What the fuck happened to twitch tv with the ads??

>can't block them with adblock/ublock anymore
>reloading the page resets the ad
>if you go to another window while the ad is playing it automatically stops UNTIL YOU COME BACK AND WATCH IT

why is this allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:


Jews happened

works for me bruh

it's pizdets my dude
twitch went full jew mode

Why is adblocking allowed? You're essentially stealing if you block ads, since being served ads is how you pay for the service. Or would you rather have to pay actual money to watch fucking streams?

Maybe find a better pastime than watching other people play videogames.

Any pastime is a better pastime than watching other people play videogames.

Adblocking is allowed because no non-totalitarian government in their right mind is going to try to make a rule about what data you are forced to accept onto your computer.

Gulp gulp gulp i love eating shit! i'm such an enlightened consumerist.

>you are forced to visit twitch
>temp caches of video files are data being forced onto your computer

>can't block them with adblock/ublock anymore

I can give you these three options
1. open up stream > settings on the bottom of the screen > advanced > html 5 off
2. download streamlink twitch gui > use whatever player for twitch i.e VLC
3. stop watching twitch and learn to FUCKING GOOGLE

>Use Adblock to remove money,asking links from a site
>Get upset when that website would rather you have the ads
Listen I get it, but to be honest if you have ever watched and donated to a streamer then you're already a lost cause and should be force fed anything that will make you half useful to the people around you.

How pathetic must you be that you download an adblocker and still see ads?

Does ad nauseam works with twitch?

Use the twitch 5 extension to stop ads.

html5 thing doesn't work no more I think

You can use twitch5 tho, its nice

>watches twitch
>doesn't know how to avoid ads
>complains about it on Sup Forums

I have already found 3 problems you need to fix RIGHT NOW


Why do you even give us your trash opinion when you lack a basic knowledge of marketing?
Do you know how much a single viewer is worth?

Also, if we had to pay, the platform would not even exist in the first place so fuck off brainlet

Already disabled my account and tell those jews to fuck off, not visiting that page ever again.

>he doesn't have amazon prime

> can't block them with adblock/ublock anymore
Is it true?

mute the tab, not the player, the stream won't stop

>Essentially stealing

Yeah, you can stop now. It's not stealing a damn thing and you know it.

>using google

sorry, not gonna be part of your jewish botnet

It only happened until very recently, like 1-2 months ago:
''SureStream video technology platform.” This new technology will allow broadcasters to run ads with confidence knowing that they can’t be blocked. This also means everyone will make more money. It may be bad news to some, but it’s good for Twitch because it will attract more advertisers knowing that their content can’t be blocked. According to the plug,

>defending corporation
Please, kill yourself.

>they can’t be blocked.


They're embedded into the actual video stream server-side now, so yeah it's impossible to block them.

Not anymore with conventional tools/adblock, but I'm sure Sup Forums fags found an easy way to do it

A corporation made literally everything around you, stupid millennial.

Yes, I would prefer to have to pay actual money. Then, nobody would ever watch them, and thus nobody would bother streaming.

This stupid Twitch streamer phenomenon would have never happened, and Sup Forums would be a better place.

Heh it's not so bad, a 30 second ad when i watch for 6+ hours a stream is nothing to cry about.
It's only a problem if you are a spastic fuck who switch between stream every seconds or watch "popular" sellout streamers who are in just for the money.

i have ublock on. i don't see any ads

Block the urls in your hosts file, its honestly the best way.
I did it on android and I haven't seen one in ages.

Corporations are made of men and women working for them you apologist

Ads aren't that bad and you can support your favorite streamers by watching them.

You're going a bit too far though. Watching ads to support streamers is nice but it should not be forced.

I just started using streamlink
fuckers cant force ads on me no sir

solutions for all of those problems are literally a google search away
you lazy mofo

>not using Twitch 5
it's better than the regular video player and ads don't go through

>you can support your favorite streamers by watching them.

nah they make fucking bank from donations. small streamers I'll throw em a free amazon sub if I feel generous

>subscribe to streamer
>no ads
>can enjoy streamer's cool emotes and they know you supported their content and than you

I'm not gonna watch a fucking ad for free and even less to give more profit to fucking amazon which gets billions of profit already

If you aren't using streamlink to watch twitch on your favorite media player of choice completely ad free, you deserve all the ads you get bruh.

oh no no no hahaha

It wouldn't bother me as much if it wasn't the same damn Skyrim advert every single time. Have fun if you're jumping through channels to find one to watch.

