Why are we still here?
Why are we still here?
muslim chick
Just to suffer.
Every night, I can still feel my tits... and my ass... even my thighs
>inb4 airport security
>airport security
every fucking time
Is this as a female JUST as it gets?
>Airport security
What did they mean by this?
from what game is it
She will be checking out herself.
>Airport security
Will people stop greentexting airport security. WE'VE ALL FUCKING SEEN IT. YOU'VE FUCKING SEEN IT. WE ALL KNOW. FUCKING STOP.
post repressed muslims
lmao disgusting
All muslims are oppressed by definition.
for fuck sake can someone tell me what game is it from
You ever think dumbasses like you are the reason they do it?
I plan to do it next thread cause of you.
Airport... security?
>ex porn star
>ex porn
You can't un-gangbang yourself you dirty whore.
So long as the videos exist you're a porn star.
game name you fucks
Ethnic Cleansing.
no bbc no buy
So as long as videos of me working at an office exist I'm an office worker?
Is there a point you are trying to make?
Not like adding Ex to a pornstar sounds any better.
fuck you
Boku no no spoon feeding faggot
it's EX Porn Star. She uses 2 punches to fist so that she gets super armor.
Is shit, and properly became a massive whore after getting her first taste of dick.
Not comparable.
If you had put videos on youtube, and they stayed up, you are a youtuber until the videos are gone.
I have tried but I was unable.
I am content to stare at myself in the mirrors though.
Use reverse image search.
Hunnie pop or the new one that is coming out
what is the name of the game ?
>Airport security
Kek, thanks for pointing that out, I'll he sure to mention it everytime I see the image.
Learn how to reverse image, stupid newfag
>Airport security
kek, she can strip search me anyday.
>Why are we still here?
to dick megabitches so hard they canonically develop coke habits
If your here user, for suggesting I look up bridal Niqabs.
Kill yourself
what a knockout
brb converting to islam
>you will never marry an Edenian girl
wtf I love Islam now.
You alright there user?
>used to work as a porn star
>no longer work as a porn star
>therefore ex-pornstar
How fucking dense are you?
>Porn vids still up on porn websites
>Therefore porn star
I'm pretty dense but you're denser than osmium.
It was the profession she used to have. Now she's no longer one. How fucking dumb of an argument is "the video are still up therefore she a pornstar".
>used to be president
>got impeached a year in
>but there is a video of his presidency
>therefore president
This is literally you posting this right now.
Does this mean she got kicked out of the original MC's harem?
If someone is a movie star, they don't stop being a movie star because they stopped acting in movies.
The movies still exist and they are still a movie star.
Exact same.
Sorry for insulting your trash waifu though.
Image related.
If you work in construction and then retire, you're not still a construction worker just because the building is still standing.
To be fair to him, people who held position of power such as senator or president are still called by their titles, way after they leave office.
Would it trigger your autism less if it were ex-porn actress?
don't be suprised. Muslims get batshit on sole suggestion that infidel man will touch their women, but they're pretty OK with that when woman do it
just started playing the first one
can i not do anything after dicking them once?
do i just dick them all and the game ends?
>marry kebab chick to ensure no harlot behavior
>convert her to Christianity afterwards so she doesn't blow you or your friends up
Problem solved.
I always wondered what happened to make her such a cunt.
That's I started greentexting >Watching Porn
>is shit
Best girl and best character development.
I think she just didn't want a pussy whipped man.
To give cakes love?
I'm going to be disappointed if hunie2 has as little conversation as 1 had now that returning characters are suffering
HunieDev has been tight-lipped about it so I doubt it's gonna be ground breaking but maybe more options and possible trickier puzzle seduction?
>Character development
>Acts like a cunt
>Fuck her
>Still acts like a cunt
Wow, great character development there. Besides, she can't be best girls when Beli, Kyanna and Lola exist.
Properly got abused by daddy.
>best girls
>delicious brown
Probably born that way.
All he has to do to change it up is have vn segments leading into the dates. Instead of feeding a girl 10 hotdogs until she lets you take her somewhere for bejeweled
Nothing concrete is ever given but you can assume that she was like Nikki in highschool or whatever and then reinvented herself when going to college.
Starts acting like an Alpha Bitch to get hunks or whatever, doing shit that she thinks guys like to get guys.
It's telling that Kyu reveals Audrey was a virgin before your final date and that in dates she can drop the whole "bitch" thing a the end of night dates and after waking up in the morning.
Beli is too cute, easily the best with Kyanna being the closest second.
A fellow man of taste I see
Yeah but I doubt that much thought is ever gonna be put into this series.
mating press
>ex-porn star
>over the hill
no man with any bit of self respect would want that
So can you still play as a girl in the sequel? Will they add anything else other than changing some lines and pronouns?
I just want to help her reconnect with her daughter. TherapyPop when?
>Full breasted.
>Probably looks about thirty two at the fucking most.
>Knows exactly how to fuck.
The only thing you'd have to be careful about would be STD's but if she's basically forty and looking fine then you don't have much to worry about.
She'd be fine dude.
and don't forget
found the omega
Do you think all repressed Muslim princesses wish to be kidnapped and brought to the West to be forcefully converted into Christians?
Jessie was the worst girl for me. Idk what it was about her but it just annoyed the fuck out of me.
Someone at least has good taste here.
Fuck, that got me.
>White GAL slut
This IS Therapypop, the prescription is your penis.
Go user, fix their problems.
Make Jessie feel loved.
Get Nora out of the ghetto and stop her from selling drugs.
Make Lillian stop being a dumb cunt.
Save them all user, save them!
> smells and tastes like curry
no thanks, I prefer my space goat
>Persona: Annoying
>Hobby: Weeb Shit
She's perfect for Sup Forums.
>They were forced to walk a good distance ahead, because of mines
Haven't laughed like that in a while.
I didn't, fuck you nigger.
Of course not user, those three are all top tier girls.
Worst girl for me was Nikki.
Not so much annoying but she basically lacked any life to her and she was irritatingly naive or simply felt that way.
she's be fine if it weren't for the clown ganguro make-up
The make up is the best part
>tfw you'll never have a busty Mexican with abs doing everything she possibly can for you so you'll stay with her and help raise her child.
>That ass
>Persona: Annoying
>Hobby: weeb shit
post more brown qts
>Yoga, curry and too cute.
>Pretty spiritual and likes nature.
Dream woman.