What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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what didn't?


nothing, it's literally perfect

It has 20,000 peak players per day on PC. that's pathetic.

Game died pretty quick. It won't live on after the next one comes out, especially if it's bad company 3.


Not much? It's plenty of fun

do people still play the dlc? im thinking of getting the game + season pass

Its fun,I dont know what you're talking about man

t. never played the game.
Its occasionally hard to find some specific DLC maps in rotation (although I've heard its not a problem on console), but yea dlc is played more than I remember in bf4

I bought BF1 revolution on PS4 during black friday and the DLC servers are very populated

Is there any sexier camo than flecktarn?

How hard would it be to unlock all the DLC guns all things considered

You unlock most of them through specializations,and some of them are easy and some of then are ball busting hard
Just go on youtube and find a popular youtuber(like therussianbadger or levelcapgaming) that makes BF1 videos to know which weapons are obligatory
Pro tips:
The 10A hunter shotgun is a fucking destroyer
The lewis is great
You CAN one shot people with bolt action rifles as long as you shoot at least over the heart

some of them are decently hard. There's only one really bullshit assignment, but you don't need to unlock all of the guns at all. latest dlc isn't bad at all with assignments
do NOT listen to fucking retarded-tier youtubers who have no idea what they're talking about. Look at the weapon stats on symthic if you're that interested
>The lewis is great
>You CAN one shot people with bolt action rifles as long as you shoot at least over the heart
also no

I'm an autistic completionist. I can't help it. I've done the same with every BF game since bad company 1. Series has gotten a bit stale desu, it's the biggest appeal I guess.

The new maps are really good, especially Achi Baba, fighting for the last sector is intense

Yes. Constantly full games, never have a problem finding a server. I play on PC

shouldn't be too bad then desu, unless you want all the melee weapons lol

Then go for it
Buy the revolution pack for everything
Go for unlocking only the guns you think are fun to use
Its usually shit like
>get 10 headshots with gun y
>do 500 damage to vehicles
And bam,you get it.
The non-DLC guns you have to buy with ingame money,you get few with every level up but you start getting more the more ranks you climb

You tell me.


I have a lot of difficulty finding servers playing the French DLC maps in NA.

Although he is a cherrypickign dumbass, the idea of black German snipers made absolutely zero sense.

If it's for operations, nobody likes to play them, they finally fixed the Verdun map?

Its easier for camouflage

Yeah they do, its just hard to find servers if your playing operations. Theyre mostly up during the weekends and late friday night so its something to look forward when the weekend comes around

Sweden just cannot fucking help themselves can they.

I have trouble finding them at all, in any mode. It might be a matchmaking issue since I can never find US tdm servers and I would assume that would be one of the most popular modes.

>negroes on western and eastern fronts of ww1

good game, but not really what I'd want

-squad spawning ruins any strategy in the game, but gives the impression that there's more people in the game then there actually is

-vehicles are spawn only, so shitters get rewarded for dying

-a lot of useless weapons on tanks, litterally never seen anyone kill or die from the flamethrowers

-the super vehicles are stupid and end up hurting your team when shitters are in control
I really wish spawning was handled differently. it would be much better if you had transport trucks or something you could park and spawn out of.

and I wish vehicles were't spawn in.

besides that, pretty good game with really good textures and damn it runs well.

>It has 20,000 peak players per day on PC. that's pathetic.
Not really, for a 1 year old game, that's pretty good.
It's also higher than what BF4 had a year after it came out.

great engine, best graphics ive ever seen firsthand, all the framework is there, my two issues are ea and too many niggers for the context

Too long to release DLC
Paid DLC
Not enough players allowed in matches
Too many SMG type guns
Not enough trenches
Campaign too short.
Needs more dragons.

The only historically inaccurate black there is the German. Also the only people who use "negro" are racists who are too much of a pussy to say "nigger".

>20k players

You do know that's more than what this year's COD has, right?
BF games are always pretty healthy.

>crying about video game fiction
why don't you cry about how they're making a game out of horrifying and pointless wars? fucking entitled sperg

>implying brits had any kind of niggers on western front


Which BF1 class uses the most prototype weapons?


Spawning is very flawed
Bf4 did it fine they could just go back to that,have the vehicles on your base but allow your team to spawn directly on them

Destroying vehicles is a pain in the ass.

