So what games are worth getting for the switch?

so what games are worth getting for the switch?
my girlfriend just got me one last week with mario odyssey and I've already beat it.

Zelda and Odyssey are the only exclusives worth playing. Good for you you got the thing for free.

Botw, Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Splatoon 2, Arms

Mutant mudds collection, Xenoblade 2, ARMS, pokken if you don't have it already


Maybe FE Warriors if you like DW. Everything else on the platform is filler, or runs better on literally anything else. Buy Zelda, wait for MP4 and SMTV

does splatoon 2 actually have a single player mode that isn't a tutorial like the first one?

Look at the games and figure it out you faggot.

Have you played Doom? Resident Evil Revelations? La Noire? Rocket League? Zelda? Xenoverse? Mariokart? Just go to Amazon and search "Nintendo Switch Games". It shouldn't be that hard.

Splatoon 2 and MK8D are a must.

Enter the Gungeon and Mr. Shifty are really well executed on the switch. Hollow Knight will come out next year, refunded my PC copy for that.


First of all, play Snipperclips with your girlfriend. You WILL get head.

Get Splatoon 2 and obviously Zelda. Xenoblade 2 is great if you’re into the JRPG scene. ARMS is a lot more appealing than it was on release, and there’s a fuckton of great stuff in the eshop. I’d also recommend picking up Mario Kart if you get together with friends often, since it’s the perfect game to snap off the joycons and play a round.

>that isn't a tutorial like the first one
what? the first one's was short but it wasn't tutorial-tier

it felt like a tutorial it wasn't challenging at all

BotW is a must own and the criticisms against it are overblown due to contrarians feeling like anything praised must actually be shit.

Puyo Puyo Tetris is worth buying, the demo is free and has a couple of modes you can play without purchasing.

VOEZ is a great rhythm game. Probably my favorite non-Nintendo game on the system.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is actually overhyped by people who want to get one over on "muh feminist media", but it's a solid JRPG anyway.

Disgaea 5 is one of the better Disgaea games and works flawlessly in handheld mode.

Splatoon 2 is a third person shooter turf war game that you either don't like or adore with no in between.

Mario+Rabbids is a good turn based strategy game. The rabbids actually end up being kind of endearing since the game has decent direction and good visual gags.

Battle Chef Brigade is a neat indie game where you have side scrolling 2D combat sections to collect monster parts to bring back and cook in a match 3 puzzle game. All of this is timed which makes it kind of neat. The art style is really nice too.

Sonic Mania is Sonic Mania. If you don't own it on other platforms get it here.

Fire Emblem Warriors is a fun Warriors game and if you like nuFE you'll enjoy the characters.

Mario Kart 8 is probably the best Mario Kart ever released so it's a must buy if you want to play with your girlfriend or online.

so you equate something easy as being a tutorial? that doesn't make much sense

>overhyped by people who want to get one over on "muh feminist media"

In what world?

Most people here are trashing it for the heavy fanservice (ironically) and anime tropes that go against "muh progressiveness".

The people giving the game praise say that it takes them back to the days of Skies of Arcadia and the likes.

>My parents are getting me a switch for christmas what good games are there?
ftfy underage b&

listen to these anons

I've never had a gf and I'm in my late 20s. Not fat either so dunno why.


find a fat weird girl you went to hs with and message her on fb. you'll get laid n she'll fall in love with you

You should buy DOOM and Skyrim! :D

No. I'm not fat so I'm not going anywhere near a fat girl. She has to be same weight as me or lighter.

I accept this as proof, young people typically don't have Parkinson's, especially not this bad.

pussy is pussy nigga. beauty is just a light switch away friend.

golf story- at £15 its a steal


Why would playing snipperclips with your girlfriend get you head? I played it with mine and she tied me up and did unspeakable things to me