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Dubs are always superior in my mind. Japanese voice acting is unique and is impossible to replicate in English. It's like going to an opera but wanting the actors to do the play in English instead of German because you don't understand German.

I can't understand Japanese so I never use just subtitles.

English voice when available. I'm not 100% weeb to understand moonrunes nor I'm willing to hear high-pitched gibberish when you could hear "bad" voice acting that you actually understand.

Sub is undoubtedly better, but I still went with dub cause I find something charming about, and I enjoy the accents.

Some pivotal scenes really lack the emotion I feel like the sub can bring. Probably go with that on my second playthrough.

Both play twice and switch the second playthrough listen to whatever you didn't listen to the first time.

Have a guess. I learned Japanese specifically to avoid this nonsense

the europoor accents of dub are awful

Dub sounds like Xenoblade chronicles 2 abridged. You literally can't take that shit seriously.

Even without getting too weeb here, it's a simple fact that the Japanese voice actors were more purposefully selected and has been more money spent on them.
If you look at from a purely monetary standpoint, if you play with the English voiceover you are wasting more money, because you have paid more for the Japanese one.

I hear none of the banter or combat dialogue is subtitled, so thats why I'm leaning towards english voices...

Original v98ce actirs are selected and directed by the people making the gaame themselves. It's how the characters were meant to be portrayed. Dub only exists for brainlets.
No matter the language go for original you fucktwat.

Just by watching a few cutscenes, I can tell this game would be unbearable and cringey as fuck in English voices.

If I'm going to dip in this anime frontier, might aswell take the dive head first and have them spout Japanese gibberish.


yeah but the problem is that the only thing subtitled are the cut-scenes. all banter and stuff being said during combat is not translated so you're kinda lost...

Well the dub is hot (Welsh) garbage and the sub is just the subtitled dub so really it's up to you and whatever sounds better to your ears.

Personally I prefer the sub but again it's your preference.


I don't think the banter is all that extensive. And you absolutely don't want to hear the combat dialogue, anyway, it's way too hectic and just sounds awful.

Japanese voice are always superior, only retarded contrarians thinks otherwise.

Japan actually has a big dubbing/voice actors industry, and they take it way more serious, and when people become voice actors for anime is because they want, americans anime voice actors are most likely to be rejects from cartoons and other stuff that pay more.

Take an example of actual good dub by the japanese

>people unironically collect the joycons in every available colour

Every single person on this planet needs to stop acting like voice acting is such serious business and just play the game.

yeah, that's the shit right there that caused me to go to the sub

>Well the dub is hot (Welsh) garbage
Nia's not even poorly acted for the most part, not sure why people get a stick up their ass over her when Rex exists.

what are you poor, it's only $80 for one

Subs don't have bad lip syncing but some of the voice choices don't sit with me well so i went dub.
There's one particular scene that i remember the dub flubbing but a scene later on makes up for it because there's a certain character that i've seen people not recognize because they only know him by his dub voice.

do you really want to hear annoying welsh accents for 80 hours?

Who the fuck was in charge of the subbing?, what a piece of shit. Isn't this an AA game?, how can that happen.

this is irony right? i cant tell anymore

I can't remember a single JRPG from memory that subbed non-cutscene dialogue. Seems pretty standard.

When the game has a heavy emphasis on the story, yes it becomes a problem dumbass.
There is no reason not to go with the original voices. Character banter are but little thing missing. The english voice directors and actors have no idea how and why the characters were meant to act X way. It's just dumb. Memes aren't a reason to go with dub either.

>I'm at over 70 hours and am only at the start of Chapter 5.

This game is perfect for my OCD where I can run thru towns endlessly at different times of day and run into new texts or even quests at any time.

Sheeit man in kiwiland it's like 150 for a two set from eb (but hey it's down to 98 because of that sale ;^) )

>do you understand jap?
fine, go with jap audio

>don't you understand jap?
use english audio

it's not that hard

why are jab voiceovers so cringy? it seems like every character screams like a retard in every japanese vidya i've played

no idea, but I kind agree with you...if would take a week extra at most to subtitle the banter and combat dialogue, but as says, I guess thats not how JP companies do things...

well I dont understand JP, but I still watch anime with JP voices and ENG subtitles since everything is subtitled, not just "random" parts....

>Languages are different
Really niggles the noggin

same here. I spent probably 200+ hours in XCX, can't wait to do the same here

Do you watch your anime or foreign movie dubbed too retard?

Went with dub since jap is just cringy animey. The british accent makes the story stupid and fun, something to not take too seriously.

then just try both and look what you like better
I actually like the english dub especially Nia

We are truly jrpg connoisseurs.

I also just bought Tokyo Xanadu Ex+ on Steam to play after i finish XC2

>still watch anime with JP voices and ENG subtitles
Most of the battle quips and "banter" consist of pretty common and familiar phrases anyway, especially if you've watched a fair bit of anime. I'd be surprised if you couldn't vaguely pick out their meanings.

yes, because I don't understand jap and it's just gibberish for me, so there is absolutly no point for me



>Anime artstyle
>It's too anime!!!! Id rather 40 year old grannies voice young characters!!

Subs. English voice acting is horrible because no culture of dubbing

subs assuming you have the ability to read

rushing a xenoblade game is actually punishable by death in my country.

Sub, then watch the Malos scenes on youtube since he's the only one trying in the dub.

kono chikara kimitachi no mamoru

I don't even speak Japanese and I know what this shit means thanks to anime

Nia, rex poppi and zeke have amazing dubs. Pyra/mythra is unforgivable trash

chapter 5 as well, 210 hours


you mean Metsu?




