Post fix


why does he dress like that

Because it's cute.

post tits?

>Shitpost all the time
>The one time I catch a ban its for admitting that I want to fuck Astolfo
Whats with these mods


Other than that, traps and shotas with puffy nipples is my favorite fetish
Bonus if there is nipple play


So I hear Senranposting is banned now
Did Mods decide to finally can ecchi on their sfw board to make room for more Twitter screencaps?

You know. Theresa clever ways of make androgynous and trap characters.

This isn’t clever. This is the artists drawing a woman character, erases the boobs and says it’s got a dick.

and cause butthurt and discussion. Which is the point, they want exposure.

is that balls between her legs?


Is it gay to fuck a trap? I mean they look like women and have a penis so it's 50% gay, are we supposed to round it up or down?

We've had this discussion before
Many times, in fact
We will come to the same conclusion
There is no answer

Yes, extremely gay, stop deluding yourself you cock loving fag.

>inb4 men with vaginas

That's gay too.

But you get to plow the boipucci you don't have any buisness with her(male) cock

>[autistic homosexuals screeching in the distance]

I fucked a trap once because I thought it was actually a girl till I saw the dick, but otherwise have no attraction to men, trannies etc.

>Is it gay to fuck a trap?
I dunno why you would give two shits if it was anyway. Unless you're really scared of a fucking label that doesn't mean anything much

>so it's 50% gay
A gay is a gay, you cant say its only half.

Why not just fucking a girl instead?


Because girls have shit personalities while a submissive male is still a bro that you can get along with at core

It's still a dude, a feminine looking dude but at the end of the day, a dude. So yes, it's still gay, but at the same time I wouldn't want to fuck a normal looking guy.

so in that case you're still attracted to the feminine aspect, how the fuck is that gay


it's only gay if you're the passive one
You're not a faggot for fucking Astolfo but Astolfo is a huge faggot for getting fucked by you