Im uh....Shell Duck.....
Im uh....Shell Duck
His Shell Duck design is way better than the alien one. He's cuter this way.
He just reminds me of Scoot.
This game had such ass story, dialog and voice acting. But at least the game itself was good.
Well, that's why classic mode existed.
I also like to think he's a reference to the Kukkus from Tails Adventure.
Only way to play IMO
how else am I going to watch the purple cunt get shocked?
>gets electrocuted so hard her fur actually gets burnt in places
I did not expect that shit.
Brevon was hardcore
Clothes should've burnt off too tbqh
they ripped her tentacles off too
Oh fuck I forgot about that.
Jesus christ.
they fucking owned her ass
>takes a magic bath and all that trauma is undone
Felt like a cop out.
and then he turns her dog bitch into a polygon mutant
Brevon was pretty good voice wise. But yeah, him and arguably Serpentine were the only passable voices.
Brevon's floating AI squid had a nice voice
The story was simplistic, it was really too simple to really be seen as "bad".
fucking excellent game. shit ass story and voice acting for the most part, but more than made up for the gameplay and that god tier OST
brevon was chad as fuck
Magister, Zao, and Carol were good
Milla sometimes was
where did he get a duck costume from. and why did he need to disguise himself anyway? the story was very simplistic yet difficult to follow and the cutscenes dragged on for too long I think. still a great game though, the 2nd one is going to be great
>When you realize who he's based on
Im gonna guess the Magister is a pure dragon and that Merga is his sister
lilac and friends are passable for MLP voices or some cringey kids show. the game was the definition of guilty pleasure
More like shell cuck.
>not sushi/10
With how much talent FP2 has on board it has to end up good
Magister is now confirmed as a pure Earth Dragon, Lilac is now confirmed as a half-water dragon.
from who
devs confirmed lilac isn't related to merga which is good because that would be the most boring thing ever
I'm more looking forward to the god tier music that is sure to show up in the final area of the game
They cut off her hair tendrils, too.
From the creators, look it up on their wiki bits on the characters of the new game.
>this fucking theme
Also his VA sounds like Death the Kid
good, devs have more respect for not pulling that shit
>they have vegeta's voice actor
I knew the voices were DBZ english dub tier but now it literally is DBZ
What the fuck is that brown guy?
please tell me its the Ocean Dub Vegeta
new character
is a new guy. vegeta's new voice actor is playing him
What is he supposed to be?
New artstyle looks fucking great too
Isn't that literally one character from that Tails game for the GameGear?
looks like anthro megaman x. I like it.
fucking owned
Everyone's matured up a bunch which is great.
more importantly it has more detail and looks less like a sonic ripoff
post best song
>tfw Taxman is helping with programming
Game's gonna be smooth as silk
Just googled it, he's a dog/earth dragon hybrid.
I can accept the shit ass story and voice acting due to it being so cringey yet somehow charming in a way.
Freedom Planet 2 got Christopher Sabat for some reason, I'm not complaining but how the hell they got him on board is anyone's question.
shit the game just has a genius OST all of them are good. underrated as fucking shit too
Thermal Base best music
its not charming, its fucking hentai
I'm hoping they do a Freedom Planet Kiwami and remake the first game but with Freedom Planet's 2 engine and sprites, plus a tightly written script seeing how the dialogue was cringey as fuuuuck.
why does she wear the headphones
so she can hear these dank ass beats
they arent ears?
She's hearing impaired because she's a mongrel dragon according to the devs. Why? Well people weren't convinced she was a dragon let alone a "water" dragon since she was literally once a hedgehog in the original game so they decided that she has Merga like fin ears under there that you'll never see.
The final boss fight really came out of nowhere in terms of difficulty. I died more times there than I care to admit, but it was a really fun fight.
Jesus Christ that difficutly spike. I understand he's the final boss, but I've never seen such a leap between the final boss and literally everything else in a game. Was fully unprepared until I nailed down his pattern
>The final boss fight really came out of nowhere in terms of difficulty
Both Prince Dial fights, Holo-Dragon, mutant Serpentine, and that fucking airship were hard too
The empowered snake cunt was the beginning of the difficulty mountain
that is surprisingly deep lore for a kids game
I can't fucking wait
>that OST
it's one massive YGLYL
>no brevon in FP2
I remember the devs saying something along the lines of he's "sitting this one out". implying they're making another after this one? I hope so this shit is gold
>Work on something shit which takes up half the dev time
>Just ignore it
>Devs have now wasted all that time not just making more polished levels and gameplay
People defend this shit, my god.
Merga design wise looks just as good as Brevon
Brevon chunks the shit out of your lifebar with that obnoxious slash move that has zero startup if you happen to be right next to him when he triggers it.
Given the "quality" of the scenes and the fact its all using in game shit how much time do you really think went into it?
Might be noncanon now or a regretted spoiler now. When the 2nd game was announced the fan wiki was adding everything they could but shit is missing like how the Magister is an ancient earth dragon and his link to Merga; except they weren't perfect because he an other dragon characters are listed as dragons under the racial page.
I can't find the hearing aid article, so maybe the devs asked for it to be redacted. The maker of the game is a sperg so he probably couldn't help but leak shit the other team members said he shouldn't.
Tyson tan should work on more games t b h
accept no substitutes. I'll give her 5 minutes to impress me as much as brevon did
>implying the Bible Black dub isn't the most charming performance in history
I hate all you newfags.
I wonder if I can see my reflection in that...headpiece thing
This game is obviously going to be done to try and expand Avalice. The first game really vague and we never really got an idea of who the aliens were beyond an exchange between Torque and Brevon implying that Brevon's motives were at face value to protect his home world though he was taking it to extremes.
Cutscenes still take scripted coding to make work, just like for RPGs. And it doesn't help it's all voiced acted, taking even more time to add the clips in and "lip sync" it all together. It would take a marginally long time doing all that while said time could have kept some of those cut stages that were originally going to be in the game.
>can't play as him with some badass robot/drone moveset
>add yet another female to main cast instead
p. lame desu
he's still possessed
and I think his brother is/was going to be playable
all we know is that Dragons helped form it into what it is today, there's a band of thieves, and red panda nigger manlet uses a lot of power for his city
Why is FP2 taking so long to release?
quality control
The point of this one is to expand on the whole dragon shit since they're more or less Chozo and were a background thing in a game more about an alien invasion.
So this game is going to have a bunch of new dragon characters.
Did the DLC characters and new stages for the first game ever get finished? I stopped following it since it took forever to release and just played Torque on the beta.
there's only like 15 people on the team most of them voice actors. they have to make a whole new OST and world map and everything that goes into making a game, and making it better than the 1st one. not to mention all the art and animations that is going into it
look how good that animation looks, it's high quality pixel art.
Why don't they hire more people?
>Freedom Planet 2 got Christopher Sabat for some reason
He's going to voice Punished Brevon
We got cucked in favor of the second game.
Female Beast Boy is cute.
her last name is fucking "tea"
Not as dumb as Lilac's first name being Sash.
Best girl.
The yellow inside of the ears ruins the design.
it looks better desu