Fate/Grand Order

Just started playing. Rolled Emiya and Herc.
Any tips for a beginner?

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Look at the 5*s.
Find one you like.
Reroll until you get them.

Do the daily quests

Never skip caster dailies. Hearts are a pain to get.

Go with dick, young son

dumb lizard

Still on the second singularity right now
Shitty luck and don't want to spend cash on re rolls

Meant to quote

Get a friend to carry you through the hand daily and level your party

>Complains about his luck
>Has decent 4 stars
I'm still using 3 stars or lower.

Rerolling is free


Herc is king shit of this game. He's the best 4* in the game, and will continue to be for the forseeable future
Emiya isn't as good, but he's still very useful
As for advice, look up which lower star servants are good and raise them. Hans and Cu are good examples

You should prioritize doing daily quests. I know there's 1/2 AP for story quests right now, but with how low level you are, you should be able to do daily quests without limit due to all the experience you'll get. The quartz you get from clearing the story will always be there, but the summon tickets you get from the store and the shards you get from master missions are a limited time deal. Having your servants leveled up will make progressing through the story less of a headache, and like mentioned, if you start stockpiling ascension materials now, it will mean less painful grinding for shit later.

>Needs tips
It's a brainless gacha game. You don't even need 5 star servants.

Basically this. And invest in 3 and 2 stars since let's face it the rates are trash in this game.

Why? You should have 3 welfare 4*.

Herc is the best 4* in the game, Emiya will be great once his strengthening quests hit, you pretty much got the best possible tutorial roll.
Level Cu, he's amazing for a 3* and will carry you through the entire game.
Other 3*s you should level are Euryale, David, and Robin. Hans is great for a bronze too, and Arash is amazing for farming.
Save your quartz either for your waifu/husbando or Merlin.

why is jap gacha shit allowed on here, it should go on /jp/ or /vg/

Will this game ever be worldwide? It prints money.

>followed this advice when i started
>one, maybe two hearts per caster day at most

Fuck those hearts.

Is Mash useful or can I get rid of her?

>any tips
Yeah don't play it's shit
Can't even be called a game

Still vidya

She's meh for now, but will become one of the best units in the game after Camelot
Level her and max her skills.

Spend 16000 bucks so you can get good characters.

Plays like a turn based rpg with cards. Still better than most mobile games.

You have one of the best 4 stars in the game who is on part with 5 stars and is still relevant in Japan today. Stop bitching.

>has losing condition
>has literally any modicum of skill challenge
>not a game

>Gameplay fags
>Not picking servants you like
This game is beatable with 1 stars

Fate is shit and so is gacha

stop playing

>People like this and I don't like >:(

It's not even good for that.
All Fate girls are shit.
The only good servants are male.
And only a small part of the population can enjoy them with their dick. The rest of us are stuck with general appreciation/camaraderie/desire to self-insert

reminder that best lancer is on rateup and you should roll to NP 5 RIGHT NOW

>tfw i rolled ereshgikal
I didn't even expect anything when I went back to jp today. Looks like I need to play both JP and NA now.

Worst Karna. I'm so sorry.

Yeah, don't become an addict

>all Fate girls are shit.

have you tried not being a pozzed gay manslut?

They're all bland one-dimensional waifubait with no depth. Male servants have legitimate nuanced goals and opinions and changes of heart based on compelling reasons.

Welcome to grinding hell.
There will be no auto feature.

Fate Boys > Girls

/vn/ - Normie Video Games, when?
Remove mobileshit from our board.

>normie video games when
but user,this IS normalfag video games board since 2016.

All videogames are normie video games

Should I ascend sieg, s alter or saber lily for saber wars? Keep in mind they are all level 70 and I only have enough monuments for 1 more ascension. Also I never plan on using any since I have ssr sabers so it's just for the event.

Leaning towards sieg since he seems to have dragon killing abilities and the saber wars even bosses seem to be dragon attributes

>tfw haven't rolled a 5* since Camelot began

>lottery for a chance to buy something.
Is this a real thing? Is the Switch really that popular in Japan?

So I heard redman gets way better in the future.

How so? I mean, he's still gonna be my main man either way, since he's the best Fate character, but I'd like to know how he gets better.

I've heard that he gets slightly less shit but he doesn't seem very impressive.

Also worse character than Gil or Cu, and that's just going off original servants.

Shipments sell like right after. Shit is selling like hotcakes.

those are some flexible toes man

His second skill gets an upgrade that increases the crit star drop rate effect a lot and adds a crit damage boosting effect.
His third skill gets an upgrade that boosts the power of all three types of cards instead of just his Arts cards.

no they aren't

>reminder that best lancer is on rateup
Yeah I got my Ereshkigal this morning.

