Look at this. Look at how beautiful this shit is. Modern Sonic never looked better

Look at this. Look at how beautiful this shit is. Modern Sonic never looked better.

So how does this make up for Sonic Forces and pretty much every Sonic Team game since S3&K being a steaming pile of shit?

It's a shame that something like Mania was probably a wildcard and they won't do such a thing again because of how badly Sonic Team got BTFO

Looks like ass and dog shit you easily impressionable low IQ 'tard. Pic related is beautiful.


I love Tyson but that's not the case.

Hopefully it's good

I mean if you were talking about the Sonic Channel artworks then sure, but not Heroes fugly as fuck Gen 6 models.

I just hope Ian Flynn will keep the world building to a minimum for a while. It was starting to get out of hand near the end of Archie Sonic with the sheer amount of Literally The Who's running around. There's world building and then there's one-note superfluous characters who only serve to take focus away from the titular character. It was fine in Universe since it was basically designed with world building in mind but it was slowly leaking over to the main series too, which already had the issue with the Freedom Fighters being more of the focus than Sonic.

And THEN there's the possibility of the Freedom Fighters coming back in some capacity and in which case the comic is just going to be "Sally Acorn and The Freedom Fighers: Guest Starring Sonic." all over again.

inb4 autistic /sthg/ screeching

wtf is this autistic /sthg/ screeching

His boogeyman for getting btfo for his shitty opinions.

you're ugly as fuck you piece of shit

>Amy is in there
Way to ruin a picture. Sonic in general would be ten times better if they removed the annoying clingy wannabe girlfriend.

Better watch out or you'll trigger all the fujoshit amyfags.

Not OP but Amy as of late hasn’t acted like that at all.

If they removed Amy entirely, Tumblr and SJWs would have a hissy fit and SEGA would have to deal with a controversy that video game companies shouldn't have to go under fire for.

Bet you $50 they will make Amy a stronk independent woomin.

>annoying clingy wannabe girlfriend.
Hasn't been like this in any media ever since 06.
That's already Boom Amy

She was literally like that in Generations to the point Sonic had to push her away.

>"Sally Acorn and The Freedom Fighers: Guest Starring Sonic."

They'd be perfectly-fine as occasional secondaries, like the rest of the games cast past Knuckles. I loved the rebooted-designs finally fitting the aesthetic, same with the eggbosses'.

Hopefully they show up.

>Hard-Boiled Heavies werent referenced in Forces AT ALL
>Phantom Ruby is in Mania AND Zavok got a fucking bossfight over the HBHs

>when you reboot your serie because you don't have the Rights of some Archie comics characters like some Echidnas, Enerjak, Scourge, Sally etc

She was like that in lost world and generations.

I won't care until Shadow appears.

She didn't in games before Gens and after 06. She acted less stalky in Unleashed compared to Heroes that's for sure.

Gens really did what it did because "hey Amy and co needs to be relevant again, how do they work? Oh right since this is a nostalgia pandering game she can just act like the Adventure Era despite having matured since then." I mean have you seen how shit Sonic and Tails act now? Tails acted like a bitch in Forces yet in Adventure he became brave and independent. Amy in Forces also acts just like Boom Amy, despite they aren't the same character.

>She was like that in lost world
See my post above, and no she didn't. She never even got to be around Sonic in Lost World, and only communicated with him over intercom and all she ever got to say was "help Sonic everyone's dying." She acted less and less like "psychopathic stalker" ever since 06. That's the last time they really pushed her character like that from SA2 up to Heroes/Shadow. Hell in Free Riders she actually acted nothing like anything from games before that game and acted like a complete cunt. Really everyone acted out of character in Free Riders, I'd take what they are doing with the Modern cast over what the hell was going on in Free Riders.

>Hasn't been like this in any media ever since 06.
She was an annoying clingy wannabe girlfriend in Free Riders, which came out in 2010.

>those shiny fucks

you're funny, man

Sonic's problems are gameplay related. Not aesthetic related.

>Nike smile Sonic

They are also aesthetic, starting with heores he looked like ass.

I'm getting sonic battle vibes.
I'm not the only man, right?

If it were any other company, I'd argue "Don't be stupid, nobody could be that short-sighted!" But Sega has an actual history of collecting their toys and going home.

Sonic is autistic and indulging in sonic media gives you autism.

Heroes does look like ass, but it's not like that design dominated the sequels.

>She was an annoying clingy wannabe girlfriend in Free Riders
Stop posting. Last (you). She never got any time to interact with Sonic in Free Riders because they spent too much time with that competition they were all focusing on, she was even on different teams that time with Cream and Vector.

Wasn't there an actual protein or something that contributed to deevloping autism and the guys named it Sonic the hedgehog or some shit like that?
Sonic literally gives you autism.

Can't deny it. I thought I was safe after forgetting about the franchise for a decade but lately I've been replaying the games and feeding my dormant autism. Seriously I've been noticing a bunch of shit that triggers my autism and over analyzing things in the games, I didn't use to be like this.Send help

>b-b-but that doesn't count

>Amyfags exist

Wait, why is Knuckles the same size as everyone? Shouldn't be double the height, with tiny spindly legs and a gigantic goofy upper body?

You know there is only so much you can do when you focus solely one one or two characters right? Even anime and manga will take some time to expand on it's cast outside of the main character. Sonic was still very much the main character for the comic, they even made Sonic Universe just so they could go beyond that. if at all possible I would rather continue what he was going with the re-boot comic rather than scrapping it,and starting over or worse making it a "Sonic and his random adventures" comic.

He needs a larger rogue's gallery instead of more friends.

I'd love to see how you guys look. Most likely some fat 450 lb greasy acne ridden neckbearded NEETs.

Just because we insulted Heroes? Or because we're sitting on Sup Forums on a Friday talking about Sonic? Because that kind of doesn't exempt you.

Lol shut the fuck up retard. Moving the goal post around doesn't change how much of a fucking loser you are

I lost interest when it was announced Ian is the headwriter.

>Tyson is only doing covers for now


Wait what?
Fucking dropped

I got nothing against the guy, but I was kind of hoping to see someone else's approach.

Why would they? Amy is just a Minnie Mouse clone.

Who cares about the character? The one time she had 2D gameplay it was GOOD. She deserves to be there so that she gets a chance to be playable again some day.

Looks like some shit twitter animator's doodles

Why is he only doing covers, is it his choice? Who are in the spots for the pages?

Confirmed it on Twitter. He might eventually. Kinda like how Spaz sometimes did interiors for Archie Sonic and Mega Man.


My headcanon is that she finally mellowed out because Sonic finally actually agreed to a date to her after Unleashed and before Secret Rings, which he then failed to go to.