>Be westaboo since birth

>Still can't speak Engrish without translator
Is he retarded?

Other urls found in this thread:


He's probably in the same situation as I am. I can communicate in English with writing easily, but literally sound like a retard when I try speaking it. You gotta practice your speech and it's pretty embarrassing!

>be american weeb
>cant speak japanese
Are you all retarded?

Hi Hiro

>I can communicate in English with writing easily
i don't think so takeshi

boy do I have news for you

I'm not a weeb, I don't want to speak that gook fishguts language

Fuck off! You know what I mean.

literally me

That's no excuse. If he's THAT obsessed with America, he would take English pronunciation lessons daily.

Maybe those fags that call Kojima a hack are right when they say he burns money and gets little done

>i rav u jeff
>end gem awars
>i rav geymuse

>If he's THAT obsessed with America, he would take English pronunciation lessons daily.
Why? Sounds like a lot of work for little actual gain. He can probably watch English movies without subtitles and consume all the Western content he wants. The only thing you'd by learning English is added pressure to speak in social gatherings or public conferences. Fuck that. Maybe he actually knows how to speak English really well but is cleverly hiding it.

But dragging around a translator to parties and game cons is a better solution to you?

It's very hard to practice correct pronounciation when people around you dont speak english as their first language, they tend to make fun of you and then you get insecure and it completely throws you off so you start pronouncing it wrong just because that's how it's written in your language.

Much less laborious than practicing pronunciation. Sounds like work to me.

depends on what your native language is, i speak dutch/german and english was really easy to learn for me.

This is what I suspect, I'm sure he understands the language completely but is self-conscious about how he sounds trying to speak it. This is gonna be especially a problem since he's obsessed with western cinema.

What's your native language user?

>mfw I can speak perfect unaccented english that makes people think I'm an announcer despite being a spic who has never set foot in America
>mfw working as an interpreter for americans and they feel embarrassed speaking with me because I'm speak their language more fluently

Up your level dude, english is for suckers.

Really? You don't sound weird or anything?

Portuguese (Portugal)

Oh ok you're dumb and autistic, never mind

The English language is a parasite anyway,fuck the UK and fuck Brit people.

> I'm sure he understands the language completely
He doesn't understand it fully, his translator has to whisper into his ear when people talk to him in English

Japanese are filthy dubfags. Does he watch American movies with Japanese dubs or go original?

It's gonna be easier for Germans to learn than others. Also you're lucky as German accents are one of the better ones to have when speaking English imo.

>Portuguese (Portugal)
It can't be that bad, Portuguese is a good language.

Do u mean a vocal chord parasite?

From what he's tweeted he seems to watch both versions.

Why do you care? Most people on this board only speak one language. This thread has nothing to do with videogames.

>tfw arab
>tfw arabic is so unaccented and has a wide range of letters and pronunciation, i can speak literally every language unaccented

i can do a british, aussie or american accent whenever i want

when you are smart with a vast vocabulary in your native language it is humiliating to get down to express yourself in a mediocre way

I highly doubt an American would be embarassed because someone else's English was better. Everyone in the US except a few have perfectly fluent English. Some go to academia or are smarter and have better vocabularies or are better at wording things, but this does not make them more fluent than common people

tl;dr you were probably translating for Mexicans and Spics and Niggers

>spics try to seem important the post

Nice try juan

he is a fucking hack and a pseudo-westaboo like those pseudo gamer gurls.
if her were a true autist, he could have easily learned English. just look at weebs, they actually learn a fucking moon rune language no one uses outside of their isolated slit eyed monkey island just so they can read mangos and watch animemes.

Reminder that Kojima hasn't watched all of Mad's filmography because some of the films don't have Japanese subtitles. LMAO.

But can you get on a plane without scaring people?

My written English got a little better but since there are no more teachers forcing me to read English out loud or speak it in some way, I started to have trouble speaking it without sounding like a robot.
I started talking to myself in English while playing games. Like some LP channel with 0 viewers.

