Me and a couple of friends are gonna have a 5-day lan-party over new years, we will be between 12 and 18 people...

Me and a couple of friends are gonna have a 5-day lan-party over new years, we will be between 12 and 18 people. Games we plan to play so far:
Sven Coop
HL Deathmatch
Stronghold Crusader
Star Wars Empire At War
SW: BF2 (the original one ofc)
World in Conflict
Battle for Wesnoth
Anno 1602
Titan Quest
Grim Dawn

Anything we are missing? Would be great if the game was available on gog or available drm-free in general

No anons playing lan anymore?

how about dat C&C tho?


swat 4

openra is c&c red alert on a rewritten more modern engine
Was thinking about that too, will bring it up

Dude really good list. Hard to add antything of value.
- battlefield vietnam
- cs 1.6 or 1.5 (de_rats fy_snow)
-Civ 5 for chillgame

GTA2 is actually a pretty nice idea thanks

Shorten the list, it's hard to get people all on the same page with so many options. I would cut q3 for either UT99 or Halo:CE, there's just too much skill ceiling and potential for one player to splatter everyone else in quake. You can give everyone a chance to play, compete and have fun with a spam fest like UT99 or a simplified game like Halo:CE.

Consider non-pc local multiplayer. I'm not saying console shooters, but you would be surprised how much fun mario party is with the right set of casual competitive players.

Age of Mythology
Mount and Blade Warband
Natural Selection 2

Good one

Gotta have racing games for downtime.
Flatout2 is best.

Also rune.

Forgot to add that, nice

>Natural Selection 2
This, Most fun I had in a LAN

>battle for wesnoth
You seem like a cool bunch of dudes. I hope you have a great new years party.

Second flatout 2.

Just to clarify: Flaout 2 only supports 8 players.

arma games maybe?

Thanks user, have a good one too. Battle for Wesnoth is so underrated. It's a great game that's deserves more exposure
Anywhere I can get naturla selection drm-free? Or just torrent as an option

>Anywhere I can get naturla selection drm-free? Or just torrent as an option
Unfortunately no gog version. But if you can find a pirated version you should be able to just LAN it through tunngle or something.

I'll look into it. I think tremolous is a similar game thats free, though
Few of us play arma so I think the learning curve is abit high.
That's my fear too, but on the other hand we have so much time.

Fucking ElDewrito man. It's free, it takes 2 minutes to download, it runs on toasters, and it's a fucking stolen PC port of Halo 3 with kb+m/4K and leaked online.

>5 days
Make sure you shower

No sleep, no showers, no pussies (literally)
The house we're at is under construction atm so we literally have no shower, but there's a public swimming pool nearby where we can shower and go for a swim, also my gf lives only a couple of minutes away
Why have I never heard of this?

Rise of Nations
Killing Floor 2
Payday 2
RS2 Vietnam
Halo PC custom edition (torrent it, online werks)
Dying Light

Where is the lanparty i want to come now:(

>Sven Coop

Awww shieeeeeeeet.

Have you played Synergy for HL2? Same premise, but I can't really speak for the quality of the maps.

Nope will look into it.
Any tips for sven coop maps? So far we mostly played toon run

18man co-op will be a fucking blast

Get the they_hunger maps and afraid of monsters, crank the health and strength of enemies, last but not least the 2ch maps are batshit fun. I suggest getting even a map pack they should have on the official site too.

It's a great game but maybe too high of a leraning curve to get so many people behind it
Thanks for the tip user

There's a similar Mario party map with different mechanics at Sven co-op. That might work for him.

I'll see if I can get my friend to bring his switch or wii u or sth.

>that many people

Going to a LAN party with my friends in a few hours. We're just 4 though. Also we're going to be drinking as well, and the LAN is in a penthouse apartment in the middle of the city.


Try and get smash melee as well.

4 People is comfy desu, 6-8 dedicated people is perfect though.

C&C: Yuri's Revenge
FlatOut 2

Just jerk each other off fag

Yeah it will be perfect for some Left4Dead 2.

Then we'll probably play some Stronghold Crusader. When its getting late I imagine we'll play Civilization 5 until we fall asleep, or alternatively shumble drunkenly into the city.

Oh yeah and we'll deffinetly play some Warcraft 3 custom maps. We usually play a Lotro defense map where each control a hero against a tide of enemies. We've only managed to complete it successfully once, its really hard.

>trojan party
No thanks.


fightan games and Neotokyo

So who's gonna be the designated healslut who sucks everybody's cocks under the table and gets gangbanged during breaks for 5 days.

don't worry we always use protection
WC3 Custom maps still are the shit man

Can I join pls

Heal Slut Position is still open guys

OP already said his gf lives like minutes away.

What kind of gf? Is it a girl(male)friend or a girl(girl)friend?

>Implying I'm a cuck.

>Implying you're not

ask around if any of your friends has a set of rock band instruments. having 4 guys play that shit while others watch and have and have a laugh, or have time to also wind off.

Have you planned any compos?

Unironically GunZ.

Shit's DMC online.

Compos as in competitions?
Shit I remember spending half a day downloading that game with a shitty internet connection back in the day