Game becomes popular

>game becomes popular
>Sup Forums starts to hate it

Sup Forums is popular

yeah and I hate it

Minecraft is the defining example.

great thread

>game becomes popular
>it slowly gets worse and worse until it ends up a husk of its previous self, catering either exclusively to HC players or exclusively to new players

>game becomes popular
>Sup Forums starts to love it

fix'd it

>or that doesn't happen because the game doesn't get updates and Sup Forums hates it sheerly because it's popular and they don't like the fans.

Most recent victim.


I don't hate the game, I hate the players.


is this a word

Phos did nothing wrong!

>multiplayer or unfinished game becomes popular
>Sup Forums starts to wake up

Dumb master scholar

Untrue. Only a small number of people contrarians start hating on the game. After that they start making threads about it almost daily, claiming how bad is it and stating reason why it's bad, never being truthful about any of the things they actually seemed to enjoy at it.

Normally, getting shit like that shoved in your face daily is going to give you a soft brainwash if you're stupid and weak minded so you'll start growing bitter about the game as well.

You can look at /r9k/ as an example, faggots making gay and trap threads daily, people keep seeing them daily and might even end up opening and reading through the thread then suddenly they start going prison gay and thinking traps are okay too. This is the state of Sup Forums now and there's nothing we can do but wait it out and hope for the best.

>Game is absolute shit
>Sup Forums loves it

you're just not smart enough to understand it's essence

> Sup Forums starts to love it
> becomes popular
> Sup Forums starts to hate it


Maybe if the fags didn't spam it constantly. Anybody upset by ddlc has no one to blame but themselves.

You have no childlike joy

Yes, Sheerly is a word.

dumb phosposter


that's the face she does when i orgasm inside her puspus

Nah i'm just too honest and thus a bad liar. I can't shill for a shitty game and keep a straight face.
>You have no childlike joy
Says the manchild