Why does a children's video game character need to be so ample-bosomed? Also...

Why does a children's video game character need to be so ample-bosomed? Also, are the games actually worth bothering with?

it's not a children's game, mom
pirate's curse is good

Is there something wrong with breasts? I'm being serious. Why is their inclusion so offensive to you?

Holy shit. Which character is this? Tempted to play it now.

It's too risky to tell

I think we have bigger issues than boobies

Shantae sits in this rare area were the tone, style, gameplay, humor and charachters are the common things for childrens games and being fanservice-y as fuck, and somehow im totally okay with that. Like, I can totally see this game having a cartoon, and I would watch it.

Her bosom is ample, but the the other famale characters have much bigger boobs. It's always strange to see Shantae fanart with massive fat tits, it doesn't suit Shantae

We can't expose kids to this, but we can expose them to become trannies at an early age?

Like the final bosses from kirby games

I will never take a man seriously if he complains about attractive game characters


Play the GBC game and Pirate's Curse.

None of the Shantae games are good.

I think the funniest thing about this part is that 4 girls have the same outfit that fits them perfectly and all get mistaken for one woman who looks nothing like them.

You got the joke, user

You must be so proud

Oh, thats great, please tell me he said that recently and not like 5 years ago.

He said it less than a minute ago dude

Sorry, user

She's too damn cute.


Old art style was better

Damn, her arm looks like it's melting and those ankles/feet look terrible.

What do you think Shantae's pee taste like?



Reminder that the Shantae cast is white, but the characters like Bolo and Shantae have deep tans.

What about Risky?

Messed up from nasty dark pirate magic.

>Let's see that library card! Golly, they say the camera adds five pounds ... but in your case, it gave you blonde hair and a totally different face! Amazing! Head down this path to reach Sequin Land Palace and the library.

I agree

I like the old roughs better but I think the newer games have better inking and coloring.

And there better not be any bite marks on it this time!

Does Shantae have the best pelvis in vidya?

It's a pretty cool game with pretty good lewds, go check it out.




she has some nice old designs


and risky too

yes please

Disgusting. I can't believe you're drooling over these over-sexualized cartoons.

I've been looking for this forever after seeing a crop of it, thanks.

Thats it. Wring his throat.

I drew a Shantae once but it was pretty shit. My artistic amateurity cannot capture her charm in full.

You obviously didn't look very hard

Which one, Sup Forums?

for me its the desert scorpioness

I feel like Shantae has too much fanservice to get a western cartoon. It would still be really nice though.

No, but they are. Games are pretty simple and very short but fun enough to recommend.

France might do it.

They're very average with the exception of Pirate's Curse, which is pretty good and definitely the best in the series.

God bless the frogs

>you will live to see France become a prude sharia-run society and no longer make this stuff



>tfw snotty frog-eaters are being replaced by inbred goatfuckers and mud cookie sickle-cell enthusiasts
I'm not enjoying this.

We posting Totally Spies webms?

I want to mating press Shantae and have her give birth to at least a dozen of my children.

Oh, I see what you did there.

they had to have known all the shit they were doing when they made this show.

Maybe the US can save them one last time?


The French give no shits when it comes to sex dude. I used to vacation there as a kid in the mid 90's, when they aired uncensored Ranma 1/2 at 7 in the morning.

both but...
Twitch if i have to choose

I'm not from USA so I couldn't know.
In any case, when you reach the point of no-go zones for the police being widespread you've lost.

>implying some duck can stop me

Not US either, I'm Dutch. And yes they might have lost (as has most of western Europe), but an outside force could save them.

Dicey Shoes


"no go" zones for police are a pretty common thing in a shitload of countries including the US.

How cool that they actually animated all the parts in even if they were gonna be hidden. Lewd fuckers.

>Outside Force.
And do what exactly?

The whole show is pretty much "That's My Fetish: The Cartoon".

I have the uncensored cel for that shot somewhere...

Just think of all the lewds hidden by the official creators of any cartoon, never to be seen.

doing gods work user

France is the hero we need. But not the one we deserve.

Remove the inevitable theocracy that Islam will establish if it ever takes power.

You can see the nipple on the first frame.

kids love tiddies
stop discriminating against well endowed women

Almost all animators have a personal spank bank.

Bruce Timm is a pretty famous one.

Like they did when this happened in Lebanon?
Fat chance.
Look at how the media portrays what's happening in Burma.



Anyone else feel like Half Genie Hero was a disapointment? The game looks good and the music is great but the gameplay and level design is so shallow it hurts.

Pirate's Curse and Risky Revenge were so much more fun

So the little girls aim for the actually good aesthetics.

That's a little different from western Europe.


This. I don't want girls thinking it's ok to be 300 lb.

How exactly?

Cis Men mostly play video games.
Also google Male Gaze.

I still don't know what 'cis' means.

Chris Sanders anyone?
I can never watch Lilo & Stitch again.

Lebanon and Burma are not countries that share western norms to begin with. The US and western Europe are such good allies because of our largely shared cultural values.

Welp, I know what I am fapping to today.

Shantae is only good for rough unprotected sex, accidental impregnation and strategic retreat.

need m0ar

There's literally nothing wrong with it.