Sonic Adventure 1's engine is perfect for 3D platforming. We need autists to make custom stages for SA1 with spindash+jump platforming in mind. Posting WEBMs below
Sonic Adventure 1's engine is perfect for 3D platforming. We need autists to make custom stages for SA1 with spindash+jump platforming in mind. Posting WEBMs below
Imagine the potential. This game controls SO PERFECTLY even at high speeds, especially while in the air. I have no problem platforming in this game at high speeds. Reddit boost fags have been forcing this meme too hard
So why do we associate the "better" thing with asshole chad trope?
Doing a sharp 90 turn at top speed is not physics, it’s controls. And it’s not even good controls.
>controls perfectly at high speeds
He controls the same at all speeds, which is fine at low speeds but problematic at high-speeds
>SA1 physics are goo-
And you don’t use the dpad to control any of those games, it’s the analog stick
Youtubers are the root of the problem here. Nobody had a problem with SA1 controls before pseudo intellectual youtube 'critics' decided to make videos on this game, and had to nitpick every single thing to make filler content to make the video longer. Sega took the bait because they are submissive gooks who fear the opinion of some neckbeard hwite male on youtube who finds
>le buggy camera!
>le yank yourself off the rail with the slightest turn of control stick at high speeds!
Bullshit. You cant take the opinion of these retards seriously.
>problematic at high speeds
I wonder (((who))) pozzed that opinion into your skull.
If the game had proper collision detection, the physics would be absolute perfection.
As it is, they're still the best 3D Sonic games to control
>Have to stop to spindash or else you roll
>Can't do it on a slope too steep
>Game automatically slows you down when pressing the spindash button
>Can spindash while on walls
Why do adventurecucks keep pretending they play classic Sonic?
Slopes were not coded in this game with green hill paradise physics, fuck face.
>sega listening to youtubers in 2006
>not just the poor reception of the last two games in the dreamcast/gamecube era
and the games control was far from perfect
Exactly, you can't even do something so basic from the classic games as stay curled into your ball and gain height and speed from a halfpipe. SA1 was just as half-baked as every other 3D Sonic game.
>poorly received
Your opinion is shit
You can bitch and moan about your slope momentum all you want, it doesnt take away the fact that as far as high speed 3d space platforming goes, this game's engine feels better to control than mario oddyssey
>the last two games in the dreamcast/gamecube era
>the adventure games
but please spam your shitty wojak edits, makes it easier to tell you're reddit reject trash
If they're so beloved, why has every sonic game post SA3 tried it's hardest to be the exact opposite of adventure games?
Remember that time they had a marketing stunt for Sonic 4 where they had a list of playable characters, and every day they would cross out characters until it was just Sonic? Think hard about why they would do something like this.
This much autism isn't even legal.
Who the fuck even mentioned Odyssey?
>shows 0 webms of boost game physicsw to prove his other half of the point
great thread op
>The physics are good!!!
>No, they aren't, here's why
Keep up, adventurefag. You will NEVER match the physics of the classic games.
This thread is about adventure. The games you mentioned control nothing like it
but that post wasn't, backpedal harder
>control nothing like it
Those are not from the dreamcast versions obviously. Everyone knows that the gc and pc ports are much more broken.
Is this supposed to show good physics? It looks fucking broken
>spastic and nonsensical rolling physics and magically latching onto walls
It's an embarrassment to even compare this to the classic physics.
>speedruns abusing the engine are typical of the gameplay
Why did the GameCube fuck up Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 so badly?
I prefer the virgin Sonic. Enjoy your only 2 games forever, I guess,
>people enjoy automatically moving forward
>people enjoy zero hostile enemies
>people enjoy not having to work for their speed
Boostfags are something else
1) That's possible on the originals
2) DX is the only bad port.
In Unleashed you had to understand the level layout to consistently move fast without dying or taking damage, but there weren't many threatening enemies and it was more obstacle-focused. There were a couple that I remember only, like the laser robots. It's still closer to the classics in its layout than SA.
To be honest Sonic should be a more parkour and obstacle based game in general.
Why "speedrunners" then always use dx or battle, if those aren't more easily exploitable?