You could also just donate $5 to a cherity every month if you are so desperate to throw away 5 bucks

just twitch5 newfag

No Script + Ad Block
Works fine for me bruh, gitgud.


>can't block them with adblock/ublock anymore
the hell are you talking about

>Actually watching Twitch
>Actually watching other people play
Not a videogame thread. Worse, it's a gay thread.

>watching twitch
You wouldn't have this problem if you weren't a colossal faggot.

>Also, if we had to pay, the platform would not even exist in the first place so fuck off brainlet

Doesn't Twitch take a cut of all the money people donate to their attention whores? Seems fine to me, the ads are just a way for Twitch to make extra money. I've noticed that Twitch over the last five years through very casual browsing, has become more money hungry. Huge blank spaces which I assume are for ads, DONATE SUBSCRIBE, suggestions all over the place, suggestions to sucker in your friends and incentives for doing so, Twitch Prime.

This is all very fucking Jew, I'm starting to think that youtube is more respectful about the money scamming to people that visit their site.

Twitch takes around half of the money from subscriptions. But the more subs they have, the more emote slots they get so it benefits the viewers, twitch and streamer at the same time. Long time subs also get loyalty badges that indicate how long they have been a loyal sub.

yeah, pretty sure all went downhill since amazon bought the platform a few years ago

it's 25%

user, please stop.

>also get loyalty badges that indicate how long they have been a loyal sub.

Man, you're so fucked up and brain washed, you sound happy to be taken advantage of. Ah, this must be the neo/v/ I've heard so much about.

I guess different streamers have different cuts. I think I recall epicnamebro saying that Twitch takes like half.

What's wrong?

I'm not defending adblocker, I'm just stating why it isn't illegal, and that reason is because it would severely infringe on your right to only accept the data you want onto your computer if it was made illegal to block ads.

>muh emotes
>muh loyalty badges
As if it was anything worthy
i was on the platform since it was justin.tv and never donated to anyone, no reasons to.

>taken advantage of
I consider it a fair compensation from me for all the entertainment they provide me. But I'm not saying you have to sub if you don't want to, I'm just explaining that some of the draw in continuing the subbing is essentially leveling up your sub badge and being able to show people how you you've dedicated a sub for said streamer. It's a bit like in MMOs, when you level up you're less likely to abandon that account / character because you've grown attached to it.

Ads are awful, predatory, and annoying at best, and insidiously evil at worst.
Besides, if I don't buy the product it doesn't really matter whether I see the ad or not.

until they make an adblock that makes the ads 1 pixel and still give them their "view" they can fuck off

im not interested in trying or buying your product you're shoving into my face

>What's wrong?

Everything. I'll green text it cause newfags understand it better that way.
>Watching other people play video games
>Paying to watch other people play video games
>Giving money to attention whores that pretend to be your friends
>Being so lonely for positive attention that you latch on to people that give no fucks about you and see you as a wallet
>Being so warped your perceive the act of giving your money away and receiving nothing in return as a positive

Twitch and J.tv are two different things you autist. They joined a few years back. Next you will say Ustream turned to mixer.

>taking someone who posts girls alongside every post seriously

>If you change channel while ad is playing, you are stealing for your provider!!
Nice argument, bro

>It's a bit like in MMOs, when you level up you're less likely to abandon that account / character because you've grown attached to it.

You're smart enough to know it's a skinner box scam, but not willful enough to break away from it and instead wallow in what should be a shameful thing for you. I don't recall alcoholics and gambling addits thumping their chest in pride. But then again, they're one tier above you cause their money actually gives them something in return, not a sense of imaginary ownership.

Nice deflecting, you mad i never spend a cent on your shitty streamers for your worthless features.