>litterally never seen anyone kill or die from the flamethrowers

The flamethrower is useful if you know how to use it, especially in Brusilov Keep and Argonne Forest

Health regen
No commanders
No squad leaders
Instant-5-man-army spawning
Spray'n'pray weapons
Horrendous hit detection

in short: everything that's wrong with Battlefield since it got consolized

>if you want games to have standards you should be a moralfag

>implying bad company 2 is not top 3 battlefield games

Its really between assault and support but I'd go with support
I CAN FUCKING ASSURE YOU that they didnt use full automatic LMGs with high precision back then

>vehicles are spawn only, so shitters get rewarded for dying
how is this different from any other bf

He's probably speaking of flamer variant of heavy tank.

I'm talking about the flamethrower on the heavy tanks' sides

the flamethrower pickup is really good.


He means the ones on tanks

>wars are pointless

what the fuck are you even talking about

have you even played the game?

putting niggers in world war 1 to appeal to PC fags

I thought the pace of the gameplay would be slower, it feels just like bf4.

My bad

ww1, very useful war


stick to the computer screen soyboy

You racist white male scum. There were PoC in WW1 (in fact they contributed more than whites) and there is nothing your worthless ass can do about it.

>boot up game
>my performance problems persist
>everything was fine before the french DLC
>try to find an operation
>nothing but empty servers in the DLC
>half filled servers on base maps
>see if hardcore is still alive because bolt action only was pretty fun
>all dead
>standard issue is all dead

are they still buffing and nerfing planes and AA left and fucking right? I honestly thought launch AA was fucking fine.

>15000 out of millions
yeah sure, this whole representation thing is full of shit.

Only if you are playing with retards

I'm very glad I played this with origin access instead of paying full price. It looks pretty but it's boring as fuck compared to BF4.

War is the least pointless thing on this planet.

Fag, I betplayed nothing but 3000 tickets locker only servers in bf4.

video games are not real life, soyboy.

It's better if you play with friends. There are a lot of bullshit things you have to deal with, but if you can avoid most of those (planes, tanks, behemoths) it's pretty fun)

Is really a shame that bolt rifles are locked to scouts


Not even him but where at any point did he make that argument?

War isn't pointless, they happen because somebody wants to benefit

>It's better if you play with friends

That's completely wrong, though. All the SMGs with the exception of the mp18 and the automatico were prototypes. All the LMGs were the exception of the Huot were fielded in some capacity during the war.

>reading all quiet on the western front
>a part about black soldiers trying to make a sneak attack in the dead of night
>apparently they're so stupid they decide to smoke on their way to the german trench
>they get lit up by the machine gun
>narrator says it happens repeatedly due to the colonial troops being stupid

It's fine solo, but if you can communicate verbally with teammates you're a lot more likely to win.

iirc really only the lewis gun was a mass fielded LMG, well that and the madsen.

The correct answer is Assault:
Assault prototype weapons: Hellriegel 1915, Ribeyrolles 1918, SMG 08/18, M1917 Trench Carbine
Medic prototype weapons: Cei-Rigotti, General Liu Rifle, Selbstlader 1906
Support prototype weapons: Huot Automatic

thats your perspective and it's not a matter of fact. there's so much god damn room resource on this planet, little stunted brains think murder is worthwhile as long as they can get the peons to do it for them.

The point is this is a meme critique. EVERY game is better with friends.

Worth noting that I only started playing BF4 at the same time as I tried BF1, so my first experience of it was with all the DLC and patches and such. I'm told it was awful at launch.

There's this one pistols-only locker-only server which is pretty intense, but mostly I look for servers running the huge maps with jets.

I'm not particularly good at it, regardless of map or mode, but it's a fun game.

Not every war is killing for backroom jews user

Not much really

It's stands as one of the best in the series

How many maps in the new DLC?

It is a fact though. What, you think people just start wars for no reason? If there is no gain to be found for someone then there is no reason to fight.

Two now, two next month.

>>>/suburban liberal that has never faced hardship once in life/

Just bought premium for $15. Worth every penny desu

Everyone just runs around like headless chickens with full auto weapons. Just like Battlefield 4, but without the map and vehicle balancing.

Most of human achievements were made or perfected because of war

On previous games vehicles would automatically spown, now they only spown when someone picks them from the respown interface

Bait harder

That doesn't make it worthwhile. WWI was particularly pointless.

Divide by 64 thats still 312 full servers

>The 10A hunter shotgun is a fucking destroyer

It got nerfed last year boi

Its not about cherrypicking. I dont really care about niggers and their first world problems, but this is just historically inaccurate. At least theyve got the same voice acting, indicating that dice isnt so serious after all

Cod is a console game, PC players are too busy on Csgo or r6 or pubg.