He could have done what i did and just left the switch on overnight while farming merc missions

>Holy grail becomes Aegis
>God becomes Architect
>Yoshitsune to Akhos
They went full retard here. Started learning japanese for this very reason.

>Nia's not even poorly acted for the most part, not sure why people get a stick up their ass over her when Rex exists.

It just clashes too much with the character she portrays. It's more a matter of terrible miscasting than acting.

> Kotaku

I just watched this to see how bad it would be - and this amount if stupid faggotry far surpassed my wildest imaginations, holy shit.

Why do you have so much trouble accepting the fact that catgirls are just like any other girls in this universe. They don't need a squeaky voice.

Who are you to say that? Why do you think they cast the actress Nia has in japanese?


>Riki has a cute voice to accompany his cute design in the original game? LMAO let's like, give a 40 year old male voice!!!!
Anybody who thinks this is good should kill themselves.

Xenoblade's dub was actually pretty good.

As the for cutscene in question, I do wonder about Nopon culture:

> in Xenoblade 1, Rikki's wife is a gigantic bitch
> in Xenoblade 2, there's the occuring theme over multiple Nopons where the female leaves the family

I haven't played X, so I can't say too much about that.

I can't take the dub seriously, those accents coming out of anime characters in cliched anime scenarios is just too much for me.

>>Holy grail becomes Aegis
so from an object that's just all-round holy it became a godly object related to war(αἰγίς = a shield or a piece of armor used by Athena and Zeus)? i think it's fine change.
>>God becomes Architect
i see no wrong with this, to be honest, and i can understand their decidion to name their god Architect as to not upset our western religious people.
>>Yoshitsune to Akhos
from a reference to a japanese warlord Minamoto no Yoshitsune he became a reference to Αχος, a greek god of grief. it's a fine change to let the western people understand it.

>clashes too much with the character she portrays
okay lets see here
>jp Niyah
a squeaky toy of a catgirl #67905; her childish voice does not match her constantly angry personality, IMHO, but japs like it when beauty and disgrace are combined so who am i to judge
>en Nia
with a wide range of Welsh swearwords i'd say she's a pretty good fit for the "tsundere" role, if you think otherwise yer' a cunt an yew know it

At least nopons are better than Chus


Xenoblade 1 had a fucking fantastic dub. It was one of the worst catalysts the dub vs sub arguments had around here because it was an example of an actually good dub.

>Xenoblade 1 had a fucking fantastic dub.
I really hoped that it would've raised the bar in terms of standards of dubs given how good it was, and yet here people are lapping up XB2's dub and unironically calling it "good".

>horrible boner for bong accents but know better than to watch my anime dubbed

People really have no standards sometimes, but it was also really obvious Xenoblade's dub wouldn't raise anyone's standards. Xenoblade barely got a localization and even then NoE did it in a time when no one at all gave a shit about them. You need the right people to care enough about the game for something like this to happen and that's just incredibly rare for localizations in the west.

Have you seen how Nia dances when she gives her weapon to her blade? Like I said earlier the people who wrote the fucking story have a say in the casting, and her performance matched their vision. Your literal who voice directo and literal who voce actors had no hand in the making of the game.

Have you heard of subtitles?

>multitasking is hard lmao
There are people like this out there so subtitles just don't do the job for them

I would collect them if they came in limited edition designs and shit

sure, but it's just annoying to me, when I have to listens to something I can't understand, just distracting

i really like the dub
its a bit weird but the english scottish and welsh accents and jolly

dub since the non cutscene dialogue isn't subbed and i like knowing what they're saying. Also some of the japanese voices are kinda shit.

>consistently great tone and delivery
>lip sync works
>nip words in combat seem less repetitive than if you understand what's being said

>no banter
>no delicious welsh Nia
>no Chad Malos
>no pure sex Pyra

>some scenes are legitimately great in dub
>more is conveyed through dub at times
>Think you can take me

>some repetitive battle dialogue
>lip sync can be pretty wonky
>Don't forget me

dubfags need to leave this website and never come back.

make me

Don't forget me

imagine playing this with english """voice acting""" without cringing all the way through. How do people who play with the godawful dub manage doing it?


Stockholm Syndrome and Desensitization

>dub ever
my friend. That ipod you lost, you know what to do.

i'll just leave this here

But it is bad. Same with Pyra/Mythra & Morag. So flat, uninterested, monotone, dull, no emotion of any kind, etc. Like a wet paper bag.

Now Tora, Malos, Jin, Rex's casual speaking, Poppi, Padraig, the common blades, Dromarch, Akhos, the other Torna kids, Zeke, Amalthus, & so many others? THOSE are good as far as the dub goes.

It's concluded already.
English dub is garbage
There is no need to argue now

Annoying welsh?

user that accent is the whole reason I'm buying the game!

Which do you like?


OP here I went with English. Ill go JP second playthrough

The English dub is terrible for battle yells and such plus they translated things kinda strangely for some characters. It all comes down to really how much you like UK accents mostly. I prefer the original Japanese.

I like Gramps, Poppi and Tora in English better.
However I just can't fucking stand Nia's voice.
Had to change to JP, sorry.

SUB: you don't understand it and can pretend it's better
DUB: it's in your own language although if you're playing cliche anime fanshit garbage you probably don't understand that either.

throw a dart