>I love gargling cock because I get to wear a digital badge that nobody cares about to show how much of my favorite cock I've gargled

I'm using a combination of uBlock Origin and something called Nano Defender on Google Chrome (yeah, yeah I know). Just Google uBlock Origin + Nano Defender and use that, it USUALLY blocks ALL the adds besides the first one when you first come into the stream.

Nano Defender assists uBlock Origin and blocks adds from blocking it (it's fucking weird).

Make sure to read the directions if you're using Firefox or Chrome and uBlock; it's in the summary.

this happened


I only sub / donate to people after I've confirmed they actually see mr as a person and not a walking wallet.

And look, without the streamers to keep me company I would probably not be able to do my job because it's boring af. So when the paycheck comes, I'm able to put some of it back to them as thanks. I won't be donating next year hundreds like this year because my car shat itself surprisingly and that cost me a pretty penny so I kind of would've needed some of that money. So next year I'll mostly keep my support to subs.

I didn't say I myself care about the sub badges that much. They would not be a reason for me to keep subbing if I didn't genuinely love it when Cinthya's face lights up in a smile when that resub train comes rolling.

You use your hard earned money on fake personalities that pretend to be your friend..? You look pathetic as fuck.

5 or 10 dollars a month per streamer isn't that much.

It's already too much shitlord.

You should send some my way then.

Are as cute and nice as Cinthya? Somehow I doubt it

It doesn't matter, it's not a lot of money right? You'd make me happy, user.

>that pretend to be your friend
That's an interesting projection. What compelled you to post it?

Use streamlink?

Difference is that you don't keep me consistently entertained throughout my boring ass work shifts.

Hey that nanoshit is pretty good, thanks

>this radio thing will never work, bunch of faggots sitting around listening to people talking, just go outside and talk to people
>this TV thing will never work, bunch of faggots sitting around watching people do shit, just go outside and do the things

How does it feel to be that guy?

>go to the library
>have to watch an ad before i'm allowed in
>take a book off the shelf
>ad pops up
>open book
>10 pages of ads
>end of chapter 1
>go to check out the book
>need to watch a 30 second ad before the librarian will submit it
>go to leave library
>ads are playing on the inside of the door

Question, can you disable emotes on your stream?

>watching twitch in the first place to know about this
you need to return.

while you can't disable people from using them, you can use nightbot or some other chatbot to automatically timeout people for using them

>why is this allowed?
because you're a fag that goes to twitch.

Doesn't look like you can do it through the site proper. And but that would be disabling your entire twitch income if you don't have boobs.

if there is a one thing in the world that i fucking hate is that when fucking stupid braindead thots do not take fully picture of their feet it is fucking INFURIATING

Public libraries are funded from the public sources, that is your taxes and other government subsidies, Twitch is business. Not sure what you're trying to do here, weebtard

>Go to take a shit
>Ad on front door, 30 seconds before you're let in
>Sit down
>Radio starts spurting out ads
>Speaker underneath the toilet water pumps bass-boosted ads that spash against your rectum
>Do your shit
>Go for toilet paper
>Each flake has a different ad on it
>Go to wipe
>Hear a knock
>"Hello? Do you have some time to talk about our new PPI claim service?"
>40 different speakers all start playing different radio ads at the same time
>Wash hands
>Soap on hands, water stops
>"To continue washing your hands, watch this 30 second ad"
>Go to walk out the door
>Won't budge
>To unlock door, watch this 30 second ad
>Press play on ad
>To watch this video, please watch this 30 second ad

Never have to deal with ads because I got amazon prime which comes with twitch pro or whatever which automatically becomes ad free.

>Corporations are made of men and women working for them
>Corporations are made of men and women working for corporations
>Corporations are made of men and women working for men and women
>men and women are made of men and women working for men and women

She's not your friend user. She doesn't know your name, and while she might have basic human empathy towards her viewers as a whpole, she doesn't really care about you

So who's the bitch that ruined the live of DrNosrespects kid?
only moist pics pls

Do not call Cinthya braindead.

>So who's the bitch
The good doctor himself. He's the one who decided to cheat on his wife.

I guess thats what I'd do.