Who pre-ordered the game of the century already?
Thinking about preordering from Amazon
But I don't know if it's worth it
Who else pre-ordered already
Who pre-ordered the game of the century already?
Thinking about preordering from Amazon
But I don't know if it's worth it
Who else pre-ordered already
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I don't see any gameplay.
i pre ordered it but the only reason why i did is because it was 50CAD on amazon.
I don't preorder anything and neither should you desu
faggot retard
I'll wait until they announce a cool special edition before preordering.
Do we even know what it is yet?
>preordering something that has unlimited copies and can be used instantly the moment it comes out
>preordering a "game" without seing a single bit of gameplay
To everyone who preordered: thanks you guys
Thank you guys for continuing to ruin the scene and encouraging brainlet hacks like kojimbo to write mediocre 3deep5u "stories"
Why pre-order games?
When was the last time Kojima contributed something groundbreaking to the industry?
People trust his "genius" enough to hype the game despite Kojima being suspiciously hush-hush about any gameplay.
I swear the only red flag missing in this entire scheme is a fucking crowdfunding campaign.
What's the fucking point?
>But I don't know if it's worth it
It was obvious bait thread before I even read that line, but in all seriousness I need more gameplay footage before even thinking of buying it
>despite Kojima being suspiciously hush-hush about any gameplay.
For the life of me I can't understand why people seem to think Death Stranding is some huge secret. Kojima has done literally a dozen different interviews and talked AT LENGTH about gameplay, but for some reason none of the "hardcore gamers" seem to know about this?
It's an action game set in an open world environment. When the main character dies, instead of a Game Over, the player is sent to another world (referred to as an upside-down world submerged in water). Kojima suggests that when the player returns to the world of the living, anything they did or any damage that an explosion or the likes causes when the player dies remains persistent in the world and does not go away. Another element talked about is the existence of "Timefall" a type of rain with the ability to age or deteriorate whatever it hits. Another gameplay element talked about is the ability to interact with the environment and wander outside of the character's body, as well as recovering items when they die.
>you can preorder a game with no gameplay
>meanwhile you still cant preorder the pc version of monster hunter world that already had a demo to play
Preordering is retarded and OP is retarded for even considering it.
We're supporting the development of what looks like an interesting game u retard
>Those commentaries
It's all pointless fluff. The only relevant points are
>it's an open world game
>player death is gimmicky
That's literally nothing. It might as well be a description of another Ubisoft sandbox tower climber.
Not him, but how is this nothing? There are at least three gameplay points in there that seems very relevant: when you die you go to another world; you can wander outside the character's body; there's a type of rain that ages or deteriorates whatever it hits. Stop being a retard. For some reason people here likes to hate Kojima for no apparent reason other than being edgy.
There's a difference between hating and being skeptical. There's simply not enough info to even consider buying it at this point.
I can't tell if you're a roleplayer or a retard
only when i can buy the collector's edition
the internet has shat inside of your brain my man
>open-world, so it's reasonable to assume it's structured similarly to Kojima's last open-world game
>ALttP-style "dark world" mechanics
>Souls-like mechanic of recovering your items after death
>one of the major hazards is rain that makes shit age, so you can extrapolate all sorts of ways in which that might affect things like player agility and the state of the environment