>working for speed
>in adventure
AHHAHAAHAHHAAHAAHHAAHHAAHHAHAH!!!! You literally have the game that let you instantly full force spindash with the press of a button! And it doesn't even limit your ability to do it like boost games!!
>homing attack gives you full speed in adventureshit
>doesn't in boost
I never found Sonic to be that focused on enemies in general beyond the bosses. Always just saw them as mobile obstacles or traps. It's not like other side-scrolling games where you legitimately fight them, you just jump on them or dodge them and move along, similar to Mario.
>>homing attack gives you full speed in adventureshit
truth, I used to spam the shit out of homing attack in Adventure so that I just kept speed. I guess Boost was probably their way of balancing that.
>Why do they use the version that isn't locked to one system or is easier to emulate without problems?
Gee I wonder why.
You know what triggers me the most? Why are you using the Director's Cut version? And the original SA2? Both versions are shit compared to the Dreamcast SA1 and Gamecube Battle versions respectively.
>Abusing the engine
Ain't much to abuse if it's broken.
>Boost vs Adventure
why people are questionig qhat's better between steaming shit and dried shit?
they both ar eshit
>Nobody had a problem with SA1 controls before pseudo intellectual youtube 'critics' decided to make videos on this game
That's bullshit though, the game was pretty disliked for a lot of people other than paid magazines reviews and segafanboys.
I unironically think that Sonic Adventure has good controls, it's just the camera that totally fucks everything up and makes everything so wonky because you're seeing things in an off-angle, or the camera can't even follow you correctly.
>Sonic Adventure 1's engine is perfect for 3D platforming.
No, it was dogshit just like most 3d sonic shit.
That's because spindash is mapped to a button, the same thing happens in the classic games if you map spindash to a button.
Can't you do that with Tails and Knuckles?
>, the same thing happens in the classic games if you map spindash to a button.
Except you would have to redesign the game for that to work.
None of the 3D Sonic games are good but how does anybody consider instant momentum transfer on a 90 degree angle a good thing?
Yeah, but that's a choice on the game design to have the spindash without the spin attack.
But the fact is the classic games exhibit the same behavior if you decide to set it up that way.
Slopes seem to be working, if you uncurled in the classic games you would have that same issue. I don't see how this is a problem emulating the physics engine and more of a choice to not have the ability to perform the grounded spin attack.
However, in SA2 you'd be able to run up that half pipe no problem. You can even run on walls.
That has nothing to do with the physics then. If anything it proves how faithful it is to the classics.
>But the fact is the classic games exhibit the same behavior if you decide to set it up that way.
user, even if you change the game and change it so it's possible to assign the spindash to a button it still wouldn't function in the same way because the spin dash could only be used while still, in other words it would kill all momentum and you wouldn't be able to perform it on any vertical surface without falling either.
You would have to change the way physics work in their entirety for it to be the same as SA's spindash and that doesn't exactly prove your point does it.
>Calls classic sonic platforming "Boost shit"
>despite it being Adventure in which you stop and spindash or boost in mid air constantly
Really kongs my dongs
Someone already coded the spindash to a button in Sonic 2, it works like it does in Adventure.
SEGA wanted to keep the controls simple, so they decided not to pull a Mario 64 and have a dedicated crouch button.
Because they are retarded and bought into the "REEEE Sonic and """Robotnik""" only!" meme. When really, the fans shoupd have demanded good fucking gameplay. Hell, even the classic games had 3 playabpr characters and Advance had 5 and that was never a problem.
Yes and that required them to change the physics.
I don't think they decided to change the entire physics to make spin dash a button, the rest of the physics feel exactly like Sonic 2.
>Sonic Games
>EVER forcing you to work for your speed outside of Sonic Fucking 1
Spin Dash killed any sense of accomplishment from gathering speed, prove me wrong.
