Has your taste in vidya changed since you were a teenager? How so?

Has your taste in vidya changed since you were a teenager? How so?

what a fucking slut

20 next month. Feel the same as 14 but with more responsibilities. One thing I did notice, I started to hate lolifags when I became an adult whilst I was indifferent as a teen. Vidya and anime is pretty gay when you're an adult in general.

To be fair, the new "gameboys" have touchscreen (DS 3DS)

JRPGs are boring as shit, and I can't play/watch a generic anime plot unravel for 20 hours anymore.

When you're young, you constantly have this idea that you'll change in a noticeable way, but your personality endures until the end. Think about how you imagined 30 year olds as a kid, then think about it when you hit 30, I can guarantee it won't be close to watch you imagined. At least, that's how I felt when I hit 25

I think I'm a bit more patient now, but I still need to improve in that aspect. I want to play a grand strategy game one of these days.

When I turned 18, I noticed how much shit kids got and the fact that there's a barely legal fetish and how young adults are manipulated by older people is fucking creepy. It's like a terrible NTR hentai.

Lolifags, pls go and stay go.

Eu4 and ck2 aren't hard.

what's wrong with that boy? does he have autism?


Yeah I realise that anime trash is fucking garbage for horny teenagers only.


You're not cool for being a pedophile.

Lolis are not for lewd.
Can't disagree with you.

I started playing more weeb games and jrpgs instead of western rpgs and fps games.

My taste has changed, as a teen I used to play lots of fighting games with my friends and I would play PES/Fifa and boxing games.in my early 20;s I would play RTS games
Now I play more RPG and action adventure.

>tfw I sold that same GBC when I was 13 for 20 bucks
Fuck I was so dumb

>when you were 13
How old are you now? Most people on Sup Forums would still love a GBC at 13.
t. youngfag
All your friends being to busy to hang out is one of the worst things about adulthood.

They're still only worth about $20-30. Go out and buy another, user.

it would be lol if she threw it in the garbage can at the end

How come?

no idea

i think the poster didn't know what a wench was

a wench was a woman who was hot like a thot

>How old are you now? Most people on Sup Forums would still love a GBC at 13
I'm gonna need a quote on whatever statistic you are basing this.

im still playing tf2 but now i hate every other valve game exept the original 3 hl

source: me
C'mon, why would I lie on the internet?

I still play games I played as a kid from time to time so it's not too different. Got more into Japanese games though I guess.
I sold my GBC and first gen DS to friends as well as a kid, still mad about that.

Not really, though I heartily welcome the Japanese adoption of PC. Their games was the one thing I envied to people who had access to a console.

I prefer console more nowadays.


I now primarily play decade(s) old games, so when you think about it nothing changed.

you know that words can have more than one definitions bro

I remember laughing at a kid for playing a Final Fantasy game on the bus.
Now I'm not such a judgmental piece of shit, and I want to get into the series.

I used to play wrpgs and fps, now I almost exclusively play underage panty quest.

t. pedo
gb2b, nerd

Used to love JRPGs for their stories. Now I hate games with cutscenes.

I've gotten less patient over the years. I can't play any slow strategy/turn based games anymore without getting bored out of my mind.

cringed desu
underage redditor thinks turning 18 makes him enlightened rofl

I play more arcade-type games and fewer JRPGs.

I liked RPGs, MMOs, and Platformers a whole lot more when I was younger

Now I love Strategy, 4x, and Simulation games

And playing 4x games has taught me to read history books and I use that in my day to day life as an activist in my city. Mad nerd bitches on my dick for that sweet sweet knowledge that I unironically learned from vidya

Oh wow, he's 19 but almost 20, big mature man over here!

Seriously though, I want to impress upon you that the magnitude of changes you're going through don't really start to crystallize until you're around 24. It actually takes until 24 for your brain to fully develop and shift gears into long-term thinking mode. As of right now there's no real difference between you and a 17 year old except for an arbitrary understanding that 18 is a legal adult. You're still growing and I bet you still have pimples and shit.

It's fine to be happy about yourself getting older, but try not to put on airs. I did the same shit when I was your age and now the memory embarrasses me.

I like a lot of the same franchises but in different ways. Fire Emblem was one I adored but I mainly cared about the story and characters. I still love the series but I really only care about the gameplay at this point and find myself skipping every cutscene. I also play a variety of games instead of just JRPGs. I never thought I would get into puzzle or non-Guitar Hero rhythm games but here I am.

not really. I'm still playing shooters, starcraft, and zeruda

JRPGs are terrible now.
There's no need to buy a console because all the games are pretty much garbage and they run much better on the PC.
Also I'm not paying extra to use internet I already pay for.

