>This game is bad
>It didn't age well
This game is bad
Ocarina of Time is a good example of this, it does suck because of its age.
Ocarina of Time aged like milk
A Link to the Past aged like wine
games aging is the dankest, most classic Sup Forums meme.
Serious question, why don't they just re-release old games so that they're new again? People use the milk example all the time but when your milk ages you just buy new milk, why not just sell a newer copy of the game for people with old ones?
I can't watch Black and white movies it's the same with old games.
Don't be daft. Re-releasing the exact same game is like grabbing spoiled milk from the trash and putting it in a new package.
It's physically impossible for a game to get worse over time if it isn't an online game
It's the same fucking game
I play VR games exclusively for this reason.
Not if you put it on a new disc.
Do you actually put liquids in the trash instead of the drain?
>this game has aged
>some nebulous shit like "game controls have moved forward" or something equally as stupid.
Please let this be a troll
Nobody can be this daft
How did you fuck up the resolution this bad?
>new game comes out with different control scheme
>people give it patience
>old game controls different from contemporary game
>people do not give it patience
I don't understand this, people seem to perceive "different" as good when it's new but bad when it's old, in reality though it is what it is, just something different than what you're used to.
>This Steak is bad
>because it's old
A Boy and His Blob, for NES, propably was such revolutionizing game when it was released, but look at it now.
Well games can show their age in the way they feel compared to newer games in the series.
What the hell does this even mean?
People who deny that games age are the same babies who grew up with Xbox 360 and PS3
Nobody today is going to get the same experience I and others got the first time we got a n64 and loaded up GoldenEye or Ocarina of Time after years of playing on SNES
If it was possible to enjoy it ever, it's possible to enjoy it now.
that's not true at all
people loved the NES but playing those games is torture nowadays
Think about it, the people who say this are used to playing games that all control exactly the same.
My normie cousin legitimately invited me over 2 weeks ago to play NES games with a group of his friends. Nobody had a bad time so I doubt it's akin to torture. Besides me and him nobody else had grown up with the NES.
I absolutely hate this argument. It logically makes sense to judge a videogame based on the timeframe it was released on, but retards will compare ff1 to ff15 no matter what
The NES has one of the best libraries ever. So many games that are straight up classics.
OoT aged fine, it still plays decently despite its problems. Goldeneye on the other hand aged like shit
Judge games in a vacuum, if it's fun it's fun, if it's not it's not, don't impose a bias one way or the other. Bias AINT logical.
even the worst games can be fun when played with a group of friends
maybe NES games aren't completely unplayable, and not all of them are bad, but the vast majority are so outdated it's difficult to enjoy them
You shouldn't try to state your opinions like some general fact. It's okay if you don't like NES games but don't pretend like everyone has to dislike them.
>Me and my friend hooked up PErfect Dark on the n64
>His brother and friends come in later who are like 8 years younger than us
>we play a bit
>they cant stop complaining about the controls and laughing about how bad the graphics look
>''Hurr this game is shit lets go back to my room and play real classics like gears of war 1''
Felt like I was being baited
>Mario 64 came out 2 years before Opt
>Star Fox 64 came out a year before OoT
I mean apples to oranges, but at least those apples aren't rotten?
>the way they feel
Confirmed cancer
The only time that applies is when games (often "modern" ones) have movement tied to animation which makes it feel like you're controlling a drunkard.
Games people often cite and being "clunky" like Tomb Raider have more responsive controls than the games you're describing. Which includes the nu-TR games.
Its not fucking bias. I can understand if you can’t get into an old game because you’re used to modern game design. What i can’t understand is comparing a modern game to an old game.
For example, comparing FFXIV’s UI FFXI’sUI and then using it as an argument to state that the former is the better game makes absolutely no sense because FFXI is a 10 year old game running on ps2 devkits and a skeleton crew. The bad UI should be something the player expects when getting into it. If they can’t handle the bad UI then fine, but you cannot say the game is bad because of it. Infact you can’t really compare QOL features of a new game to an old game because you’d just be unfairly judging the old game.
On one hand, you should judge a game based on what was available at the time, what the standard was, while understanding the limitations of the console it was on. On the other hand, if a game is no longer fun for a modern gamer who is used to things like competent controls (Aiming in golden eye), and a functional camera (DK64), then it should be judged appropriately.
We're not disagreeing.
I know. I was just lamenting this fact.
>it was good for its time!
Guess I was the autist all along.
>judging something based on its timeframe instead of its own merit
>not a bias
>I dislike this game
>It's too Reddit
We're in an era of high framerates and control interfaces which have specifically been designed to be more intuitive, rather than simply cobbled together so they can actually work.
Animations are also smoother, which plays into the framerate thing, leaving us with the feeling like games control properly, thus making older games feel dated.
A game isn't bad because it didn't age well, it's just been outclassed in too many categories by games which offer luxuries which are hard to live without these days.
Ocarina aged better than Goldeneye, for example, but it's still harder to go back to immediately after playing Wind Waker or Twilight Princess.
I guarantee that when we live in the age of 1:1 direct brain input in a holographic environment or whatever that the motion controls of Skyward Sword will be seen as awful as well. (Yeah I know it already is.)
Face it, user. Morrowind is hard to play these days.
>Morrowind is hard to play these days.
For a casual pleb like you. You know its possible to learn things right?
I think you need to learn to distinguish between whats bias comparison and whats a fair comparison
>Face it, user. Morrowind is hard to play these days.
I played it for the first time in 2011 and did a replay last year. It's not hard to play. It's just all dicerolls.
that was sick, and intentional by the devs judging by the life up there.
Giving a game slack based on external things such as how it was made and who made it, isn't a fair comparison. You're welcome to factor those things in but at that point don't say you're judging the game because you're judging way more than the game when you factor those in as well as more factors like time of release.
>gears of war 1
Im sorry your friends brother is retarded