I think there is something wrong with the arabimmigrants in my country because they all have thick ass accents.

I can watch anything as long as I have English subtitles and I'm sure Mad's filmography has those. Just google "(Film name) subtitles"

is he actually that bad or does he just fuck up pronunciation like most asians.

>tl;dr you were probably translating for Mexicans and Spics and Niggers

No, most of the people I translate for are from the midwest and the north, lots of older women and men depending on the occasion. A couple of Texans and Floridians too. I've met chicanos and such but they generally speak spanish and don't require my help other than for translating local slang.

Ironically, or rather not ironically I've never met a black american who hired me for interpreting services. Literally 90% white people and 10% asian/hispanic/other

Based pablo

They're either uneducated (that means they didn't study language pronunciation from competent people)
or they're not making any effort


Learning pronunciation of a foreign language as an adult can be very difficult, especially if the only language he can pronounce is Japanese which has a very limited number of sounds and sound combinations.

This is why immigrants who have moved to a country as an adult often retain thick accents despite learning to speak the language perfectly fluently and idiomatically. Take somebody like Ayn Rand for example; lived in USA most of her life but since she learned to speak English as an adult always has that very thick Russian accent.

That sound pretty fucking autistic user

I don't know a single Japanese person who doesn't sound like a complete retard trying to speak English.


What a fucking retard.

I know this feel. I can type and write in English with little to no issue, but between my Greek accent and the way we pronounce certain sounds, it comes out sounding weird when I speak it.

Japan's education system for foreign languages is awful.

Filthy Frank?

>>tfw arabic is so unaccented
Keep thinking that

How come Swedish people can speak English so fluently

I'm talking full Japanese, born and raised in Japan, obviously.

Not a half breed raised Western.

>Didn't have a good childhood
>Didn't have many friends
>Is scared to be alone in a room without a tv on from scarred childhood being alone
>Always called a useless hack all his life, he tried to be a writer and failed miserably
>Get job at Konami, people literally said he was useless and should kill himself.
>His older coworker gave him a project to fix up, which eventually became metal gear
>Finally become recognized as a game developer after his first success

Don't blame him for having a massive ego, he was a failure for the majority of his life and to be successful you have to fail to understand how to rebuilt yourself.

He's an australian hafu isn't he? That by itself pretty much excludes him from being raised like a regular japanese person.

In general learning to speak a language as an adult will always result a thick accent and general goofiness. You need to get it in while you're still younger than 15 or else you're just banging stones together hoping to discover electricity.


One of my buddies has this weird way of talking where it sounds like when he was learning English he decided to crack open as thesaurus and learn as many words as possible. The problem is, that he uses them incorrectly most of the time but it's pretty funny. Messing up words is just a part of the game.

As for Kojima at least he's rich enough to have a translator follow him around and do whatever he wants while hangs out with celebrities.

>the fucking Yumi Kikuchi actress chick speaks Engrish better than westaboo Kojima

>tfw English Teacher in Senior Japanese High school
>Not even the English teachers can speak proper English
I finally came to realise that native English speakers are actually smart because of all the different phonetic sounds we memorize.

Northern and Western Europeans in general can speak decent english, but they don't speak it fluently or without an accent, most of them are pretty distinguishable from a native english speaker after a single sentence, and the outliers would accidently give themselves away after a few minutes.

Stay deluded, sandnigger.

>a.) English and Swedish belong to the same linguistic family, which first descended from Proto Indo European language and then Old Germanic
>b.) Old Norse branched off into its own thing but Britain had a period during the viking age when it was literally annexed by Norsemen (the Danelaw), so the grammar of English was modified by this annexation. This is why the cadence and rhythm of Swedish/Danish/Norwegian is similar to English as opposed to German
>Loanwords were also introduced during this period, much like French loanwords were introduced to Britain after the Norman Conquest

If you have any questions, let me know

I'm not blaming him, I understand his misery.

kek i'm dying of laughter

i can probably speak english and french better than you do, stay mad.

