How do I design a turn-based competitive Pokemon style game? What this formula is:
>6 Pokemon (monsters) on a team
>Each monster has 4 moves
>Each mon can have one ability and held item
>Status and environmental effects
>different stat distributions
>Different team playstyles (offense, balance, stall)
And a bunch of other factors. What could I change to this formula to make my turn based battle game work?
How do I design a turn-based competitive Pokemon style game? What this formula is:
remove rng
probably this, for starters
critical hits are bullshit, and shouldn't be in anything but singleplayer rpgs
What other RNG should I remove?
20 monsters on a team.
Make the battles last hours on end.
For one, add a SMT mechanic for momentum
>If you correctly switch out a unit that resists an in coming attack, the switched-in unit may immediately counter attack
>If you incorrectly switch out a unit that is weak to an incoming attack, the attacking unit may immediately use a follow-up attack
>If neutral, same as current formula.
Will make single player battles faster, and not cause speed and setup sweepers and wallbreakers to be the centralized.
That's a really good idea.
is this a subtle make fun of competitive pokemon players thread?
There is no depth to Pokémon at all. It is, and always has been glorified Rock Paper Scissors. I'm not even convinced you can make a good competitive turn based game unless it's a game like chess. Even card games have more depth.
lower framerate
loading screen when switching mons
Pokemon has never been about the battles. Anyone that takes the battle system seriously should be shot.
>There is no depth/skill to competitive activity
As always, if there was no depth/skill, then there wouldn't be players who win far more often and consistently.
You even went for the classic style and name dropped chess
Make it a fucking card game.
How do I make risky moves then?
6 mons and 4 moves are completely arbitrary
How to improve Competive Pokémon
>Force people to pick an attack within 10 seconds so they aren't always using there faggot caculators.
What can I increase/decrease it to?
>remove RNG so my turn based game entirely dependent on crunching numbers plays exactly the same every time
Holy shit every day I find another reason to be glad Sup Forums is too inept to make vidya
Secondary downsides
Status moves should still have accuracy
Whatever you want, it's arbitrary
>hp bar slowly drains for several seconds
>critical hit!
>crowd cheers
many such cases
No it isn't. It guarantees the person who switches gets the free attack off and eliminates strategy of mid-combat switching, its literally designed to make a single-player grinding JRPG more bearable, it'd be awful in any game with two players competing,
>4 mons with 6 moves
>No types, resistances based on more than just "fire beats grass"
Remove max/min damage tnt
>Keep accuracy, just add an evasion stat like how Fire Emblem does it
What else
Honestly the pokemon formula is fine as is (other than ice being terrible and fairy being overpowered), the problem is that so many of the pokemon themselves are incredibly broken or completely useless
depends on what you are shooting for. Since if you want to include no RNG in anyway then shit can get stale and boring unless you include a huge as amount of variables the player can choose from and manipulate to make up for the lack of RNG.
But RNG does make shit a tad more exciting for those not seeking a simple no luck at all based at all game play.
You have checkers where every piece is the same and there is no luck involved at all but then at the other end you have like poker in which is a high skill and high luck time of game.
You are obviously shooting for something in between of course but then you first have to ask yourself just exactly what type of game you want all in all first before you make those decisions cause you can fuck yourself over really damn hard later along the line if you doing shit one at time without considering the whole.
I think status should only be applied by their own moves, remove the rng chance to apply them on other attacks
Rng, fuggin autocorrect
Play pokemon tcg and take pointers from there. It is honestly much deeper game than normal one.
>let's make the battles even -less- about skills like team building and strategy and instead devolve it into "who is better at rock paper scissors?"
What other effects would you add instead of paralysis or burn though?
>eliminates strategy of mid-combat switching
The strategy is to focus on having a team that is not "145 base speed 150 base attack" but rather on having a unit that is 90 attack 65 speed, but 15 resistances. Also it still rewards people who correctly predicts, or keeps powering up so that even if they resist, they stat bloat would KO them. It's a more dynamic system, than the static centralized shit it currently is.
But the 3ds games are already 15 fps
>implying team building isn't important so you don't get fucked on switch
>implying rock paper scissors isn't all skill
>implying that's not what "high" level competitive battling currently is
You just play shit games which have no depth or counterplay so they need to inject RNG.
Yes, user, that's what the word "even" in "even less" means. Way to go, champ.
No matter how good or how competitively viable the game is, it will still be written off as a cheap Pokémon clone
Gee guys look at all these fancy mechnics and names and innovative effects. Oh whats that?
The metagame is literally Swordsdance and 150 base attack life orb sweep/ or 180 attack choice band priority 100% to 30% health?
Ahh ignore that friends, pokemon is all about strategic battles and complex thinking
>competitive Pokemon
Don't use shit like EV and IVs, literally the worst part of Pokemon games
>being able to customise your stats is bad
Static, Spicy and Chilled
>Wasting hours/days for a perfect pokemon that you will probably not use after a week is good
I still don't know where you're getting the idea that I think Pokemon is good, or how that changes the fact that the proposed idea would make it even worse. Or maybe you're right, as I don't follow competitive Pokemon so maybe the suggestion would turn a very bad game into an entirely different very bad game.
