DOA 6 confirmed?

DOA 6 confirmed?

Other urls found in this thread: Itagaki to create a brand new studio in Italy/

What's the best DOA game?
I've only played one on Xbox and that's only because my friend wanted to show me their panties, I want to get into it

The one that has VR. You are missing out on Honkers VR webms and Nyo's puffy vulva


5 is just super unbalanced trash made to milk dlc money out of NEETs

I don't have a next gen console, it has to be on dreamcast, Xbox or Xbox 360. I heard the PS2 one sucked like it was half finished

2U. 3 is technically the best but no online.

4 and 5 are kind of a mess, but 4 is a little better than 5. Hopefully 6 slows it down a bit to 2U/3 levels.

I don't care about online, I hate playing fighting games online because I'm not good at them, the autists who sit there for 10 hours a day playing the game wreck my shit in like 5 seconds, it's not fun

Well then so-called 3.1 is the best which IIRC is a version of 3 that only came out in Europe and Japan, but otherwise regular 3 will suffice. It's the most balanced.

Then what's the fuck is point of playing?
Those games have bad solo modes

So....$700 DLC or have we surpassed that?

To play with friends at home, I hate online games anyway the only one I ever really enjoyed was Halo or Mario Kart online games suck, I wish they'd bring back couch multiplayer

>it's still 3 times less money than unlocking everything in Star Wars BF 2

I wish they'd re-release (yes again) DoA5 complete with all the dlc on disk

I agree with this user 2 Ultimate was awesome. Gave a reason to sit down with your buddies and trade off the controller playing on hardest difficulty trying to get that sweet sweet next outfit. 20 Outfits for most of the chicks and not 1500 dollars in dlc. DOA was best when pizzagaki was running the show

So are they going to redesign the characters again?
What do you want to Sup Forums? More realism so SJWs and normalfags shut up? like Team Ninja initially planned to do with 5

i dont give a fuck if theres $10,000 of dlc. just make it a real good tournament competitive game with sick graphics and gameplay and sell all the waifu costumes you want. it would be a great f2p model

DOA5's F2P model is actually great already.

yea the model is fine but it still needs to be a better product all around, and especially focus on sick gameplay and graphics for competitive tournaments and stuff

Honestly it feels like the FGC's idea of a better DOA is to kill the hold system out of the series completely and turn the game into your bog standard 3D fighter

Fuck the FGC , they prefer fucking ham hands and shrek feet on their women and don't hold DOA very high. They can keep their street fighter shit to themselves

Yeah but a game that doesn't pander to them is doomed to fail

The gameplay was always shit the minute they started to make it a VF clone, when DOA should remain VF for retards.

In reality no DOA game succeeded except the actual arcade versions so who gives a fuck , why do you think there is now 1500 worth of dlc? It is the same as the gacha games , hardly anyone buys them but those that do buy it all, whales

>post Nioh Team Ninja

I expect nice things.

The design are not important. They can be in dark souls armor or wearing bandages. Make the physics, wetness, and environments interact more realistically.

not too familiar with hayashi, are you, user?

I just want Mila.

You mean the man that can admit his mistakes, work on them really fast, and otherwise co-directed this year's best RPG?

>Expecting anything good to come from the man behind NG3 and RE

>environments interact more realistically
Why would you want something boring?
You can't realistically hit someone on a generator so hard you make an entire building explode.
Might as well remove the environment interaction feature entirely.

>Expecting anything bad to come from the man behind Nioh the GOTY

what kind of dumb post is this? you think big hands and feet are a significant factor at all? theyre only added to street fighter for the directors own personal reasons, he thinks it makes normal attacks more visible

4k doa nudes

You said it yourself, he co-directed, if Hayashi is left on his own, then it's a fucking shitshow

Are there actual SBS webms that I can watch on cardboard, all I hace la this.



My nigga.

He also produced it and basically allowed the game to release in this form. That's a pretty significant credit, especially when talking about a game that has been in dev hell for a decade. Not many games can claim to be this good after any sort of dev hell.

I expect a mobile port of the DOAX browser game

He's been doing good lately, unlike cookie man

Hopefully they do a proper PC port this time. I'm not buying a PS4 just for DOA5.

Nioh got a proper port at least

>DLC gacha
Only if the PC version is browser based

>Nioh got a proper port at least

Took them a few weeks to release the needed patches.

Don't care. Only if they bring back nipple bumps.

>kill the hold system

Pls no, baiting holds and punishing with multi-point grabs is the best feel.

>don't hold DOA very high.

Because it isn't very good waifufag. Play more than tittyfighter and you'll realize that.

Seemed like a pretty deep fighting system to me. I got a decent ways into the tutorial and got overwhelmed by all the counter and parry options. It plays way smoother than something like Tekken too.

hayashi's favorite character is nyotengu
hayashi's most wanted guest character is ryo
hayashi's second most wanted guest character is morrigan

post >yfw

>those characters
Shina and Gadolt from Bloody Roar or bust

Hopefully it'll look like this.

Not going to happen unless they ditch console versions entirely, so never ever.

are the fighting games even good? like 90% of DOA threads are just the volleyball games

What is Cookie man doing nowadays anyway, he's not stuck back in limbo is he?

I never played a DOA before in my life and tried the trial version of 5 and immediately whooped some guy's ass online and got like half the trophies. Pretty fun tbqh.

Perfect tastes

Don't listen to this kind of fgc shitter. They never have any real examples because didn't even touch the game.

Yakuza has top-tier character models and that's a Japanese PlayStation game.

Making some naval warfare game for the chinese.

huh. i never knew they made a yakuza game on the dreamcast.

He's dealing with the mafia in Italia
I wish I was joking

None of them. It used to be an Xbox exclusive, so an already small market became even smaller. By the time the games appeared on PSN, they were just in it for the money.

That's pretty bad


post the good ones then

Post Nioh Team Ninja? How are they different now?

>Despite being able to freely move on a 3D axis in the Ultimate version of DOA2 however, most moves cannot be sidestepped as in other 3D fighters, as well as in DOA3
I haven't played it myself so I won't knock it but this sounds sort of weird to me to be honest.

As a Sonybro it feels bad most of these games were on Xbox only. I wish they would do a remaster port so more people like me could play them.

>make zero effort to develop any competitive scene for DOA5
>but still rerelease the game like five times
>add $1000 of DLC costumes
>add characters constantly
>competitive scene is like two guys and neither of them are serious

what is even the point?

Fuck me, why and how?

>Knowing this little about Cookie's personal lore

Itagaki had a huge hatred for Sony for stealing DoA2 off him before he considered it done, as he's left, it may b possible, hell Dimensions was a pretty much quick run-down of all the lor up until that point

I'm hoping for stages that aren't all tiny shitty square arenas Itagaki to create a brand new studio in Italy/

The best game is in PS4 (and PC for mods), though.


You think we'll get a Switch port? It would be the perfect console for it.

>It would be the perfect console for it.

HD Rumble, and amiibos that unlock sexy Nintendo inspired costumes.

DOA2 was until DOA5.

DOA5: Last Round of 5 is the final and most complete version.

Ignore the Xbox fanboys saying DOA4 was good. It's interesting solely for having a spartan but it's not good.

It'll look like shit though. Also how many times can you see someone dress up in a pink prom dress or a green tunic or blue overalls?

Doa4 had far better stages and you know it, even if the africa one and the dino ones were boring clones, a lot of the other ones were really cool