Monster Hunter World Beta Demo #2

It's coming back! This time it's for EVERYBODY!

Now I have a second chance to find that fucking Pukei-Pukei so I can see what his fight is all about.

Other urls found in this thread:

Really, that’s cool. I struck with hammer the whole time and forgot to try out SnS. Does SnS still have the oils from Generations?


No, but it has new jumping attacks.

If you land the charged backhop,you launch into the air and from there you can choose to slam down with a sword or with your shield. Shield does heavy KO damage.

Go check out the official Twitter user. Unless you think I invented this image to fuck with you.

>for everyone
>still not on Xbox

No point in getting the stupid game then. Saved my money there.

it's coming bak

hopefully its an updated version. Demo ran so bad on my vanilla ps4

for everybody on the PS4*

> Pukei-Pukei
Who said he was in the demo?

>He thinks Xbox is anything but an afterthought for Monster Hunter
You're cute user. Really genuinely cute.

It's also incredibly pathetic when I encounter people like you, who only own an Xbox. What the fuck are you thinking? Why the hell would you buy one of those? You deserve your fate.

The demo ran fine on the basic PS4, you're nuts. Actually no scratch that: You aren't nuts. You're just stupid. You're one of those autists who can't tolerate unstable framerates and framerate drops but you're too stupid to upgrade to a PS4 Pro to solve the problem.

anyways, the demo is like half a year+ old. It's not representative of the final product.

user, it's been caught on film.
We assume it's just a very unlikely occurance.

PC players know they have to wait and any Xbox fanboy deluded enough to think he ever stood even a brief chance of playing the beta deserves to be disappointed.

Do I still need ps+ to play it?

fucking hell, I gotta hunt for it now

Will they remove the ability to sprint while healing from the main game?

nope for all users

gayest post I've seen today lmao

So if you don't have PS Plus you can only play singeplayer right?

This post can't possibly exist because no one actually bought an Xbox!

The Beta was the floor demo back from E3, this seems like an extended stress test for the servers so don't expect much change if one at all.

definitely not considering how all of you first complained that it was casualized and then after the beta complained that it was "too slow". It's perfectly balanced for MHW.

Fuck you too then, little faggot with all that cute bullshit. I simply wanted to play the fucking game and I chose a console that attracted me. Why the fuck is the standard of video games being dictated to one console?


Stop beating around the bush and just make it a regular demo with offline you faggots

It's already in the game. You just let go of the control stick when you drink a potion, stupid.

No, because it a necessity thanks to the changes in design for the game. Monsters are much more aggressive now and will actively chase you if they want to. So it's important to be able to move and heal because the monsters simply don't let up the attack anymore the way they used to. Not only that, but it helps you when you're chasing a fleeing monster by letting you stay on it's tail and follow it's exact path while still healing up.

There will be zero change, the new beta uses the exact same client as the old one.

Mate, this place is a fuckin echo-chamber for PS4 autists. If you say you even own an Xbox, they'll sperg out.

I played the beta, sprinting while healing is not balanced at all. I never took damage while doing it. It's walk that is balanced.

From what I know the pukei wasn't in the first beta, so searching for a monster that doesn't exist in the game yet doesn't seem worth it

Read the thread

>I simply wanted to play the fucking game and I chose a console that attracted me.
You wanted to play a Japanese game on a console that Japan pretty much fucking hates and never plays or owns. Not only that but Monster Hunter is literally Pokemon or Dragon Quest tier in Japan, which only makes Xbox support even less likely.

I have no idea why you thought you'd get treated that way. Buy a western console, get snubbed by eastern publishers and devs. Pretty simple.

Too bad it's over the holiday when I have to do family shit, but at least I still get my monhun fix.

Unless there's different monsters to hunt than the first beta then I'm not interested.

Pukei spawns if Rathalos doesn't

So is everyone here just pretending to piss of nintenbros or something? The beta was one of the most boring things I've played all year.

>Monsters are much more aggressive now and will actively chase you if they want to

I never took damage while doing it.

>Not only that, but it helps you when you're chasing a fleeing monster by letting you stay on it's tail and follow it's exact path while still healing up.

That occurs for a brief moments during a hunt, an entire healing system shouldn't be designed around that otherwise we could justify allowing us to sharpen weapons while sprinting which we cannot do.

It's funny, your post almost reads like a response from a marketer for the game.




>Didn't solo Rath
>Didn't solo Blos
>Has no friends
>Drinks his own cum

based Capcom

>This time it's for EVERYBODY!
PS4 owners only*

Because they are fucking releasing the game on the Xbox and pulling this dick riding bullshit. It feels like I’m chained to a fucking chair and they just dangle that shit in front of me while mocking. Typical filthy Jap tactics.

>get to roll around helping newfriends slay monster fucking shits one more time before release


>I killed the first monster, don't get the hype, uninstalled


are you wizard me from the future?

Is it really free for everyone?

It's balanced out because healing is slower than previous iterations and can be canceled, making you waste a potion. Just admit you're a salty Switch bitch already. You're complaining about nitpick-tier bullshit because you literally can't find anything else wrong with this glorious game.

sonys jew tricks finally worked
im going to buy a ps4 pro in the coming week

Man, I'm not doing much aside from Christmas so this is perfect for comfy snowy nights.

It's pure marketing/fanboyism through and through, actually makes me want to cancel my preorder of the game the amount of blatant shilling going on in this thread.

