Is it too late to get into it?

Is it too late to get into it?

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It's a fucking video game. Of course not.

No, but not worth the time or effort

no, right now the most fun is in the co-op mode, also the campain is pretty fun to play

Why? Its not dead, is it?

It still has people playing it if that's what you want to know. Otherwise I don't know what it means to be too late to play something.

is it at the peak of it's popularity? certainly not
is it dead? very far from it.

Play co-op. Karax is only fun with Swann support though.

>TFW we'll never get a mission pack where the UED sends in a full invasion fleet.

I asked myself the same question and after picking it up, the answer is no. I believe you are implying the people still playing are all gods that have played since release, but there are people just as bad as you that you'll get matched up against. You will lose a lot at first, but you will learn if you want to learn.

why live? That should be the plot for SC3

I doubt that they could make it carry a full game. The UED's full strength makes them too powerful to be something to be fought over a long period of time. It'd have to be short with a convient asspull to defeat them early on (I'd like them to win but them being the enemy in a game means they'd have to lose)

I'm thinking a series of missions to just barely beat off a scouting force and get Stukov into a communication position to tell them to run away or else share his fate. Have the other characters talk about how it's nice that Stukov agrees the combined might of all 3 races would beat them only for Stukov to call them idiots because the full force would have easily destroyed the entire sector.

Yes I know that's terrible fanfictiony writing, just spitballing an idea.

fuck man,
i played so much brood war, and so much Wings of Liberty
I watched Korea Time for years
it just doesn't feel the same anymore

>They took too long to release HotS, and it was incredibly underwhelming
>The 3rd expansion came, looked good, but then they increased the initial worker count to something stupidly high
Killed the game for me, cheese and dealing with cheese was a part of the game.

>Love to play with dekaha
>Reach level 5
>so Poorfag that 5.99 (like 16 soles) is too much
I want to play him more.

>16 soles
>too much
no es tanto cholito

then why 'no'?

Lo es cuando no tengo trabajo y tengo que pagar 130 al mes en internet y postpago.

It's the most popular RTS, probably ever. With F2P being out I think it's more popular than every other RTS combined many times over, assuming API is to be trusted with player numbers.

Yeah man, I was lifelong starcraft fanboy, but i didnt even look into LoV, game was already beyond redemption for me

will they ever make co-op commanders unlockable without money?

otherwise i'll just play on unranked/vs ai, which is pretty decent.

The campaign's actually pretty fun even if the writing is still crap (Aside from Alarack who is just amazing)

Shame they had to kill Zeratul two missions in because they didn't want to keep contriving excuses to send him away since they wanted Artanis to reclaim the MC chair.

Everyone can be played up to level 5 for free now and 4 of the non campaign characters come with Lotv. That's the best you're getting.

How 2 get gud with Zerg?

>is it too late?

Because Tooth and Tail exist.

because muh blizzard hate boner of course!

ah, my bad. am tired and drunk

>tfw we'll never get an Alarak campaign as he climbs his way to the top of the Tal'darim and dicks over the Daelam from time to time.

Do what I do and dont ACTUALLY play Zerg, random instead, so they don't see the 12pool coming.

Blizzard released a short story about Alarack covering that though. TLDR: His crafty ass set up a Rak'shir where several hundred Tal'Darim above him all got killed.

Its more of a shame that his death was telegraphed a mile away, and it was not at all a good send off. The redeeming factor is, he can't be used in the rest of the shitty story.

I admit, I was happy they reeled back on Tass's appearance from WoL by saying he was actually just a space squid doing the old "I'm using a form you're simple mind is comfortable with" shit. Tass died honorably, and doesn't need to be dragged into Nu-Blizz shit writing.

drone up and mass queens.

I admittedly didn't know that, user. I gotta find this. But this is exactly what I want in campaign form. Bad story aside, Nova mission were great fun. SC2 campaigns, barring maybe parts of HotS, have been the best parts imo.

I'll tell you, user.

Don't go for cheesy early game rushes. Old school Zerg tactics don't work anymore. There is one viable all-in early rush and it involves cranking 5-6 roaches out as fast as humanly possible, throw them at your opponent, build more roaches behind it and don't let up.

Spreading creep is extremely important. Having Queens at every base and staying on top of larva injects is extremely important. Staying one expansion ahead of your opponent is extremely important. Don't let Terran/Protoss get the jump on you with air harass on your mineral line. Be on the lookout for Stargate/Starport always and be ready with Spores.

Most Protoss players expect to go up against a Zerg who has a lot of Roach/Ravager/Hydra. If Protoss isn't going for a lot of Phoenix, hide a Spire where it won't get scouted and ram Mutas up his ass. 9 times out of 10, Protoss doesn't expect it unless they're really good. Ling/Bane/Muta vs Protoss is very underrated.

Thanks user.

What custom games do you guys play?

Squadron Defense is top for me. Always need to get a few games in when ever I boot up SC2

>Going muta against 4.1 toss

How? Shield batteries in the mineral line keep probes alive, stalkers will rape them now