>Capcom confirmed to USgamer that the collection will run at 1080p, 60fps on all consoles as well as PCs. As the site points out, this is an upgrade from 720p, which is what last gen’s collection rat at.
Capacom doing a great job as usual
>Capcom confirmed to USgamer that the collection will run at 1080p, 60fps on all consoles as well as PCs. As the site points out, this is an upgrade from 720p, which is what last gen’s collection rat at.
Capacom doing a great job as usual
why is capcom so incompetent
you literally have to TRY to be this much of a fuck up, there is absolutely no way this is on accident
To be fair, they're not wasting resources to hit some benchmark that 90% of the potential buyers will never obtain. Better to have a quality port instead of touting "4k resolution on the Xbox One X & PS4 Pro!" slapped on an advert.
Not to mention it's trashing most modern games by actually hitting 60 FPS while maintaining 1080p.
>no 4k meme
Thank Christ
60fps cap is obnoxious, though
Have we really reached the point where running games from two generations ago at a steady resolution and framerate is something noteworthy?
This is literally a feature less than 5% or less of users would take advantage of.
Most PC players are still 1080/60FPS plebs.
I expect some honorable autist will release a upscaler mod hours after release.
I hope so, I play on 1440p
Probably game physics bound to FPS, just with a lot of jap games.
At least it´s not Okami, 30FPS is a lot worse than 60.
why would you limit the resolution on pc? what sense does that make?
It's a fucking PS2 game
Are you faggots really going to get upset that you can't see the blurry textures and jagged edges easier?
>No widescreen support
as usual.
>not just waiting for the better game
With how low the standards are these days, yeah.
Like I said, we can't even have games on modern hardware hit a consistent 60 FPS / 1080p, so at least the port has that going for it now along with more options to own it.
Like pointed out, some JP games are weird in how they're coded, leading to stuff like Dark Souls 2 having weapons break twice as fast at 60 FPS compared to 30 FPS, since From & Namco brought their A-game to their first major PC release.
What's the point?
>Insert some bullshit excuse why 4k 144fps is impossible
>PC Modder releases a unofficial patch that makes it possible day 1 in between heating hotpockets
Willing to bet they haven't even fixed the kalina ann bug, just a straight port to the PC. You know Capcom are that fucking lazy at this shit. Some fag will more than likely have to fix it themselves.
So PC won't have 1440p support either?
Who the fuck still plays at 1080p 60 fps anymore? what is this 2010?
It's confirmed to go above 4K on PC.
In DMC3 physics are tied to FPS and in DMC1 speed is tied to FPS.
>caring about 4k on a PS2 game with no updated textures
WEW, you guys want to flex your PC on PS2 era games over new gen shit? Can your PC even 4k 144fps on Crysis 3?
>linking directly to resetera
>wanting Aliasing over clean crisp image
Like that make any difference. Most of news on Sup Forums goes from there like OP. Do they even have ads?
Its probably like Okami where they just reused the ps3 version to make it.
>spending 2k on your rig to brag about 4k on PS2 games
>HD collection
>it's barely HD at 1080p
Internal resolution is still 1080p. Upscaling is shit.
PC's can't even do that
>Crysis 3 is running at very high settings at 4K resolution (3840x2160) with SMAA 2x on a Core i7 3970X PC with three GeForce Titans in SLI. V-sync is engaged and at current 4K spec, frame-rate is limited to 30FPS.
There's nothing that says that.
This tb.h. Don't try and sell me a ''HD'' Collection if the best you can do is 1080p
This is from like 4 years ago
A single 1080ti can play crysis 3 at 8k30 fps
I do, but I'm a poorfag so I also know this is bullshit.
The physical resolution higher than 720p called as High Definition (HD). 720p means the vertical resolution is 720 television lines with progressive scan. About HD standard, internationally recognized two criteria: video vertical resolution higher than 720p or 1080i; video aspect ratio is 16:9.
I cant believe there is people who fell for le 4k meme
>A single 1080ti can play crysis 3 at 8k30 fps
What about 4k 144fps?
Doesn't really bother me because I play at 1080p but I'm sure someone will mod higher resolutions 5 minutes after release. I mean there's a guy that modded style switching into DMC3.
No shit, the majority of people on steam are third world poorfags like china and india with their toasters that shit up the majority of the stats. Atleast they have an excuse to be poor unlike you.
Hang in there Mokoko
But will it fix the glitches the last port had
4K and above 60 fps fags are like than Muslims.
When hey got to 5% user base they started demanding special privileges and that all games accommodate to them regardless of the cost that they would obviously not cover.