>Monsters are much more aggressive now

Is this the great Capcom Comeback we've been waiting for?

I now completely understand why every retard cries shill when people like a game they do not. Sorry for interrupting the circlejerk folks enjoy the beta

>People like game

It's too soon, we just had a beta. Unless they are planning on doing a 3rd, then they should have spaced this out more instead of having the 2nd beta right on top of the first one.

If you ignore a design flaw it no longer exists?
>Monsters die too quickly? Just use your fists, bro
>Monsters barely damage you? Just fight naked then

AHHHHHHHH im so fucking happy rn

But it's not a design flaw


>Because they are fucking releasing the game on the Xbox and pulling this dick riding bullshit
There's no dickriding at all. Beta Demos are almost always one platform only.
> It feels like I’m chained to a fucking chair and they just dangle that shit in front of me while mocking
Sounds to me like you're too poor to afford more game consoles and act like you're entitled to special treatment anyways. If you wanna play everything that comes out, you gotta own everything that plays what comes out.

Go play your Shartch somewhere else Neoshitkiketendronie

too soon for fans but great timing for newbies that want to try the series/just got a PS4 recently since it doesn't need plus to play


>play first mision
>too easy
>skip to expert mission
>still too easy just with more health, stopped second time the monster ran away because it was too boring
>get told I'm supposed to fight monsters that have even more health and take more time to kill to have fun

>too soon
shutup nigger it's like you don't even enjoy hunting monsters

>It's balanced out because healing is slower than previous iterations and can be canceled, making you waste a potion

I don't own a Switch. I've played the Beta my man, healing being slow works for the slow walk because you are still vulnerable. The animation being cancelled (By you rolling out of it or a monster roar etc) wasting a consumable is fine and balanced. I was apprehensive about these prior to playing the beta, I consider them balanced. It's the full on sprint that I noticed was completely out of whack
There are other issues I have with the game (UI, HUD, some other shit I can't recall right now) but this is the one that concerns me deeply.


>no pc beta or release date
Don't care. Stop making these threads untill pc version comes out.


Welcome to every MonHun beta ever made. They always cut the timelimit but weaken the monsters. If you were looking for challange you shouldve hunted rathalos

obligatory our god is an awesome one


Enjoy your Casual Hunter, I'll be enjoying my superior XX

Same quests as before?

>The Beta was the floor demo back from E3
I hate when they all do this. I just want to play a current build that's indicative of the final product. Maybe around launch next month they'll release a whole separate demo with the final build.

Why the fuck would I waste money on another console when I already have one? So I can become an addict desperately having the latest in everything? No point in arguing, I’m simply not going to buy this game. Rather just ruin MH threads to satisfy my anger.

The ability to heal while running isn't a design flaw in a game that centre's around forcing a player to consider their actions, positioning and timing? Really?

Kill yourself Xdrone.

Lmao, I can't believe people claimed to have bought PS+ just for a fucking beta.

>Why the fuck would I waste money on another console when I already have one?
Because obviously you become quite dissatisfied when you can't play a particular game.
>So I can become an addict desperately having the latest in everything?
You can only pick one side or the other user. You either don't care about playing everything or you do.

Don't whine about missing out because you don't own the right console and then act like you don't even WANT to own other console. You're sour graping REALLY hard.

Can't go to a different zone to safe heal, healing isn't instant.
I do thing max potions should keep you in place, though, because they're instant heals.

The faster you move the slower you heal. What's your concern about that? Half the time I healed I stood still anyway, for the fastest recovery. Not any different than potion flexing, but at least in this game I have the OPTION to move while healing at the expense of slower recovery.

You'll be the only one then, lmao.

>only ps4 players
fuck you.


>not on pc

You're still not on the superior machine user ?

just spend your grafix card fund on a new ps4 :D


If I could I would donate ps4s to PC players so they can play


monster hunter is very much a love it or hate it game, it's ok if you don't like it

Then I’d rather have no console. Video games are nothing but a blight on money and entertainment.

This, a monhun game that is not 144p? pffff WTF HAHAHAHA

You have no idea how blueballed I am.
>tfw no friends with PS4's to even try it out

>Xbot's face when he realizes the truth

Your mom was a blight on my dick last night if you know what I mean.

>Tfw Xbro
>Uni room really too small for desktop, Laptop is a Craptop, can only really do new stuff on my Bone
>Halo's goin' to crap
>Few exclusives, none that are big and fun like BB or even Splatoon because MS is SRS BSNESS MUCSHEEN
>Just want to play some MonHun, even just a demo to try out Gunlance
>Capcom now effectively denying we exist with no exclusive content, no demo, no news
>Even PC can rest easy knowing the inevitable PC Demo is coming
>"B-but hey! We're getting PUBG!"
Fucking kill me.

Funny, with max potions I may have to disagree with you given that you can only hold two of them. Whether or not it's broken depends on how many you are allowed to make on quests.

>The faster you move the slower you heal

I heard this but never noticed this occurring during the beta and I was specifically looking out for it. Again, the healing being slow is only relevant when you're fairly vulnerable to being hit, like when walking. When sprinting the likely hood of being hit falls close to 0% (A monster roar could do it but it's unlikely) which means that the slow heal might as well be a normal heal. You do follow me, yes?

>Buying an Xbone after the trainwreck that was the Xbone reveal
your fault my dude.