Name the least popular game you actually love

Name the least popular game you actually love

Kingdoms of Amalur

Far Cry 2 I guess



thats pretty popular user
just not these days

Kara no Shojo

Yep. Fucking loved the fae and how their lives were endless repetition, and the kolossai or whatever the fuck they were, pretending to be civilized and better than the other giant races with their greek themes, but their idea of Argument was just beating the shit out of one another because might makes right.

Far Cry 2 leaves terrible first impression, but it's pretty decent when you get used to it's respawning checkpoints

Double Action: Boogaloo

Cortex Command

if only he finished making it, piratefags ruin everything

Titan Quest.


Easily Sub Rosa.

Onimusha 3

Deadly Premonition

Far Cry 2 was rancid horseshit. I bought that game to play it back to back with Fallout 3 when F3 came out to have a nice contrast. I beat that game and it was so damn aggravating. Every opportunity it had to become good was quickly washed away with its incessant aggressive AI encounters at every corner.

Urban Reign

My nigga.

>Kingdoms of Amalur
Same here, the game's a blast. Shame it'll never get a sequel.

Final Fantasy II


I know it's pretty popular but it's the only non multi million selling game i can give a 10.

Laugh My Fucking Ass Off!!!!

Legend of Spyro

Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri

Smash bros brawl
Zelda skyward sword
Zelda twilight princess

Heavy Rain

I know it's retarded but I love it

Spore. We all know it isn't what its supposed to be but for what it is, it's still a good game imo and will always have a special place in my heart.

Nobody knows it and sequel never ever.

I seriously wouldn't be able to enjoy the game.
Everytime it gets mentioned I have to think how many people are ruined because of that game

HOMM IV and Gothic 3


Heavy Rain is awesome my dude. I still have fun introducing new people to that game and watching them play and make decisions. The story and soundtrack are great.

Least popular game on my 3x3 is probably civ2.

>have shit rng in real life and whatever loot of based game i play
>try to play this

It baffles me how underrated The Warriors game is, it's without a doubt the best movie licensed game ever made and it's extremely fun and you can even play through all of it in local co-op.

Amalur had a lot of really neat ideas baked into it. Like how it was a setting with objectively deterministic fate, and any idiot could just call a fortuneteller and find out how they were going to be doing in three decades, and then the main character just comes along and fucks that up for everybody. The problem was that they were trying way too hard to make the setting the Next Big Thing and so all the interesting stuff got buried under a plot about an evil overlord and sidequests about bandits and all the other stock fantasy game material. If they had made a game that was only about their original ideas it would have been way stronger.

I know it, fuck, it's a deep, dark childhood memory. It's fukken great.

Dungeons of Dredmor and Game & Watch Gallery 2 come to mind

>there is still no other brigandine game

it still hurt bros

Great game.

Well, the games was made by a company that was founded by a MLB player. The whole thing went to shit, I think even Rhode Island had to pay up some shit, Curt Shilling (the MLB player) had to sell his house and personal stuff

>Smash bros brawl
>Zelda skyward sword
>Zelda twilight princess
They all sold millions

>nobody knows it
Wrong. Absolutely love this game.

Also pic related.

Gunpei's Super Mario Land

It's not "unpopular" but it doesn't seem to receive as much praise as all the other mario games

IMO outside of length this game trumps the the NES SMB every day of the week.

Artificial Academy 2.

mi negro

I remember the guy posted the alpha of this game a few years back on Sup Forums.

I complained about there being zero learning curve and the entire thread just went down on me and called me a casual, good to see that the game's actually completed.

The music was top notch. I remember loving the game when I was maybe six or seven.

I feel you, the level design/variety is also amazing too, we went from the vanilla zone, to Egypt-themed, under sea shooting sections, Easter Island... I was too casual to go beyond the flying section as a kid but every level being slightly different than the other was an amazing thing.

This is the game I was always looking for. I played it on PS1 and forgot about, even asked /tg/ about this and they don't know when I described it cause maybe it was too vague for me too remember. Thanks user.

007 legends

Combat (2001), I love this game but NOBODY knows about it

I remember there was an asian world too, I'd get stuck there a lot when I was younger. Had little kicking enemies. Finally beating the game felt like I was on top of the world.

John Woo's Stranglehold.