>putting in even minimal effort in their remasters
>he fell for 4k meme
Now spend 4 times as much for GPUs. Only subhumans play in subnative resolution, at sub-60 fps and sub-ultra settings after all
The meme does make sense, it's 2x 1920 which makes it 4k
Why didn't people just do 1.5x 1920 and get 3k?
4k is 4 times 1080p.
because programs and shit wouldn't scale well at that resolution
>caring about 4k
Still not true 4k.
You mean 4 times 720p
>muh 4k
This is odd. Are consoles so shit they can't handle PS2 games at 4k?
Underage, don't skip school.
Thats 2560x1440 pleb.
either that, or PS2 games can't handle being in 4K
What resolution do you think 4k is?
Arbitrary resolution isn't hard to implement, PCSX2 has it
>UHD-1, or ultra-high-definition television (UHDTV), is the 4K standard for television and computer monitors. UHD-1 is also called 2160p[5][6] as it has a resolution of 3840 × 2160 (16:9, or approximately a 1.78:1 aspect ratio), which is twice the horizontal and twice the vertical resolution of 1080p, or three times the horizontal and vertical resolution of 720p.[5] UHD-1 is used in consumer television and other media, e.g. video games.
Why would I even touch it
So it's not 4 x 1080 just as I said.
wait wtf. we already got an HD collection.
I thought Sup Forums was joking about Sup Forums being total tech illiterates but jesus christ
>already lost 5 dollars to the god awful current steam port of devil may cry 3 that has no native controller support and is natively locked at 480p
>no instant upgrade to the new version
>they will continue selling the old version too
getting rereleased for current gen consoles and pc.
Because fuck backwards compatibility and money for old rope
It literally is, as the text says.
Are you genuinely illiterate, retarded or 10 years old who can't multiplicate?
>xbox one x owners are hungry to test out their xbox one x with "xbox one x enhanced" shit
>don't slap 4k on it so we don't get easy sales
On medium settings sure and it'd still look good
Get your eyes checked guy
Let's do the math together friend:
1920 x 1080 = 2,073,600 pixels
3840 x 2160 = 8,294,400 pixels
8,294,400 / 4 = 2,073,600
Hence 4k is 4 times the pixels of 1080p
I want to replay DMC 3. What is the best way to go about doing that RIGHT NOW?
>Emulate on PC
>Buy the PC version
>Buy the HD collection for PS3
Why do I even bother. Though at this point it's genuinely hard to tell the difference between a genuine retard and regular baits.
It is if you consider the area.
PS2 version on PS2 hardware
It's 4k not 4p
PC with style switcher
He's probably memeing you. 2x 1920 being 3840
or some retarded shit like that
I'm just glad to have a non-shit port of DMC3SE
right now, probably the ps3 hd collection
>locked fps
>locked resolution
>not a shit port
Modded PC version.
>locked resolution
That applies only to consoles.
>mfw still at 1080p60fps so I don't care
That being said, it's still better than that abomination Ubisoft cooked up for PC
>capcom has an opportunity to release some good PC ports that would sell well
>releases console parity ports instead
>1 0 8 0 p in 2017
They literally confirmed to go above 4K on PC. They just didn't confirm PS4 Pro/Xbone X support.
Not with the style mod it isn't.
It's probably locked so they can rererelease the 4k 144 fps edition in like a couple of years.
I'm starting to think the Dragon's Dogma port was just a mistake
It's just a matter of time before they adapt it to the new port
That's not what the article says but I'm not really worried about it since mods are a thing. Okami is locked to 4k on PC but there's already a way around that.
DD is on MT Framework, engine that supports unlocked framerate is most of titles on PC.
Me too. I can't imagine the MHO port being decent at this rate.
See Confirmed by Capcom employee.
That's good news.
I don't think Okami is locked to 4K, just to native resolution of the screen on PC.
Even on 1080p screen with VSR up to 1440p I can't choose 1440p.
Also graphics quality setting is actually MSAA.
Will it support dodge buttons though?
It's true that you can't see resolutions higher than your desktop's current(without using a mod), but from what I've seen you simply can't a resolution higher than 4k to show up without that same mod(and the in-game option is still locked to 4k.
There's no logical reason for this aside from console parity. The engine supports arbitrary 16:9 and 4:3 resolutions but they just won't show up due to a whitelist and that current display res nonsense.
Do you have a source on the MSAA? I read that too but I wonder what else is tied in that setting. There's also supposedly a supersampling option in the .ini but again, no actual definitive source
They added back the mini games in Okami PS4 not being able to use Kalinna Ann’s gun slinger move is worse >
Lost Soul Aside looks fun,but the combat looks GoW tier.
>GoW tier
>clearly infinitely more diverse, fast, and flashy