2017 is almost over, so whats your GOTY?
Mine is Prey, with Hollow Knight at 2nd and Elex at 3rd place


Divinity: Original Sin 2.
Not sure about the third one.

Not completely sure yet, but it may just be Nioh, eventhough I'm still playing it (finished main game already, though).
Nier Automata was also pretty cool.
Both on PC, despite some technical flaws.

Most pure fun was probably Monster Rancher.

1. Divinity: Original Sin II
2. Prey
3. What Remains of Edith Finch

1 Botw
2 Prey

1.Xenoblade Chronicles 2
2. Prey
3. Nier Automata

zelda. i played it on cemu where it crashed on me a few times every session and i still loved it. probably would have loved it even more if i played it on the console. 2nd would be odyssey 3rd hollow knight. might have been different if i had a ps4

Mine is Divinity:OS2, with BotW being 2nd, and hollow knight being third. Honorable mentions to Mario Odyssey and Total War Warhammer 2. Man what a good year for games

1.Nier Automata
2.Zelda BoTW
3.A Tie Between A Hat In Time, Cuphead and Prey, sorry cant decide between those 3

divinity: original sin 2, prey and either horizon zero dawn or xcom 2's expansion

Yakuza 0

Everything was really good this year so all the top contenders and a lot of honorable mentions were around the same tier.

So many Prey-bros in this thread. Love you guys

Hollow Knight.

Everybody praisin prey?
Worth pirating?

Why do you even ask that when people are naming it one of the top3 best games of the year? What kind of answer do you expect?

of course bro

love you too, game is top-notch, lets just forget that ending

he is mentally challenged and have harlequim syndrome

> whats your GOTY

>lets just forget that ending
the ending is one of the best things about it

BotW probably. Didn't really play much that was new this year. I guess I've enjoyed Everspace quite a bit but that's really about it.

Though Dusk probably would have been my GOTY if it actually fucking released when it was supposed to.

maybe someone says nah it isnt or points out some flaws i deem unacceptable for me

Worth a pirate, it's a bit mediocre though. Give it a try.

Tie between Original Sin 2 and P5. Both are pretty fantastic, if still flawed in different ways. Honorable mention goes to XCOM 2's expansion.
Prey is good, but that's it. The ending soured my opinion on it quite a bit.

1. Resident Evil 7
2. Divinity Original Sin 2
3. X-Com2-War of the Chosen

Yeah, I know WotC is DLC but it's still better than many other games that came out in this year. If it's not legible then

3. Expeditions: Viking

Good taste, almost mine
1 - NieR Automata
2 - Prey
3 - Hollow Knight

Exactly this

Mine has to be re7. First of all i was so hyped for the game. I played the demo so much and got the coin and every ending. When re7 came out i just moved into my first apartment with my gf and i played it till i finished over 2-3 days. And i loved it so much. And Everytime i think of the game and see images i get a comfy nostalgic feeling. Maybe its cause of my life situation at the time but i fucking loved re7. I cant wait to replay it one day. Also, i fucking loved the 2 new dlcs. Beat em both same day.

The only game I've beaten that came out this year is ELEX so I'll go with that.

Breath of the Wild
Nier Automata
Sonic Mania

Breath of the Wild
Mario Odyssey
NieR Automata
I liked P5 too.

1 - Nioh Complete Edition
2 - Total Warhammer 2
3 - Prey

Will have put Warhammer 2 first if it wasn't for the fact they fucked up Mortal Empires and didn't give us Tomb Kangz this year.

BotW and SMO

1) Shadow of War
2) Prey
3) Horizon: Zero Dawn

Persona 5. It's been so long since I've devoted an entire summer to playing a single game. It was nice.

1. Breath of the Wild
2. Breath of the Wild
3. Breath of the Wild

Divinity 2
RE7 Gold Edition VR

1. prey
2. sonic mania
3. vanquish because pc

>tumblr nose

1. Elex
2. Prey (very close second)
3. Divinity Original Sin 2

Everything else is so shit it's not even worth mentioning.

Talking about Elex

I'm installing it right now, is it the kind of game you have to love or hate right away or it has a low start?

2. Fortnite
3. For Honor

Why do PCbros pretend Elex is good when they can just emulate better games or play better PC games?

Divinity: Original Sin 2

Would have been a literal 10/10 if they didn't rush the last to acts.


Sonic Mania, Prey and RE7 are close.