Ground Control 2

I’ve never met another soul whose played it other than myself and my college roommate. Best part was the soundtrack, but everything was really good too. It’s probably the best release title I’ve ever played.

I don't think any other game has had the "If you kill him you will be just like him" problem as hard as this one did.

Far too easy a game but you know what user, it was beautiful looking on release. Good call.

Spec Ops The Line.

I'm usually a gameplay first kinda guy, I believe that no story can redeem bad gameplay, but this is my one exception.

No mans sky.
I objectively know it’s shit, but found it serenely relaxing for a good twenty odd hours.

After that I played it like I was hatefucking it for the achievements, but those first twenty or so hours were nice.

Gameplay for spec ops wasn't bad, it was just really bland.

Orcs Must Die

I can't think of any games I like that are unpopular, or even figure out which is the least popular unless I just name some obscure shit. Damn, I like videogames.

But Kara no Shojo is good???

Spec Ops was really well received for what it is though, I remember you can't trip over a single thread on Sup Forums 4-5 years back without hearing praises of the game.

1 was pretty good, I remembering getting excited to play 2 after immediately finishing 1 but I just dropped 2 after the first level.

Oh shit how was The Disaster Artist movie? I liked the audiobook.

>Prince of persia
im just a sucker for good cell shading

The Forest. Game manages to have real suspense without having to resort to multiplayer "there's a nigger with a gun around every corner" bullshit.

Not a lot like the book except for a rough outline of the events. Where the Disaster Artist is a tragic monster story with Greg and Tommy's relationship as the focusing lens, the movie tries to spin it as a traditional buddy comedy. Now shut up and talk about video games.

had an amazing soundtrack too

Duck Game

Streets of Rogue, pretty cool early access game
im not a shill

Holy fuck that game was amazing. I wish it was able to be emulated correctly, It's 100+ dollars online.

RYSE: Son of Rome is a stupid and short button masher but i like how it looks and chopping barbarians is fun

Destiny 2

learning curve isn't the only problem... the game is just boring shit about micromanagement


Hey, where's the guy who's going to explain why the respawning outpost enemies are part of the director's creative vision? I hate that faggot.

Sin Episodes, short with only a few guns in it but I loved the actual gameplay and style of it. It had a really cool dynamic difficulty thing going on so it was never too easy but never ball breakingly hard either. Shame it didnt go past the first episode

fuck you niggers, the game is immersive as fuck, despite its shortcomings I still really really enjoyed it
I wish more games went greater lengths to make you feel like you're in the game world

Watchmen beatemups

Trails Of Cold Steel 1 and 2

For Honor. I would probably have dropped it months ago, but the shit is just too unique, literally my dream game if it weren't so poorly damaged and had more game modes

The Wild Eternal. I know for a fact I'm the only one on Sup Forums who played it because it's been mentioned only three times in the archive and it's all me.


I put 300 something hours on Borderlands 2 Co-op

*poorly balanced

Fallout 4. Despite the fact the voiced protagonist, gutted rpg system and abysmal dlc are kind of lame, i still had a lot of fun with the game. More fun than the 200 hours i pumped into nu vegas waiting for it to actually get good and being disappointed the whole way through.

I also love the game but the nigger respawn rate is a major grievance I have with it.

One of my favorite games of all time. Story, gameplay and soundtrack are top notch.
MP was kinda fun too

English title is "Diggles: The Myth of Fenris"

Loved it. Kinda was a bit like Rimworld/Dwarf Fortress before these were even a thing. Although this one is more story based.

Every citizen had an inventory, skills that increased by work, increase of population via sex, exploration, Quests, etc.

Yet, I feel like I was the only one that ever played it. Finding a torrent is also nearly impossible these days.

Dungeon Siege i guess

Beating a nigger with a tree branch

lost kingdoms 2

>there's a nigger mutant with a club around every corner

The game is goddamn masterpiece. Nobody expected anything from the series then but it came and killed it. I will shill and defend it to death.

It's a shame that Reflections is now just a Ubisoft's fuckboy that assisted shit instead of making their own game. Also a shame that Watch Dogs driving is so fucking godawful despite being developed by them.

>Hidden & Dangerous 2
legit one of the most intense WWII tactical shooters out there, makes Brothers in Arms look like a baby's game.