Admit it. It died on 7.00

Is there any way to fix this game?

Other urls found in this thread:

It was already 'dying' way before 7.00. The big changes is not the reason why the game is losing players.
You can't expect people to play Dota forever, the oldschool veterans are moving on, and Dota is just not a casual game people want nowdays, so it doesnt get many new players.


Sauce me on the pic, so I can go insult whoever drew this garbo

Nothing will change, at best TI8 not raising the bar on the price pool will be a wake-up call.
After that it's anyone's guess if Valve decides to support the game more than reading reddit dota 2 frontpage for requests or just put it on the backburner entirely and look for greener pastures.

>Twitch image
It was AdmiralBulldog

This. League had Annie and female yordles since the game first launched and they were the most consistently popular characters. Annie does and always has had the most skins.

Oh, and the most recent champion is a loli.

Real dota died with 6.82
Comeback mechanics were a HUGE mistake

>Comeback mechanics were a HUGE mistake
Make an actual argument, so we can all laugh at your autism.

change sniper's ult so the game becomes a first person shooter for him for the rest of the match

died way before
died on reborn

And more art in general too

>hurr why should laning phase matter
>hurr why should denies matter
>hurr one lucky pick off should net me all the exp and gold adventage enemy worked for 20 minutes
>flashy teamfights is literally the only thing that matters

>being this wrong about everything
I cant believe its not bait

fupoo draw more annie and less fat fetish stuff god dammit

>there are "people" ITT who think attribute boni were fun passives

most people here have never played dota 2 without the arbitrary comeback mechanics so it's very unlikely you'll find anyone who will agree with you

except me of course

comeback mechanics were a mistake

Can't when he keeps getting commissioned to do private stuff

>hurr durr
Anybody who played for the patch right before they were added knows exactly why they were added.
sign in

What kills it for me is the new deny mechanic where you're getting huge amounts of exp while your opponent gets fuck all.

It makes the game super autistic while also making the mid lane incredibly lame where you only see Shadow Fiend and Invoker every match. Offlane isn't much better.

Commission him to draw more Annie you poor fucker.

>>hurr why should laning phase matter
It does mattter. If you get the advantage from early game, and then die like idiots even though you are stronger, you deserve to be punished.
>>hurr why should denies matter
Laning stage matters.
>>>hurr one lucky pick off should net me all the exp and gold adventage enemy worked for 20 minutes
If you are stronger and fed, and you die to your weaker enemies, it's only fair that they get more than usual.
Either you are stupid enough to deserve to be punished, or they are smart enough to be rewarded. Or both.
>>flashy teamfights is literally the only thing that matters

Don't post if you are 2k jesus christ.

Dota 3 when?

I always find it nice how Fupoo never takes sides
If it's games or kinks he really doesn't mind
He's a lad


You know, I might, now that I have some disposable income from being a wage slave.

the game had done without memeback for like 8-10 years, then one patch had retardedly strong pushing heroes, so the solution was to completely alter the way the game is played with arbitrary gold rubberbanding bullshit?

if you had an analytical mind, you'd have noticed that memeback has ultimately caused way more problems than it has fixed. valve is finally toning it down in 7.07 with increased creep gold and weaker base defense, but dota is never going to feel as tight as it did before memeback

I left it because im stuck with anti social players. I earned my reports by flamming people for not knowing how to do the most basic shit but changing my behavior has not freed me. There is no reward for being nice. Just punishment for being mean.

So I quit.

>Dota is so dead that a mid-thread conversation about commissioning porn is more enjoyable that discussing the game

the game doesn't work like that

it's phenomenally easy to get singular kills in this game, even with a massive gold deficit

for the longest time, the most viable tactic when you were losing was run at the enemy supports to trade 3 heroes for 1 kill and STILL come out ahead because the rubberband was just that strong

So what you are saying is that when people are out of position or if a team is not helping each other they die? Wew lad, great. Now stop posting you have no clue what you are talking about.

Remove HotS talent tree system and shrines suck they just allow both teams to turtle even more.

Not sure if I like Roshan's new location either.

That said the two new heroes added in 7.07 didn't bring me back I don't know if anything can the game feels so clunky and archaic.

Amazing. God bless you friend.

i'm almost guaranteed to be better at this game than you

i'm sorry you didn't experience dota 2 in its prime in 2013, but you shouldn't take it out on others

But I did play in 2013. How can one man be so wrong

More like the whole genre is dying.

It died when they killed the king

that wasnt the point of that post at all

Dota has been shit since the post TI4 memeback patch.

RIP kingraven

Talents are why I stopped playing.
Its to much info (with a lot of changes every patch), imposible to memorize and there is shit like evasion, health, armor, respawn reduction.... which with comebacks mechanics made my tiny/huskar/kunkka imposible to snowball if you just die once, and thats why I stoped having fun with the game.

I don't know which one of you is better at Dota, but at least I know the guy you responded to isn't the one who's functionally illiterate.

My point is simple. If you are ahead and manage to fuck up, you deserve to be punished.

>only plays to snowball with meme heroes
Good, this was always the most cancerous part of the game

Im sorry for having fun

>in its prime in 2013
2013 was shit.
2011-12 is when dota's balancing was at it's peak.