>Sandnigger think they can into English

I'm in Canada, highly doubt that.


Shut up and record yourself and post it to vocaroo like a real man would or stop posting. You want to brag? Brag all the way and let's hear that pearly sweet voice of yours pretty boy.

You sound like you are equivocating two meanings of the word "accent":

1) emphasis/stress on specific syllables in words, pitch patterns
2) a specific way of pronouncing a language (British, American, various non-native accents of English)

A language can be relatively "unaccented" in sense 1), having relatively "flat" pronunciation, but that has nothing to do with your ability to speak various accents (in the sense 2) well. Saying a language is unaccented in the sense 2) is complete nonsense.

>These filthy Sup Forumstards getting triggered
Laughing my ass off
Based Ara/v/ro

That would be quite difficult since I'm from Quebec, you retard. Arabs would literally have the worst accent in their hemisphere for speaking non-semitic languages, if not for India being in the same hemisphere.

Kazuo Hirai was born in 1960 in Tokyo, Japan, where he attended the American School in Japan.[5] Between 1973 and 1976, Hirai attended Valley Park Middle School in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.[6] The son of a wealthy banker, Hirai often traveled with his father across the world to California, New York, and Canada and around Japan — a trait which Hirai noted to be a major factor in his later multi-continental business success.

Kaz Hirai is a crypto jew.

Swedes can't yump though?

Kojima only worked for japanese companies,why would you expect him to speak perfect english?

This. He knows english, but can't speak. I know that feel

Both these people are Western educated.

Kojima is a retard and he has never made a good game

>I'm speak


We don't expect him to for that reason. We do because he's the biggest westaboo in Japan, even considering Kenichi Smith.

What good games did you make,shitposter on Sup Forums?


>because I'm speak
Hi, Speak!

>Ironically, or rather not ironically I've never met a black american who hired me for interpreting services.
Not ironically, because why would you expect black people to have money

I wouldn't expect most westaboos to speak good english just i wouldn't expect most weaboos to speak good japanese.

>tfw arab
Kos omak

go away skullface.

It's not that Arabic is unaccented, you're just good at speaking.

I do actually. I call self-branded "weeaboos" who can't speak Japanese "fake weeaboos" to banter them

A lot of nip cinemas provide options. And Kojima, being the westaboo that he is, probably always goes with subs.

I call self branded "weeaboos" who can speak Japanese "Tryhard soyboys".

>it's another "Americans don't understand the Eastern concept of 'saving face'" episode

Unironically Neofag lol

English is fucking hard. It's the only language I speak but I know that it's among the toughest to learn, because there really aren't many rules about anything at all. Like Chinese characters, you sort of have to learn one word at a time.

Like, the property of a tough person is "toughness," but the property of a strong person is "strength" rather than "strongness." Both of these words come from Old English, so it's not even a case of different rules from different languages.

For added fun, let's acknowledge what spellcheck does not, as it's giving me a red squiggle beneath "strongness": there's literally no rule that says strongness isn't a word. There's literally no rule about what is and isn't a word, or how it's spelled or pronounced. People make up rules, but different people make up different ones, and a little research into these efforts show that the rules they claim to establish are pretty much based on personal whim and preference.

>Calls him wrong
>Gives him a compliment

I like these international threads

With all the non-native english speakers worldwide, most grammatical errors slide because everyone speaks a bit differently. I guess it means that picking up the language verbally is probably easier, irl nobody would bat an eye at someone saying strongness instead of strength.

I don't think he uses a translator to communicate in english 100% of the time, just in public presentations and interviews where he doesn't want to use his heavy Japanese accent. I'm sure in private conversation with friends he's fine

Post voocaroo, if you are so great

>I can communicate in English with writing easily, but literally sound like a retard when I try speaking it
This is me and i'm a native English speaker.

But he's not a westaboo. He's a filmaboo. All he cares about is film. It doesn't matter if the film is western or Japanese, he'll gush over it as long as he likes it.