Does anyone have a VR headset that wants to play games with me? I have an Oculus Rift and I want to play some games with someone! VRchat, RecRoom, Echo Chamber, Stand Out, etc. Also general VR thread I guess.
>what are you playing
>how do you like your headset
Does anyone have a VR headset that wants to play games with me...
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Automatically discarded any possibility.
I'm not a furry.
you uncultured faggot
>he thinks there's any difference between furry and kemono
>uncultured swine talking shit about nanachi
i dont own vr i just clicked this thread because of the image
id do things to that mutant bunny...despicable things
Sure dude you want to meet me in the twitch pokelawls vod stream and we can friend up, I am on a Oculus Rift loving it btw
No matter where I look, I can't find anyone to play VR games with. DAMN IT ALL!!!
twitch chat pokelawls vod and discord are full of friendly meemers just like me :) i have met like 50-100 vr ppls in like a week just by being friendly and role playing
How do I join their discord? What's the server link?
upvote my post and i will play vr with u
It's possible to like a character without wanting to stick your dick in it, user.
That's because nobodies fallen for the VR meme here.
No one there uses VR.
VR is not a meme my friend, haters like you are haHAA
Are you Acoustic? Dude 3000 people watched poke play vr chat today and 100s of them played in VR during TAKE YOUR TEA AND GO HO
What the fuck is Echo Chamber?
when VR can simulate Nanachi smell?
I meant Echo Arena.
Why not just mix up some tuna juice like Orange is the new black? Dude VR isn't this advanced yet
does VR have options for correcting your vision yet or do you still need your glasses/contacts?
VR a shit.
I hate furries, but I like this bunbun.
opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. I used to shit on VR because it was unpolished but its 2017 my dude VR is not a shit.
No because you’re probably a fucking retard
I have a psvr which limits cross platform play to a few titles. We can play recroom I believe, as well as bridge crew and eve:valkerie
SO edgy , wow you must be awesome at parties
Are you that user from the other thread.
I wish I had a VR headset because you are cute.
Yes i am the famous VR celebrity SHIFTY96 who sung DROP IT LIKE ITS THOT
I watched Robbaz play FO4 VR and it's unironically the first time I've wanted VR.
>not wanting to stick your dick in Nanachi
why is venom making out with deadpool?
VR a shit. Nanachi is the cutest.
Nanachi is a proud S.T.A.L.K.E.R
All I have is PSVR
I want her to sing slav songs to me
I'm a consummate degenerate, but I still can't bring myself to sexualize Nanachi.
Nanachi had a hard life. S2 when?
In a few years, there's not enough manga chapters.
They already confirmed something, whether it's season 2 or an OVA.
It was actually a clever avoidance mechanism to deter cancerous assholes like yourself
OP here, you all disappoint me!
Nanachi is made for hugs you immense faggot.
goddamn i cannot WAIT for the bunny to die
Literally in production right now. We're getting through volume 5 for sure.
You should read ch43, she's probably fucked.
Ozen best girl
>First season was made using 26 chapters
>Manga's at chapter 43 right now
There's going to be a lot of filler bullshit or just a 8 episode season or something.
That's one cute bunny
>killing off the character that saved the whole manga
surely he can't be this retarded
I doubt it'll be "kill her off" as much as it'll be her staying behind in Narahate village. People that have read as far as the current volume are probably too invested to stop reading now anyway, with or without Nanachi.
Nah, she's going down all the way for sure. Maybe die down there to the big bad guy.
I'm just scared something horrible will happen to her in the village.
Most likely she'll be okay for now but there's no way she's not dying before the end. The bunny literally longs for death's embrace
What are the closest games to a MIA experience? Cave Story, Etrian Odyssey and Mega Man Legends come to mind..
We'll probably get at least one episode worth of content for what's happening in Orth, something about Jirou visiting Ozen like in the manga special chapters too. Originally the directors wanted an OVA about Marulk's daily life so I'm expecting something at the Seeker Camp.
I can watch watch you play in VR if you want.
I can even be your kissing and hugging dummy if you want it to feel more real.
great year
The fuck is up with that moomin
Bondrewd's magical elevator ride in VR when?
>I can even be your kissing and hugging dummy if you want it to feel more real.
I'd love that, but how would that work?
You put on your waifu game of choice, then I lay on bed and you do lewd things to me/her.
I might want to fap while I'm doing lewd things to you, so there's that. How do you want me to add you?
I was just flirting since I dont actually have a VR headset.
Wish I did so I could add you.
Darn it, I was really looking forward to this too.
I'd like to but i'd prefer to just give her a big hug