PC porting was a mistake

>Dark Souls is ported to PC following the petition master race's constant begging
>From aren't experienced in making games on PC
>Following sequels (also released on PC) take a massive dip in quality
>Bloodborne is release exclusively on a single console
>Is regarded as one of the best souls games of all time, if not the best


Missing a few steps in your 'logic' there buddy

>bloodborne runs like shit while das3 on PC runs like butter

>t. soyboy
Good b8 though, the thing about that is that its not the porting thats the issue, its the fact fromsoft phoned souls2/3 in a bit and they clearly wanted to make other games instead of more souls. Bloodborne was probably a really nice change of pace for them because they weren't locked into building on a world they had already established.

All games are made on and for PC.

So one instance of a game series taking a dip in quality with PC releases against how many actual dozens of instances of game series taking a dip in quality when ported to consoles?

ds3 has a 60 fps cap. port is shit

>>Is regarded as one of the best souls games of all time, if not the best
>is literaly the same shit

is caled blind fanboysm
If bb was multiplat you people would be bitching about it

Shame that BB won't be in 60fps for a long time. The quicker BB comes to PC, the better. That or until BB gets a 60fps patch on PS4 Pro, which I highly doubt.

At least it runs at 60 you mong

>ds3 has a 60 fps cap. port is shit
>bb cant even maintain 30fps

It literally is one of the best games this generation. And you'll never get it

It can maintain 30fps on the Pro, which isn't impressive desu.

You evidence is anegedotal at best.
These quality of the games is arguable and while not everyone liked DSII its not a bad game and its better than DSI in some aspects and DSIII is arguably the best game in the series only reson why people dislike it is series fatigue.

Meanwhile take Former PC exclusives that got console sequels such as Dragon age II or Deus Ex 2 that are regarded as the worst games in the series by almost everyone not just by elitist fags.

Also there are plenty of Console exclusive games what ware shit in the sequel.
Like Crackdown 2 or Devil may cry 2.

>It can maintain 30fps on the Pro

Wait what, it actually can't? Fuck, I constantly heard from dicks that it could.

Dragon Age Origins was released on console too.

PS4 Pro is a fucking joke.

i can choose not to play the other 15 rehashes on the series

>Only owners of a specific console consider it the best game of all time

Most sequels are worse than the original regardless of platform. Also there have been more PC series ruined by console-focused development than the other way around.

>Sonybro gets an exclusive
>Acts like it's the best thing in the world
>Eventually gets ported to PC
>Turns out it was shit all along
>N-no it was good on PlayStation
>I-its only bad now because it's on pc

PS4 Pro is probably Sony's biggest scam since the 600 bucks for the worst model of PS3 ever conceived.

Can you at least let them have that? You're not wrong but it's the only thing they have going for them.

Using prerelease/pre patch gameplay is pointless

the patch did not change shit only load times are shorter.

Not true at all. There have been various performance tweaks that make the game run better overall. I played pre patch up until half way and the performance is markably better. Only thing that still kills fps is being close to the trash bag mobs when their buff effect happens

>When you bought that 600 dollar model
I'm still mad. I don't even use it any more. Afraid to turn it on and kill it.

>regarded as one of the best
Because Sonyfags will cry so since it's their only exclusive.

That's the worst thing. It's not that the console would get down in price eventually, every single one does. It's that the newer models were much better and actually didn't either overheat like crazy or turn on the helicopter mode.


Became apparent after DS2 was released on PC and the butthurt faggots did a complete 180 after saying it would never come to PC after how poorly DS1 did.

Why do you have such a hate boner for PC gamers? You need help

Anyways pic related is a multiplat and it's considered as one of the best games of all time. DOOM is also a great game.

It also sucks on the Pisspoor, but you don't see Sonybros mention that.