What are some games where I can betray my family?
What are some games where I can betray my family?
no one must know that you are an octopus
Literal cuck
Fire Emblem Fates
>cheat on your wife
>think it's a good idea to publicly announce this to the world
Are eceleb's mentally retarded?
How is this anyone's business but his and his family's?
she probably made him announce it
he's chose to own up to it and let the community know before it got out by some other means. it's his decision and i think he has balls for doing it
Careful, his fanboys will shit on you for saying anything even remotely negative on his “coming out”. It’s disgusting how many faggots follow him here on Sup Forums and actively defend a cheating faggot
And by that she is basically biting the hand that feeds her. His persona hand that is.
Plenty of actual celebrities have admitted to it. If they face it head on and admit to it themselves it tends to work out a lot more positively than if someone "exposes" them. Pretty stupid for an eceleb to though, because no one cares about him.
>not getting those sweet drama views
You're weak.
All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?
Literally fucking who?
>I can't believe you cheated on me!
>you have to tell all the people who watch you play video games online, it's the only way to make this right
Yeah, that makes sense.
>He doesn't know about the literally BASED Twitch god
Why are you here? Do you even watch streamers?
Mafia 1.
Hey, i don't follow this guy, i've only seen a few of his pubg games, but 1) his wife probably made him announce it and 2) you just don't know what his situation was like. Its easy to feel trapped in a marriage. Its easy to feel lost, and it's easy to fuck up. Cheating is very wrong, but the truth is we have no idea about the ins and outs of this or do we?
Are you actually looking for a justification for this degeneracy?
>Virgin detected
So how soon until a crazy fan harasses his wife and attacks her?
Isn't he the Chad in this instance?
No, not at all. Again, i barely know this guy. All i'm saying is its very easy to judge
If she really forced the online apology she literally fucked him with this one move.
She fucked his career / make him humiliated publicly / have video of it for court.
She can divorce him / take full custody / 7 figures alimony
NA land of the free home of the brave my ass.
I don't think you know what that word means.
his fans aren't there because he has a perfect christian family, who gives a fuck if he puts his dick into someone else? literally nobody. also let's be real, what is """time for his family""" going to accomplish? just get a divorce and don't let the kid have to deal with a drawn out divorce
>sonybro has no idea what's going on and only regurgitates memes to try to appear relevant
sausage, sony-kun
As soon as we get a nigger and faggot porn containment board.
So never.
>go to convention
>thousands of succubus wanting your dick
that's why you stay at home
>free publicity
>a way to get out of streaming because he was spamming how tired he was on playing pubg
>famous enough to not get hammered by the #metoo movement people will probably applaud him coming out with it instead
A perfectly laid out plan and you all fell for it.
I'm not that user but you can bet I don't watch people stream videogames.
I don't like how they talk to chat the whole time, I'd rather watch lets plays.
He should change name to Dr. Cuckrespect.