Prey was great. I prefer shooters of that style. It dragged on a bit though. I'd have to give it to hollow knight. I really enjoyed the world they built.

1. Nier Automata
2. Nioh
3. The Evil Within 2

Resident Evil 7 or The Evil Within 2. Hollow Knight is incredible, but I haven't finished it yet. BOTW and Odyssey were also really good.

Divinity was shit though.

I've only played 4 games released this year and they were all very good.

1- Nier Automata
2- Prey
3- Persona 5

I'll play Original Sin 2 soon though. Not that interested in the other games like BotW or RE7, but I'll play them eventually.

1. NieR Automata
2. Divinity 2

Haven't played any other releases this year.


Have you played other games by this dev before?
You start extremely weak, so the experience in the beginning is very different from the rest of the game. But anyway I think you have to appreciate the setting and the jank right away.

only tryed the first ghotic but couldn't get past the clunkiness of controls, Risen 2-3 I didn't like much but I did read they aren't really that good

Well, expect clunky controls in Elex too.
Maye you've played Morrowind before. You can expect the same kind of character progression there too. There are ways to become ridiculously strong, but you're also free to ignore them.
Apart from that, Elex actually has meaningful choices making it stand out from so many other contemporary RPGs.

1. Prey
2. Dishonored Death of the Outsider
3. Divinity, Cuphead or Warhammer II

I've only got dishonoured 2, and I'm loving it so far. is doto better?

Xcom Jew Bore of the Chosen

Yup, same here.

>loving Dishonored 2
Terrible taste.

I was pleasently suprised at how many people in this thread listed prey.
I got the impression that most people forgot about as soon as it released.

It's unironically a good video game.

it's a tossup between Beath of the Wild and NieR Automata

Literally can't find anything to even dislike in it, I'm pretty convinced hating it is a meme

about the same but much shorter, the bank job mission is one of the best in the series

Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Nier Automata
Total War: Warhammer 2

t. Soy

Didn't play too many new games this year

2017 Games
1. Prey
2. Opus Magnum
3. Warhammer 2

Pre-2017 GOTY 2017
1. Underrail
2. Rimworld
3. Banished
4, 5. Turok 1 & 2 Nightdive remasters

Are you me? Hollow Knight is a good contender for 3rd.

Turns out people like it if they actually play it.

I'm very ambivalent about the ending of Prey, at least as far as how it recontextualises all you've done.
I would be 100% down for Prey 2 if it continues from that moment on though.

It's unironically pretty average. Nothing grabs you, just doing the same shit over and over again.
I don't hate it, it's just ridiculous to rant about such mediocrity and spread it.

1. botw
2. prey
3. mario
4. persona
5. sonic mania

Danganronpa 3
Regalia of men and monarchs

None of the games that I played this year were good enough to deserve GOTY.

... Say that I liked it?

was just gonna post this.
It appears Sup Forums finally agrees on good games. I like.

Persona 5
Breath of the Wild

Hollow Knight and Odyssey are pretty good, I just need to finish them.

Divinity: Original Sin 2, closely followed by Nier: Automata and Total War: Warhammer II.

uhm are you guys forgetting Destiny 2, Ghost Recon Wildlands, For Honor, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Injustice 2?

Is Shadow of War that good? Does it turn into a piss easy mop up after the first ~5 hours like the first one?

>acti-blizz shit
>generic Ubitrash when AC: Origins is a better Ubitrash game
>shitty fighting game
>Ubitrash not made by Ubisoft
>who gives a shit

>Western garbage

1)What remains of Edith Finch

Is it really that good?

1. BotW
2. Prey
3. Elex

Splatoon 2
Hollow Knight

It is System Shock 3

1. Rain World
2. Hollow Knight
3. Maybe Prey, though I haven't finished it yet. Maaaybe Night in the Woods.
This year was really good overall, though.

1. Hand of Fate 2
2. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
3. Hollow Knight

Good year for unfinished or unpolished games from previous years getting done up with a bowtie too.

sonic forces
sonic mania
mario odyssey

I had no idea there was a Pillars of the Earth videogame

1. Cuphead
2. Divinity 2
3. The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind

2. Prey
3. Nioh
4. Persona 5
5. Divinity

1. BoTW
2. Hollow Knight
3. Sonic Mania
it was a good year.

My fellow Artisans
Evil Within 2 was Goty contender


Kind of has a slow start

I'm happy that you enjoy it. I'm planning on buying the gold edition for christmas. My goty would be Yakuza 0 btw