What game have you played for more than 1000+ hours (and why), Sup Forums?
What game have you played for more than 1000+ hours (and why), Sup Forums?
get out barneyfag
TF2 because most people here have
WoW because MMO
Monster Hunter 3U because it's fun as fuck
Mario Kart 8 for the same reason as above
I think that's it? I have some others with a few hundred, and Dark Souls 1 is close if you add up PC and 360 versions, but those are the only 1k+ off the top of my head.
Oh and PSO,
Fuck I loved PSO. I played the Dreamcast version single player, but REALLY got WAY into it with the Xbox version since XBL was my first online console experience.
probably shadow of chernobyl, had it since launch, modded it until call of chernobyl came to light, moved there
If Barney is a dinosaur, then where are his feathers
poured a ton of time playing competitive and then even more time playing zombie mod
"1000+ hours" is just a humorous exaggeration, right?
I mean, you can't honestly expect me to believe there are people like that on this board right now.
Path of Exile because I enjoy it.
>1900 hours
WoW and FFXIV because MMO
Dark souls 1 and Dark souls 2 because PvP and autism
0 games, I split my time between serial singleplayer gaming and rarely put more than 200hrs into a FOTY multi
PC fags tend to spend a gigantic amount of time on multiplayer games or roguelite shit.
minecraft because autism
>or roguelite
Rogue-like you mean.
Roguelites,roguelikes are played only by a bunch of NEET nerds like me.
1000 hours is nothing for endless and multiplayer games
Melee, TR4SH, and LoL
Getting close on Terraria, maybe minecraft too --even if I haven't played it in years
Don't worry user, I already know. I'm purchasing the noose rope as I type this out.
Football Manager 2014 and 2010 because sports autism. I don't play anymore and that's probably a good thing.
Brawlhalla because I start laughing uncontrollably while playing, I'm not sure why, I just get feelings of elation and pure joy. It's basically a chibi and cute Smash Bros so I don't understand why I have this reaction but it's just a simple and pure fun game. Also similar to below in the chat box post game you can end up adding people after a competitive game, or maybe you just teach each other moves and exchange gameplay tips. I like it.
Vanilla World of Warcraft on private servers because nostalgia. Also game lends itself really well to making friends.
I can't let it go...
Ah man, this really makes me wish I enjoyed Brawlhalla in the slightest
Maybe if I wasn't such a tourneyfag I'd be able to like things again
TF2 and Dota 2, I’ve got brain problems.
I don't keep my games running in the background, so none.
tribes:ascend because other shooters are shit
My ELO has been static at about 1500 for a year, literally. I don't care at all though because I play the game for the joy it brings and the experiences shared with the people I play against, and rarely with other steam friends I introduce the game to.
The gimicky modes are pretty alright as well like the snowball fight and the football one.
Explain what you mean by tourneyfag? Do you go out to tournaments yourself? Or compete in the weekend things some fightan games host online?
I have a little over 1k hours in both Ck2 and Long War
I also have atleast 3k hours in the MH series, with almost 1k in FU alone
Why? Because their great games of Course
Normalfags raus.
monster hunter generations, jumping on monsters like a retard was too fun!
I think Rocksmith's the only game i've ever spend way more than 1k hours in; More than 50 hours in any singleplayer game is already more than enough for me.
>what game
DS1 1800+hours
BB 1000+ hours and counting
it's fun
>Do you go out to tournaments yourself? Or compete in the weekend things some fightan games host online?
Yes and no: I the kind of faggot that plays games like Melee, Rivals of Aether, and Blazblue. I can't enjoy a fighting game if it feels like it was made to be casual fun.
Yes, I have seen high-end Brawlhalla. To me at least, It's like going from chess to checkers. I don't doubt the skill and training of the players, but theyr'e playing a game that has infinitely less tools to play it with.
I'm this cunt To clarify: Melee was made to be casual fun, but it feels too fast and complex given it's current metagame that it's sort of transcended that. On the other hand, Injustice was made to be competitive, but high-end play is all people spamming safe, boring moves.
dota 2, warframe, diablo 2. street fighter 4, wow, ff14
and if ygopro counts probably that
I probably played over 3000 hours of GTA:SA when I was a kid
>Grim Dawn
Gotta build them all
>Guild Wars
>Killing Floor 2
Excelling at a team based game can be fun.
pic related, me and my crew
Team Fortress 2 because it was fun
USF4. It was a fun game with a lot of characters to learn, challenging combos, and an active community. I miss it.
Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm. It's fun and it used to have a good community before Sup Forums discovered it.
imagine being this much of a normalfag
have 2 500h+ male buff nords who made the same choices and are named the same, godlike atmosphere
>Budokai Tenkaichi 3
i probably have more hours on that game than every other i've played put together, still play 2h a day most of the days
Do you play as Vegeta in skyrim?
God damn Sup Forums is filled with such fucking normalfags now
>dark souls 2
>retard builds or build diversity
because i hate myself
Terraria, because I like that game.
good taste
too bad they haven't updated it so i can have an excuse to play again
There's also a shit ton of mods if you want to try something different. Of course then you have to wade through some shit mods.
Over 5 years of everyday playing,ive finally put it to rest.
Just got Fallout 4. Lets see if that one is any good.
Animal Crossing on Gamecube and approaching 1000 hours on New Leaf
I put so much time into it and don't want my favorite villagers leaving and my village going to shit
>playing since nov/14
>this save since jan/14
He's the real wizard of yonder.
Marvel Heroes, it was fun.
RIP in Peace.
Probably only Warcraft 3 and Total War Rome (1)
DOTA 2 because there's so much stuffs that i've yet learned
over 3k hours here
still dont know everything
>tfw still Silver because I keep getting people that abandon the second they lose the first pistol round
How the fuck am I supposed to get out of Silver when every other match is me, some mentally challenged 12 year old that aims at the ground all the time, and 3 bots against a team of people that have half a brain? I'd like to find people within my skill group that are looking to get together and try to get out of this hell but my anxiety prevents me from talking to people or communicating with them. It's not like I'm retarded because I know what angles to hold, how to buy effectively, how ration out my nades, how to control recoil, and how headshot. I find myself frequently outgunning rifles at long distances when all I have is a p250 but I keep getting fucked by the people I get teamed up with.
League of Legends
still playing it
mostly just playing gnar day in day out game is still fun but thats mostly just gnar
CSGO, and possibly ragnarok online had they have hours counter back in the day
I think the joke here is there is a musclefetish artist that likes to draw iconic children's characters all muscles out and edgy.
You don't belong here
same for me but with twisted fate
Almost 10k hours on WoW over the past decade.
WoW, Smash Melee, DotA 2
I've been sober from all of them for over a year, I ain't going back
Mario Kart 8, because I'm a failure at life.
WoW, because ditto.
Doom, because new maps.
DotA 2
War Thunder
World of Tanks
Halo 3
Black Ops
kill me
michael bay remakes Barney
1000+ mario kart 8 alone
I applaud your dedication
BFBC2, CS GO, and R6 Siege. Siege because it’s a mix of CSGO and BFBC2, BFBC2 because it was plain amazing with environment destruction and CSGO because of tacticool gameplay.
This year I put nearly 2000 hours into For Honor
Monster hunter 4 Ultimate, 1400+ hours.
So many things to do in that game.
Well, excluding MMO's?
I think the highest would be pushing like 500+ hours, but nothing over 1000.
Dark Souls, Demons Souls, Monster Hunter, Disgaea, all have around 200+ per game.
I have given over and entire year of time play in WoW
>S4 League
Non MMOs
>Monster Hunter
ARMA 2 and 3 because I love those games, Gmod cause of roleplay autism in my younger days, and Space Engineers cause I like to build spess ships
SWG/SWGEMU, It's incredibly fun, and I play with people I played with back in 2003. It's like a virtual family that meets up in real life sometimes. Probably put over 15k hours in total.
Animal Crossing New Leaf
lets see
>FFXI (over 1000 days played, infact)
>Starcraft: BW
>Conquer Online
>World of Warcraft
>Dota 2
>Black Desert Online
Not me, saved from other thread.
>What game have you played for more than 1000+ hours (and why), Sup Forums?
Fallout/Fallout 2/Fallout Tactics 1000+ hrs
They were the first PC games I bought when I was discharged from the Navy.
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 2000+ hrs
My first multiplayer online FPS where I attempted to interact with other people. It went rather well until the cheaters ruined all the fun.
Fallout New Vegas 1000+ hrs
Skyrim 1700+ hrs
Binding of Isaac 1000+ hrs
I just wanted to become Guppy, Destroyer of Worlds.
TF2 2800+ hrs
It reminded me of W:ET but more modern. It was also ruined by cheaters.