Who really cares? He's still going to be worse than welfare Nobu for farming and worse than welfare Kuro for bosses.
Just use him because you like him.

We have a comfy discord server setup with a good faq if anyone is interested (not the Reddit server)

You're fine with what you got. Look up future 5*s and save quartz for one that you want (bonus points if it has a 4* you want at the same time, since you're more likely to get a few copies of them). I suggest saving for Jeanne d'Arc Alter, who will come out around late March and early April.

Besides that, use a high level support that will allow you to do the 40 AP EXP dailys so you can raise your servants levels. When they reach max level, start farming the ascension materials from the green 40 AP to get what you need to ascend them (see pic for what materials on what day)

Since you're likely a low master level, you will likely level up a few times while doing this and so you'll likely get enough EXP cards to max out all your servants.

IMPORTANT: BURN ALL SILVER EXP CARDS! You do this for the extra mana prisms and because they just aren't worth it after the first 30 or so levels on a servant. You'll want mana prisms so you can get summoning tickets from the shop. Make sure you buy all 5 every month, since the store will re-stock them and the leftovers from the previous month do not carry over. I use a few summoning tickets in events to try for event CEs, but you can also just horde them all for whatever servant you want. Either way works.

Next month there will be an event (Saber Wars), so you should try and level up any Saber servants you have. Caesar is by far the best one and you'll get mileage out of him since you can use him during the Christmas re-run next year. You'll get a free Saber (Artoria Lily), but she's not that great.

Are there any more Fate comics like this? I love it.

Good FAQs are not hard to find. Shilling a discord anywhere just looks like you've got some autistic admins that want more rodents swarming beneath their perceived height.

Yeah sure why would anyone want to talk about a game outside of Sup Forums, I'll tell the owner to delete the server right now.

cirnopedia has them, if you want them all you might want to go to search for lyomsnpmp on danbooru

That won't fix it. You'll then have subdivisions as different members attempt to create their own ego projects. The cancer can never be truly stopped.

>Has Herk and Cu
Congratulations, you have won the game.

Herk is the second best Berserker in the game (losing out only to a Berserker who is literally Cu Chulainn but 5*) and Cu is likely the best 3* we'll ever see.

Herk in particular really wants his Bond CE (which you get when he reaches Bond 10, which you should get sometime around June if you play regularly and never ever take him out of your party) which gives him three revives. On top of his dodge and Battle Continuation. It's nuts. It can even let him solo the final boss, for christ's sake. Even when you get better Servants, putting Bond CE Herk in the last slot of your party can almost guarantee a win on any map.

Cu is similarly unkillable:


Video related.

The two of them are also fantastic choices for Grail Ascension - get them both up to level 90 and they'll take you far.

Over the course of the next year, we'll be getting some really good Servants for free, most notably Kintoki (Rider) and Chloe von Einzbern. Between them and Herk, you shouldn't have any issues clearing the game.

Also, you'll want to raise Euryale (who does absurd damage against males which will be IMPORTANT later), Georgios (who is a phenomenal tank), Hassan of the Cursed Arm (best star generator in the game for a long time who isn't a 5*), Arash (his NP does huge, and I mean HUGE, damage and then kills him, which lets you swap him out for someone in the back line for free. Incredibly useful for grinding), and Hans Christen Andersen, who is the best buffer you can get without rolling a 4* or better.

Other than that, the only tips I can give you is save up your Quartz and look at the JP roll schedule to see when a rare Servant you'd like will come out, and friend a whale or two (you'll know them by the straight lineup of 5*s)

Fuck off. Youc an't get 5* in th tutorial roll and he already has the two best 4* available from that roll.


Here you go, senpai.

You roll the quartz you get from clearing Fuyuki afterwards, dummy. It takes a lot longer than when the game first started, but with a support Herc it's ez pz.

post THAT illya image

It's the first time you get quartz after the tutorial roll which takes almost no time longer and you can get whatever from it as it's a normal role.




Is jack the ripper good?


don't listen to the above guy

Here is how to correctly play.

Realize you have a infinitesimal chance to get any 5* servant and once you accept that, everything is awesome when you eventually do. Don't pick a servant in advance, you will be disappointed when you don't get them and also, picking servants just causes you to eventually spend tons of money and probably still not get the servant you want. People have blown a few grand on a single servant and still didn't get it.