>This game controls SO PERFECTLY even at high speeds
>first thing in the webm is sonic wobbling left and right, struggling to run in a fucking straight line
>slightly nudge the analogue stick to the right
>Sonic makes an instant 90º turn towards a bottomless pit
>does a stumble animation that ultimately freezes you in place
>Sonic Team programming kicks in and Sonic walks in the direction opposite of the one you are inputing (away from pit)
>Sonic falls, loses a life and loses the A/S rank
WOW, great game Adventure fags.
bouncejumping in sa2 is kino
>the rest of the physics feel exactly like Sonic 2.
You realise that minute changes are changes nonetheless right?
If they changed the physics in regards to one element then they have changed the physics.
You're grasping.
You can also do that in SA though.
How would they change the physics for that one element? All Main memory did was tie that action to a button.
When enemies ARE a big deal it's because they're really fucking annoying and poorly placed like everything in Metropolis Zone.
Noob? Broken engines almost always give more to abuse. A perfectly designed engine would be really hard to abuse
Hey fag, don't try t bring your fellow /sthg/ autists just because you are having your ass handed to you.
>instantly full force spindash
[citation needed]
you have to spam for the full acceleration of the spin dash, which if you're trying to make good time isn't usually worth it
>press spindash button
>go FASTER because it doesn't stop your movement
You're right, it's better than a full force spindash
You don't have to charge the spindash at all for full speed in Adventure like you do in Classic.
You also don't have to come to a full stop.
You really don't know what you're saying. The "physics" in the Genesis games are hardcoded, it's not a actual Unreal Engine physics engine. It's made up physics to make Sonic do what he does. If it was real physics, Sonic could never hang off ceilings when spindashing real fast or whenever you spin around those disks you saw in Carnival Night you'd fly right off of them after going down and not stick to them because that's not how real physics work. Sonic can indeed spindash on slopes, it's possible with some finicking to do so. It's just that Classic Sonic has been programmed to make you lose some control over Sonic after hitting a steep slope too slowly and you're forced to slide down the ramp, which is what the Adventure games lacked, which is why it's easier to preform a spindash on slopes in Adventure.
>You really don't know what you're saying.
That doesn't means much coming from someone who thinks that a very common occurrence is a strict impossibility.
Dude, you got caught out for not knowing shit about a classic sonic game. Any way you spin it spin dash on a button wouldn't work in the same way as it does in the adventure games without fucking around with the games especially since you drop from the fucking ceilings and walls if you don't maintain your speed.
Also you know fuck all about how video games work.
pannenkoek says hi
If I had to improve Sonic Adventure Sonic controls, I'd make it so tapping b or x would make you roll when you're moving (Tails and Knuckles have this), otherwise if you're stood still you'd spindash. It'd prevent some of the spindash speedrun exploits but I think it'd help the flow of the game a lot.
Also tighten up the controls, especially at speed, and remove those invisible objects that increase Sonic's jump reach in stupid places.
You get a longer lasting spindash the more you charge it.
? What are you saying, I can't interpret what you are going on about.
You haven't said anything that actually happens in game, making a action happen from a button command does not control the entirety of Sonic's gameplay.
The other guy said you can spindash on slopes, and I'm witness to back that claim because I have done what was proclaimed (use the spindash on sloped terrain), it's just not as simple to do like in Adventure because of what I explained in my prior post. You're going on the fact that Adventure having the ability to use spindash without the hassle seen in the Genesis games, but that's not the agrument. And ehen can you use spindash on ceilings? It can only be use on sloped terrain below the 90 degree angle, in classic sonic's case that forced control part i brought up is why it's harder to pull off.
How about you prove that remapping a damn action to a button completely changes the physics. That's something I'd like to see.
How is action'ing, even 'ironically' not grounds for instant ban?
As the guy who made that webm, I can tell you the game does not control well. Took me over 10 tries to do because sonic can't even walk straight when running fast and every slight nudge on the thumbstick sends him flying
There is a mod called Sonic 2 Adventure Edition that sets the spindash to a button.
this thread is cancer and a prime example of why the fanbase for this series is so god damn awful.
this thread is just
Low IQ cocksuckers, all of you
autistic OP literally took this wojack's shit and pasted it on chad
Don't do that shit. Please. It's stupid
Fuck you user, Americans have a hard time breathing when they type.
i had no idea this was here