Pizza has regularly been a powerup or a collectable in older games, not to mention all the pizza themed games like Yo Noid or Pizza Tycoon. So, what is your favorite video game pizza? Mine is probably the hot pizza from Lego Island that the bad guy uses to break out of jail, because the pizza is so spicy, he uses it to melt the lock on his jail cell. Brilliant.
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I don't tip.
the pizza from the Avoid the Noid videogame
I live in south eastern europe, so neither do I, it's simply not expected to tip, people earn wages (shitty as they are) that don't rely on tips.
>Being this fat
Come on man
I have 74kg and 1.79m, thank you.
>tfw Sup Forums will never go back to the simpler times
you mean you are
no, that's just the size of my gut.
you have 10 cm and 30kg on me.
fuck, I'm dying as a skeletor aren't I?
if you actually have 44kg then you have to eat something, even by force.
Most of v doesnt know about tipman posting
but do you remember Anontalk posting?
I'm trying
Feels good not being a retarded Amerifat.
You don't tip?
Literally me.
the pizza I eat off of naked animatronic chicken women
Trash usually don't.