I'm not spiteful. I'm sad. I wish consoles weren't so bad and companies so damn greedy. I wish I didn't have to sit and wait for good games to come out on the PC. I wish exclusives weren't the only good games on consoles. I wish all console games run at a native 1920x1080 with an average of 60fps. I wish the word "gamer" was dead. I wish "nerd culture" would die. I wish I could enjoy my hobby in its purest and unpolluted form.


Somewhat. As a kid, I liked linear games more and open world games less. Being able to wander around and get lost and have to find your way way annoying. I also didn't like anything remotely scary.

I also wasn't crazy about fighting games because I was shit and they seemed too complicated.

Now that I'm 20, open world games are fine, since I'm not a tard who gets lost and can read a map. I still don't like "horror" games, like survival shit, but I can play things with "scary" elements. If that makes sense. And I've come to really like fighting games. Holy shit. Now that I sit down and do research and study how to play, I love the one v one aspect of testing your mettle against another person.

I don't play as many japanese games now mainly because I'm sick of hearing the japanese language.

>JRPGs are terrible now.
Most of them were always awful but when you're young the garbage stories weren't obvious to you.

>I started to hate lolifags when I became an adult whilst I was indifferent as a teen. Vidya and anime is pretty gay when you're an adult in general

pfft Looks like we got a real adult here. Please explain your disdain for loli though.

assume you will get a daughter soon in the future Sup Forums, what will you name her?

>filtered meme text
>calling someone else underageb&

You can always play with the english dub.

>Has your taste in vidya changed since you were a teenager?

It hadn't, I'm still playing the same games I used to as a teenager. The only difference is that I became somewhat better in them.

Loli is gay lol

No, I still love most genres. But RTS games and platformers are still my favorite.

Not too much. Played a lot of shooters, and RTS in teens. Still do. The shooters aren’t as mindless zergs like cod or battlefield anymore. More like R6S and CSGO. I like indie games a lot more now like hotline Miami, heat signature, spacechem, and FTL.


In like 4 years you're gonna remember this post and feel like such a dumbass.


tfw my 6 year old niece didnt understand wii u, and wanted to play on the ipad instead.

she understood bing bing wahoo on the switch tho. she has finally seen the light, that ipad stuff isn't real videogames. it's just not as challenging.


They're too young!

>One thing I did notice, I started to hate lolifags when I became an adult whilst I was indifferent as a teen.
Same thing happened with me, started to feel really jaded towards moe and annoyed by waifufags, still like the porn though.

Same genres, less competitive, less social. I have basically no interest in fighting other people and I don't really want to talk to anyone while playing games now.
Gonna try to hook up with some Sup Forumsfags for MHW though since I've always played MH solo.

I'm 31.

I'm 25 now.
When I was 13 and dumb I felt like I was too grown up for playing pokeymans on the go

Didn't change at all. Played tons of RTS and FPS back then and still do now.

Shame there aren't any new good strategy games though.

Fair point.

I went from dudebro to neet. I dont know how I should feel

What makes you say that?

When I was a teenager I was a xenophobic shit and wouldn't touch games made in Japan.

Now as an adult I realize Japanese are far superior than us Americans and I only play Japanese games and love 2D girls.

They still have buttons as well, though. The child probably only played with a tablet, which shows what fucking good parents she has, letting such a young child play on such stuff.

I thought FFXIII-Lightning Returns was good.

I still think the gameplay is okay.

Strange, I enjoy loli much more now that I'm older.

About the same only I have zero fucking interest in multiplayer games anymore.
I like the open world craze though, I like just driving or walking around and exploring.

I enjoy action games now more than RPGs

fuck off grafics

Not really. Fifteen years ago I was playing Final Fantasy X on my PS2 and right now I'm playing Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age on my PS4. JRPGs have been my favourite genre since the late 90s.


Well, I used to play videogames instead of complain about them

I always thought Etna was just flat.

She is. Weebs are retarded.

Crusader Kings II is really fun.



About the only thing that's changed is that I've started to steer clear from most sorts of "competitive" multiplayer, especially MOBAs.


I have seen the light.


This is projection and not accurate to how things really are in Japan

You're right. How can she be a loli if she's over 1000 years old?

>guy in this pic has girlish legs too.

Literally me.

This man is actually not wrong

I used to think it didn’t matter how much money I would make in my career. Now it’s a serious concern down the line.

Loli is a state of mind

I can no longer seem to play rts games which I loved when I was younger. It's like I've got stupider.

I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be a Sup Forums user so its too realistic

>Shame there aren't any new good strategy games though.

There are, people just ignore them becaue they don't want them. What they really want is Blizzard to make another Warcarft and nothing short of several tens of millions in mudget and CGI that makes Big Hero 6 look like a chea Chinese rip-off will change that.

Tooth and Tail, Shadow Tactics,...


Not really. If anything I have less patience to fiddle around getting games to work and playing them for hours at a time, but I still generally enjoy the same games I always have.