Who are some celebs (not e-celebs) who own a Nintendo Switch? Pic related is M. Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold.
Who are some celebs (not e-celebs) who own a Nintendo Switch? Pic related is M. Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold
>so insecure you have to look up celebrities that own your shit console to feel good about yourself
Are nintengaylords really this pathetic?
>so insecure you have to respond to every single nintendo switch thread in order to convince yourself you did the right thing
Why are switch non-owners so insecure? They could just go out and buy one btw.
Who from what?
>Avenged Sevenfold.
A lot of football players post pictures playing with the switch. But its probably because nintebdo gives them for free
I have bills to pay, I can't waste my money on every piece of shit that Nintendo makes.
edgy rock band for emo teen girls
Are soccer players "celebs"?
>They could just go out and buy one
but none of the stores have them because nintendo made them artificially scarce
The coolest celebs choose Sony.
>tfw knew a girl who played WoW and listened to that band
That disappointment though
I have a switch
A lot of athletes
every celebrity that got a check from nintendo to casually post something in their profile
>Dick Tracy came out 30 years ago
He said not faggots
>literal who from some shitty metalcore band
Only the first two albums are metalcore, and the second one is great.
>Only the first two albums are metalcore, but all of them are shit.
John Cena and Seth Rollins presumably.
I met Emma Watson on a plane and we played Snipperclips together. She told me it was a blast and that she wanted a Switch.
t. Poorfag
That's cool and all but Avenged Sevenfold's music is lame as fuck.
That's a big Switch
She's just small user, don't be rude.
>Literal sonybros
>MLF and madden
you cannot make this shit up
only in europastan
>Only in literally the rest of the world besides trumpland.