Now, best way to level up is finish the first chapter so you understand the game, then try to do the daily quest that you can afford, equip a friend on the friend list that is the highest level and just blow through them, the 40 ap, once you can afford to do it, will lead you to leveling victory as you rap overflows for 80 levels letting you do whatever you want for a week, which, you should be using on the Dailies so you can get your ap power and equip power higher. At that point around level 80 or so, consider doing some of the chapters for unlocking things.

I highly recommend you don't spend quartz on resurrection, and hold off on actually doing the gacha (saint quartz required) beyond the tutorial roll. When you do want to roll, its usually an event that has some limited servant only available briefly to maximize your chances at interesting servants.

Friend points, someone else can explain that shit.

Yeah, she's one of the two best assassins in the game alongside King Hassan.

She shits out an obscene amount of stars, which lets her support the rest of your team, especially if you're running a Rider or Archer. Her Arts-quick-quick combo gives her a fuckload of NP bar, especially if she crits with them. Her NP increases her damage against females for the ENTIRE TURN, meaning she does extra damage against them for the entire combo. She can also strip buffs from an enemy on command and heal allies every 6-4 turns.

Yeah she's pretty fucking good.

She's very useful right now. Her problem is that she doesn't really bring much damage to the table, even if the encounter plays to her niche and is full of women, and her utility, generating shitloads of stars through her attacks, is something that will slowly become less and less useful as the stronger servants come out. If you run a double support with a DPS meme setup and have 2030s you will have more than enough Stars to feed your big dick DPS anyways, making her pretty fucking redundant in a lot of content. That's not to say she is bad at all, she isn't, there is just almost always more ideal picks. She just hovers around the upper mid, maybe the lower top if you are fighting girls, level.

Why waste turns on your Jack attacking when you could be doing it with someone that actually does damage though?
She's pretty much useless outside of the Christmas Event.


Because Merlin doesn't come out for another year.

Plz she's high even for 5*'s don't exagerate

Give her a quick and/or crit boosting CE and she does enough damage to pull her weight.

>Crit CE
>actually wasting the stars you spent an entire turn of jack attacking on just so jack can be a little bit less useless
>not having your actual damage dealer make use of them and deal even more damage with the guaranteed crits

Jack should crit as little as possible, if she is you are doing it very fucking wrong. Give her a Heaven's Feel/Black Grail, anything else is retarded.

Where in the world do I get gears and pages? Need them for Caesar and Waver.

One/both of them drops in London like rain

Only from events right now. Might be able to get a tiny number of Gears from Interludes, Blackbeard's gives 10 Pages.

In London on the 19th but it's better to get them from events

Right now, no where. London comes out in 4 days and with it some free quests will have them (not to mention guaranteed drops during the main quest). Sometime next year, the dailys will get updated and gears will appear in the assassin quest and pages in the caster quest.

>NAlets actually believe this
Nothing much is going to change. It's no different from trying to farm shit like Talons for you right now.

who /didn't get Ere-chan/ here

250 quartz and 20 tickets and it still wasn't enough

stop playing a gacha game you fucking retard

>drops in London like rain

Don't lie to the poor guy, user. America which has almost double the droprate for gears still takes 3+ runs to get a single drop most of the time. Shinjuku which has 3-4 times higher drop rate for page is the exact same as well. I would know for especially the last one, I've been in page hell for about a month now.

Thanks for the advice.
Got a bunch of exp and prisms

Good for now. Mediocre once merlin is out because he can be a star providing machine on his own

Imaginary around is by far the best, boosts np gain, damage and crit star gain. Black grail could maybe be argued but heaven's feel is definitely not worth it. Jack critting is not bad as it lets her gain np crazy fast, although it's true that boosting the damage of said crits is not really needed.

I didn't get Abby. Over 300 quartz. Even worse, I seem to be haunted by UNRIVALED. I got Saber version in Salem and I rolled my free ticket on X-mas banner for 4 or 5* CE chance just now and ended up with Berserker edition.


>Formal craft on Emiya
Fucking hell
Been trying to get that craft essence for the longest time. Fuck RNG.

So I guess you've got the magical power to pull a BBBEx combo out of your ass on command? And why the fuck would you ever give her an NP booster? Her NP is pretty shit outside of the anti-female effect, and that applies to the entire turn instead of just the NP meaning you're better off enhancing her cards rather than her NP.

What you want out of her is to boost her Quick cards as much as possible. Whether that's by letting her use the copious amounts of crit stars she generates by looking at her enemies funny on hands where you don't draw a triple buster combo from your main damage dealer, or just by enhancing her quick cards directly with something like Imaginary Around (or both with the Christmas 5* event CE we just got) she wants a CE that boosts her ability to generate stars and/or NP, not her NP damage.