ITT: Hidden gems
ITT: Hidden gems
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I don't get the hate it gets. It's my favorite game in the franchise by a good bit
I tried to play this game but honestly it never made any sense. I felt like I went nowhere in it.
gay game desu
No. It has interesting ideas but ultimatly falls pretty flat and isn't that great to play. It only gets any kind of attention due to either the controversy, the rariety or usually both together. Classic example of "just because it's rare that dosn't make it good"
emerls ending still hurts me deeply
Had a couple faps to this game.
There is literally 0 reason for someone to not have played this
This and the previous one (midway)
That game was fucking great. Getting Emerl going moveset-wise was also amazing.
Good taste
Best platformer on the system.
The controls for red ninja were absolutely horrendous. Not playable at all.
I wish it showed up more on Capcom cross over shit.
It got hate? I thought this was a great game, a favorite of mine when I was a kid.
God I forgot about that stupid fucking controversy, it really was a different time back then. I doubt something this blatantly false would get believed as easily today.
>Motherfuckig Sonic, Castlevania, Luigi's Mansion, Loco Roco
I don't think you know what 'hidden gem' means.
i fucking loved this game
There's currently a controversy about Detroit Becoming Human (???) about the exact same thing
...About false claims of being a game about beating, raping and killing childrens?
A franchise that is popular can have games that are very underlooked.
.t brainlet
They were no worse than tank controls and 14 year old me was able to beat the game just fine.
Nigga that game isn't even good.
I enjoyed the Battle Spirit games on GBA.
Fucking loved this game. Friends and I played the shit out of it.
Here's a game Sup Forums never talks about
Baby's first rythm game
Very good action game.
OMG ths game is so underrated eh
my man
My nigga
>File size as a sale point
Times have changed
It pales in comparison to the original.
Digimon Fucking World 3
2003 more specifically
Why can't modern linear adventure games be as fun and challenging as this.
What is this? Is it on ps4?
Here's something depressing.
Super Cloudbuild and yes.
This game is really fun, played it to death with my childhood friend when we were both kids
This was one of my favorite DS games tbch
Played it recently on the pc. These damned underwater levels and the nazi drill tank. Ford sounds like it's going to fall asleep.
I'm seriously considering getting an xbox 1 to play this shit again
I don't see this game get talked about nearly enough
why was the first game 10x better then the second. The first one was rough, unpolished, but the second game was a mess.
Anyways,what you whyte bois know about THIS?
There are a lot of hidden games on this great console like Buffy (posted earlier), Otogi games, Jade Empire, Voodoo Vince and so on
is this the game with the pick your girlfriend menu?
too bad it's shit
>It will never be on Steam
Its not that bad, i got alot of enjoyment out of it, other warioland games are better tho
[Spoiler] New Wario Land Never Fucking Ever ;-;
Awesome game. I liked Fight for NY too. Played Sean Paul/Lil Flip/Ludacris
I've never played that game but I know the OST is a 10/10.
The sequel to the original xbox exclusive was pretty decent.
It played and looked great. It also runs at 60 fps.
some of my friends really like this but i can't get into it. it's just not very fun.
you want a wario game? then go with this one
This is for hidden gems, not shit games.
Oh i played it, alongside all other Wario land games, well except for the Virtual Boy one, dont have a VB and idk a good emulator
Very nice.
Didn't someone make a fan game of that and put a trojan in it?
Unironically the best game team Sonic ever made and it's not even a Sonic game.
>not PSO
think that was just the sequel,at one point carmen electra tries to cuck your GF and you have to pick one to fight with to claim your created characters cock.
I don't remember who my gf was way back then though,had to be cindy or kimora since I wasn't into black chicks as a kid.
It's a pretty ok beatemup.
Everybody had this game faggot.
I think it would be pretty hard to toally emulate a VB. I watched a lets play of it just out of curiosity.
I loved those Wario Land games and I still do. On the Gameboy they were far superior then the Mario Games.
A quite decent, but short, platforming/adventure game.
I bought it and didn't like it. I found how broken the game was and never lost a fight due to stun-locking the enemies forever. Hell in the final fight I did just that. I traded it in for sonic advance 3.
I've had the demo back when I was a kid with a shitty Pentium 2 PC.
I never beat the stage boss, hell I'd probably do even worse nowadays since my 2D platformer skills died years ago.
here you go, another great game
It's DMC mixed with God of War but you play as a fucking flaming skeleton on a motorcycle in hell
my dude
Fight me.
Ok now fight me again but for 10 KOs.
Fun game but it's padded out so hard.
Initiating recovery mode.