>playing on cartridge with non-injected Pokemon.
What the fuck?
OP is talking strictly about competitive battling, I assume he just wants a battle simulator
Have fun getting past judges at tourneys
I'm just advising OP not to implement tedious training, If its just a straight up battle sim with no prior training/single player, then cool
>or how that changes the fact that the proposed idea would make it even worse. Or maybe you're right, as I don't follow competitive Pokemon
good at least you admitted that. I'll forgive you and throw a bone.
Currently if you face something that is at +1/+2 attack/CB/life orb whatever, you are forced to sack someone, because anything you switch-in loses more than 50% health. That's how bad the powercreep is. So now your option is either lose your entire party or lose one member of your party.
Momentum, is the saving grace to this poorly designed awful powercreep, other than more powercreep
>Turn-based 1v1 competitive game.
Think about what makes other games that fit this description (Chess, TCG, and other board games) interesting and fun to play. How are they different from pokemon? What makes them fun?
>not using Pokemon Showdown and doing all of that in 15 minutes
What game is that?
Superior German board game design, folded a million times.
There is literally no way to tell if a Pokemon is hacked if you stick within possible in-game values.
But who the fuck plays in tournaments that ban injected Pokemon?
> 2017
> playing board games
hipsters suck
How can you fix it?
More things that nullify damage?
More ways to lose boosts?
Ways to reverse boosts?
Make boosts only last a certain number of turns?
Are boosts the problem or is the stacking the problem?
>Have fun getting past judges at tourneys
You know that literally EVERYONE injects right? The checkers they have at tournaments only picks up shit that's actually impossible, like a pokemon being in a ball that it can't legally be acquired in or a pokemon having moves that it can't actually learn, etc etc
As long as you stay within legal limits then TPC can't tell if you've injected since it's indistinguishable between legitimately caught pokemon.
I bet you don't even like trains, faggot. 8 hours, zero chance elements, not even randomized set-up.
read the damn post.
This, there is no way to tell. It's not like all Pokemon data is stored server side. Once it's client side, it's all down hill. Gamefreak needs to embrace this fact and either level the playing field by making it easier to get competitive tier pokemon (which they have kind of been doing with bottle caps etc. [although not enough]) or they need to move everything server side and make it an MMO.
Making it an MMO only to stop the cheating would be a bad idea though because then we would have another reset like we had with RSE. It would also mean that you could never catch new things unless you were connected to their servers which would make the game less portable. Not only that, but people would still build bots to try and min-max everything quickly. It would only deter injecting.
So change how OP speed is. I kind of like the idea.
I started working on a turn based rpg with monsters too, removing everything I hate from pokemon and adding some interesting gimmicks. Now I have my 200 monsters, a combat system never seen in any jrpg before, a working code... but nothing for graphics. At least I can play my own game.
Just use epic memez like brainy feels guy and poop frog xD
Whoa, don't click that:
I meant these professionals
/vip/ could make a far better game than /vp/ ever could, though.
Flinch. It's a garbage "mechanic" that should have been removed in gen3 however for some reason they kept it. Confusion should also die.
Add a timer for turns.
t.Hasn't played since gen4 pre garchomp ban
Right now the meta is pretty varied and has some great archetypes. My only gripe with it is how hard saccing became with Beast Boost, Soul Heart and Battle Bond around.
Team preview was a mistake.
What about Landorus-T?
This, make sure to remove team preview
Landorus Therian is an extremely versatile Pokemon, you may see him often but its sets are completely different in pretty much every match. It's not like the game is built around its let's say Swords Dance set like Gen2 with Curselax.
>tfw this is more then likely true
Thanks for reminding me that this exists.
first off, change paralysis to just half speed, add a status for each stat that halfs it
poison is fine for HP
burn for attack
battered for defense
make confusion half special attack instead of random self damage
chilled for sp defense
paralysis for speed
>first off, change paralysis to just half speed
So, no change?
Remove the x% chance for you to lose your turn
No one in Pokémon play singles you retard.
A lot of the most notable board games have heavy RNG from dice rolls or a shuffled deck. Sometimes you get screwed by it, other times it gives you options at certain places to make decisions in turning the game around, other times you dominate due to it.
>Have fun getting past judges at tourneys
Judges stopped caring about hacked pokemon since Platinium (when hacker found out how to make a binary perfect "legit"pokemon).
And nobody give a fuck about that RNGfest called VGC.
>nu-Sup Forums is unfit for discussions without multiple layers of irony
>Switching pokemon no longer has priority
So what, trainers have a speed stat now?
>strong attackers now get guaranteed kills on almost anything
Reduce damage in half
Double the hp
That way people will be forced to use strategy instead of trying to luck out on switching to the right type to 1 hit ko
t. smogon shitters probably break your gameboy everytime your opponent uses doubleteam. Stop being so autistic about a game for children
Add grid based movement.
>in a 1v1 format