>i went into a TEAM-BASED game for 1vs9 experience
Its actually a good thing you stopped playing.

i know youre tryin to have a laff over there but you remind me of those players who think 'just play safe' is a solution to any problem

every moba is losing players. even overwatch is losing players

>wtf I can't just walk around mindlessly and kill people when I'm ahead
Just delete the game already.

But they slowly casualized the shit out of it in the process of the last 3 years

It was simply a better game in 2011 or sth

having a fucking banlistand banning fucking everyone made it a much better game.

>If you are ahead and manage to fuck up, you deserve to be punished disproportionately

But I didn´t say that.

I almost always played with friends, with stupid picks and strats, but always playing as 5.

Again, sorry for having fun, we didnt even play ranked, so I dont think me not playing anymore affects you, mr 9k mmr.

I don´t need to admit it, im not a delusional Volvo-cuck.
There is no way, it´s dead, PUBG is growing in steam and Dota2 isn´t, meanwhile LoL and HoTS are growing too.

Ha! Impossible in ranked games. Even 2kshitters can fight you back with bm or dust.
Got reworked. He is good now

Because if you didn't, that fuck up would mean literally nothing and you could simply wait until you are alive again and continue to play as if nothing happened and still be ahead.

Admit It
Moba has never been a real genre

Provide some numbers.

The comeback mechanic enforces the winning team to be more careful and the losing team to try harder, makes it more interesting.

Dota 2 already existed in 2011, it wasnt bnet play anymore.

So not sure what you are getting at.

Oh wait it actually didnt, i severely misjudged the year there.

Point is dota 2 was still good at first.
And they made everything easier and spectator friendlier in the last 3 years for esport bucks.

>still ridiculous numbers of players
What the fuck is wrong with you people and this idea that the game you play is a fucking vote in a popularity contest, and games need to be literally at the top. There's still countless players at every fucking skill level playing the game at all times of the day. It's not actively even losing players. What more could you want?

The cosmetics are getting worse by the day.
It's fucking disgusting.

> tusk
i said huskar, with the old op passive

I know you still can snowball, it just doesnt feel the same. I´m not saying it´s worst, I just dont enjoy it like before.

fupoo is a fucking faggot

This, too many darkies in his art.

t. man with no taste

30% of d2g is these fags shitposting about the game being dead.

People love shiny shit.
nuke this planet

More like it lets the losing team bazinga its way right back into the game with much worse play than the ahead team achieved to get ahead in the first place.

Also why does icefrog hates the jungle so much?
Can´t I just chill with ursa in the woods ~10 minutes and then rape roshan and some supports like old times?

Yeah dude but you could get SLIGHTLY ahead as AM by foregoing Spell Shield levels.

>a /vg/ general shitposting about their game being dead
>/d2g/ being fucking shit
Stop the fucking presses.

well it just can't be compared when you consider before 7.00 and after. Those veterans probably wouldn't have 'moved on' for quite a while since they basically live on doto if not for 7.00 which was like a last nail in the coffin.

literally has 680,000 players in game right now.

Blame esports and memepony meta.

>why can't I do absolutely nothing for a quarter of the game

Wasn't that some honshitter?

Because during those 10 minutes the enemy supports are roaming around the map raping your midlane and safelane while you're in the jungle being fucking useless. Not to mention a fucking CM could just walk through your jungle and auto attack you a few times to send you home crying.

As someone who has been out of the MOBA loop for a couple of years, how is the genre looking? What's the next big thing?

Revert to 6.83

>next big thing

Battlerite seems to be getting popular I guess.

As an anti-junglefag even I'll admit it's a bit weak right now but it should never just be a regular thing done every game, just something you can do with certain characters. The jungle being doable very quickly makes it into a league situation where you always need to send someone there because it's literally free experience not doing it is just kneecapping yourself. And it's a fucking retarded concept fundamentally because A) all your farming is unopposed, literally PVE and B) having an enemy eternally missing means you need to eternally be playing defensively, which leads to more boring laning phases and means proper team communication between lanes is less relevant.

if jungling is so bad then dont destroy it ?

Sometimes i felt like jungling while making a big stack for the carry, now stacks are dead and jungle is dead.

Moba is dying down and battle royal games are becoming the next big meme genre

>stacks are dead
You're an idiot.
The only hero that is actually negatively impacted by the level 1 jungle nerf is cm, with an honorable mention to doom.

that's why I only play heroes of newerth *tips fedora*

>Stacks are dead

What a waste of potential: the game

>makes it more interesting for bad players
Killing the starved support of the winning team shouldn't put 2-3 people of the losing team back in the game. There's a reason that icefrog/valve/icefrog's corpse relented and toned the initial form of memeback way the fuck down; the winning team basically couldn't make gambit plays because if they didn't immediately win off of one the other team was now in a position to immediately turn the tables for a fraction of the effort and skill.

stacks are waaaay worse than before

Because destroying it hopefully dissuades retards like you from turning a perfectly winnable game into a 4v5. Also stacks being dead, what the fuck?

>stacks are waaaay worse than before

Maybe if you're Batrider or some shit.

he was the honshittest

less gold
harder to farm with certain heroes because of aura stacking