronouns. Even gender neutral ones would be incorrect.

You are free to think this is dumb, but that's simply how it works in Christianity, and that's why using the term "goddess" pisses Christians off.

>God is greek



I'm guessing most of them don't even believe in God and are doing the "thank Goddess" thing just to piss off religious people because they think every religious person is a vicious misogynist who can't stand the idea of God being female.

That's almost it. They are all atheists, or have some fancy african religion they don't even believe in but just assume to please the minorities, or are, as Lewis would describe, "materialist magicians", aka people that believe in signs, luck, karma and such.

However, being annoyed by the term "goddess" is not "misogyny". See for why it is not tolerable.

What if God was a beautiful/cute woman? I think it would make a lot of sense.

>"Evil" god is a woman
>This "evil" god was actually used as a tool by a "more evil" god who is a man and the woman god helps you defeat him

Jesus Christina that's dumb

Preventing women to reach certain position based on their gender actually is misogyny, no matter how deep they went into philosophical discussion in attempt to justify it. It's enough to see that while spiritual beings are genderless, God himself is somehow a man, to notice they went out of their way to place male gender above all.

>You can't see a female priest, or even a female pastor in a protestant church
Perhaps you should've said Orthodox or Catholic because there are plenty of female Protestant pastors out there.

You just don't want to understand I guess.

God is not male. Being male has some characteristics and traits, such as being capable to be a spiritual leader. God shares that trait, so you call him God.

A woman can't be a spiritual leader. That's why there is no such thing as a "goddess".

Misogyny implies one gender is superior to the other and that's not what happens in Christianity. Christianity simply has defined roles for each gender.

Just like there are pro-abortion pastors or even communist ones. These are aberrations and false prophets. The Bible is very clear on how women can't be pastors.

just what? just a faggot? just retarded? or did you mean JUST

If we want to get pedantic about it that's still not misogyny, as that puts the focus on a hatred of women. Recognising a difference between men and women on a multitude of levels and basing their roles around it is more practical than anything else. Personally, I refer to God with male pronouns because there's no mention of Him referred to with female pronouns in the Bible. With no scriptural precedent there's no reason to. Closest there is is in Genesis where is says man and woman were created in God's image.


Radiant Dawn?

Did you forget that "just" can also mean righteous/fair?

>Closest there is is in Genesis where is says man and woman were created in God's image.
and even that probably relates to the spiritual side, not the physical side. if you want to get into some symbolism, the part where "god slays an animal and clothes adam and eve in animal skins" may refer to their spirits being enclosed in the flesh some animal race, likely some form of proto human primate.

not a game but Star Wars: The Clone Wars

>want to please minorities
>call god a goddess
>this pisses off muslims

>the bad end is actually the good one

Classic matriarchy

Hey there, brother. It's rare to see a fellow Christian that holds knowledge of the difference between spirits and flesh.
If you are an atheist, it is even more rare to see atheists that studied enough to find that information, so kudos for you too.

not a native english speaker, so yeah forgot.

>"Good" gods consist of both men and women
>"Evil" gods consist of both men and women

TES a best

>perfect being having periods

If god exists and had anything female about him the entire universe would've ended in god's first bitch fit.

best - god is beyond the petty distinctions that plague mortal logic

>Evil edgy item is the second most powerful to the Good edgy item

>god is an incomprehensible being so far above humanity and our capability to understand and interpret things that he doesn't even really intervene or give a fuck about us and we're just a side-effect of creation

A game should have this as the final revelation.

>good god is a woman
>evil god is a woman
>your travelling partner is a descendant of evil god
>every enemy is a woman
>the only useful man you meet is the ghost of a dude who died like 300 years ago
good god was evil all along
but not really
evil god was good all along
but really

This has been a thing since ancient times

>'Good' god is a Woman (male)
>'Evil' God is a Male (Female)


t. Dave Sim

wasn't that the deal in xenogears, with the wave existence?


>Goddess has giant motherly tits

>What a story dude!


You're being butthurt about the wrong thing. It's not "women are good, men are bad", the female goddess is usually portrayed as the good deity because it has stereotypically female traits, such as compassion, emotion, pacificity, being a mother figure, etc. The male god carries traits like drive, desire, strength, etc. More stereotypically masculine features.

That's more of a bother for being such a cheap cliche.

>Empire is always evil
>Kingdom is always good

>implying the great flood wasn't a bitch fit

>"Good" god is a woman
>"Evil" god is a man
>"good" god is basically just as bad as the "evil" god
Too bad it's rare.

FFXIII trilogy


>evil god is a sexy woman

>god is just some dude that can be killed by a bunch of teenagers in their spare time

>god is not god

>God doesn't exist

>Woman god is an evil PMSing bitch
>Man god is a pure done nothing wrong bloke

Fairy Fencer F

Kid Icarus to an extent

Did the ancients fapped to their goddesses?

I don't believe you.

i can dig

>The good god is objective and rational.
>Not a slightly less capricious dick than the evil one.

Name something a woman can be in Christianity that a man cant, beyond something biological.

That's why one gender is superior in your case, because one is allowed to do something that another can't, without any other balance. It seems to me the only thing women can be that men can't are mothers, and that's biological.

>all through the game you find people brainwashed by a god who is the main antagonist
>You try to kill the god
>It wasn't a god, but the manifestation of darkness
>you kill it by shooting it until it bleeds and explodes
>It never returns for the rest of the series

It's mostly based off Paul saying he doesn't permit any woman to be over him, but I've heard varying discussions on whether that was specific instructions to that church in particular. There's other verses here and there used to back the argument up though. Keep in mind that Paul also said that celibacy is the best thing ever and everyone should do it, and that marriage was for those could weren't cut out for celibacy (although he does state this as opinion).

>somehow one god can kill the other god who has equal power
Explain yourself Zanza

>have some fancy african religion they don't even believe in but just assume to please the minorities
isn't this just textbook "cultural appropriation" though

>God is a space whale

>god has a gender

Kid Icarus

Dark Souls

>evil characters are often sexy
>puritan proto sjws tried to make "sexiness is evil" social commentary out of that
>instead it was turned into evil is sexy
>sexy is bad, you should go for the plain jane like a good boy
>people turn to the dark side instead


>no TV
>no porn
>giant naked statues on every street corner

Black Ops 3 zombie mode