/no memes/ edition
Webm thread
Requesting this Morrowind webm please
Which Tenchu?
looks like Wrath of Heaven
What the hell happened to tf2?
Overwatch got released
>killcam off
you don't deserve tenchu
They made pyro kind of okay instead of totally worthless.
I can already see why fromsoft wants to make this. That gameplay rhythm...obviously edited but I'd imagine that's the pacing that would make since for a from game.
I miss when this game was populated on PC
Why do people play this again?
No fucking idea. Even Call of Duty is more balanced than this trash.
Anyone who watches or plays this shit game like it's competitive is braindead anyway
Tenchu Z remake port for PC, Xbone and PS4 when?
Switch would be nice too but we all know how difficult it's going to be to get it on there
Name this game ?
Graphics and frames are too decent for it to be one of the PS1 and PSP games so it's either Wrath of Heaven or Fatal Shadows.
delete this.
i thought i had the latest patreon update but no boob slider. when did this come out?
Is that a modded RE7?
100% Wrath of Heaven, I remember that level.
I'm not sure if killing them that way counts as a stealth kill, though - even if you can essentially insta-kill and skip the animation with it.
That's RE6 with its awful hud
Yeah, got mixed them up.
nigga is this real?
Why the fuck are you playing PSP version?
does it look good with upscales, filters and shit? Also why the fuck did you turn off killing cutscenes?
Why did people dislike this game again?
They don't want Resident Evil games to be fun
Saving this image to bait retards.
>more QTE
>action action action
That's just my dislikes with the game, was alright with co-op, but I prefer 5 for that.
>the punch that send enemies flying
Love this shit.
can't wait to use this as bait. Thank you
Is that a parry?
Fuck I need to pick this up again. Played it until the last quarter of Oswald's Story then stopped for no reason and then Xenoblade came out.
>clicking 500 times uselessly for every action
>selecting and deselecting constantly
exactly the same
holy fuck the i frames are so good here!!
absolutely adore this game
Where the fuck do I get this mod and what's it called?
Fucking love this
>woman be able to take down all those men let alone one.
Fucking kind of indie feminist pandering shit is that? Fucking hell what is up with all the pandering in the industry as of late.
I know this is bait but most of the enemies are women as well and she has knives + the element of surprise
tight. what is this. sequel to kung fu?
International Karate + on Commodore 64.
>I know this is bait
Nah that's just Sup Forums, they really are like that.
I don't know, people keep praising the gameplay but it felt clunky to me
Everything else annoyed me and stopped playing it pretty fast as a result though, so I guess I just didn't have time to learn how you play this shit correctly
what in the absolute fuck happened to this game?
>mfw I used to subsist off the rage of casuals because I mained Pyro successfully pre-air blast and almost always did well
Spot the triggered Sup Forumstard.
>Le Sup Forums boogeyman
Nice deflection retard.
Look in the bottom right corner
Ultima Underworld
Ultima Underworld II
Ultima VIII
Ultima IX
Ultima Online
Aquanaut's Holiday
Kaze no NOTAM
Diablo II
Doom 64
Ogre Battle
Ogre Battle 64
Tactics Ogre
Crystalis (NES)
Redneck Rampage
Shadow Warrior (1997)
Might and Magic VI
Wizardry VII
Wizardry 8
>Just ruined the internet
You mean made it more free? You have to go back my friend.
keep trying. i want to see this
But the corporations were against Net Neutrality dumb dumb. The worst ones too.
Didn't they bring neogaf back btw? Also I thought the /leftypol/ raid ended a few months back.
It's fucking Tenchu from fucking 20 years ago, and I know womyn are absolutely nothing and too fucking oblivious to realize that everything around them was invented, made, built by Men. EVEN THE FUCKING APP THAT SHOWS THEM THEIR VAGINA PUKE CYCLE WAS MADE BY A MAN FUCKING WOMEN AND THEIR GINORMOUS EGOS GET OFF MY VIDYER
Jacked it to this like 10 times, that one character with the flower in her hair makes me diamonds.
*The corporations who didn't stand to make more profit and gain more control over the american public
those aren't i-frames friendo, the word you're looking for is hitbox
Why do you suck so much at Tenchu? The killing blows are fun and brutal
Don't say words you don't know.
You mean the corporations that already DO have control over the American public and are already monopolies making way too much money?
I'll do what I want, gay man!
tweening looks so bad most of the time.
I am a porn connoisseur yet I don't know the sauce of this, where do you hide your gold jew?
Here's a much better beat'em'up than God Hand