GB West Extra Life Thread

GB West Extra Life Thread

Here we go!

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Finally they're used to the new studio.

>West Studio - 11am - 7pm Fri
>Jeff - 7pm - 3am Fri
>Rorie - 3am - 11am Sat
>Danny 11am - 11pm Sat

>No Ben
Thank god. I might actually watch a bit.

cant wait to hear about how everything is sexist and how white men are ruining gaming XD
I love GB

soooo boring like omg lol

So who's gonna bring their complimentary tranny to make the show miserable? Was it last year or the year before that the bearded fuck with glasses brought the killjoy when Drew and Alexis streamed?

Last year. I can remember since I watched none of it. :^)


>jason revealed on the monhun livestream none of them come into the office on mondays

It's no fucking wonder they don't put out content.

Don't worry, Aurahack had her own 24-hour containment stream on on the site this year in addition to ruining several hours of GB East's Extra Life stream

Is this true?

I still can't believe how little content a paid team of professionals produces compared to the average amateur let's player.

they "work from home" on mondays, have been for a year or two

Yeah, it's been like that for a while. That's why you usually get a Jeff home stream on Mondays.

Yah somewhere on that recent monster hunter world stream he did with Ben he said it off the cuff. I was surprised and not surprised at the same time.

>Brad, Jason and Rorie

I'd make a joke about them bringing their fucking A team here but short of Jeff this is about as good as it gets for West these days,

Will Mary be making a special guest appearance?

They've just said he's on the way...

It's funny how far they've pushed away so many core fans with trannies and forced politics. The final straw for me was a paxamania I attended that included trannies, Zoey Quinn, random black friends of Austin among a bunch of other garbage. Haven't watched their stuff since.

Giant Bomb
West Coast office - based in San Francisco, California.
Jeff Gerstmann - more than 20 years of game-review industry business, management for 80% of that time.
Brad Shoemaker - almost as much time, relegated to written reviews and resource management.
Matthew Rorie - website administrator/moderator
Jason Oestreicher - A/V coordinator. Marginal experience in the role.
Ben Pack - former intern turned game reviewer. Less than 1 year of experience.

That's your team. Jeff and Brad the only ones with actual experience in their jobs, the rest completely garbage for what their contractual salary pays them for. All of them but Jeff completely talentless at actually playing any genre of video game. All of them but Jeff devoid of on-camera personality and completely lack charisma (despite their site literally being defined as "personality driven"). Reviews lack content or insight, site lacks content or originality, content lacks quality or significance. None of the team spends significant time in the office, none of the team invests real interest in their position as game reviewers or their role on staff.

Watching an "Extra Life Stream" where Brad, Jason and Rorie play random games (currently a 1st-person "jump on top of semi-trailers) they have zero knowledge of (or skill in performing). No quality of conversation, no humor, no future plans, no discussion. Just giggling over vague comments about what they may have spoken about during subscription-only podcasts 2 weeks ago.

This site is complete shit these days. Drew left at the right time.

Fuck off

>No Jeff
>Vinny has gone home

Also, how the fuck do I get rid of the chat entirely on the site? All I can do is squash it into the side.

I just want Drew, Vinny and Ryan back.
Brad becomes bearable and actually funny at times in the right mix, Jeff is less salty in the right group. Vinny is basically a boring dad on East coast.
Bakalar can join but dear god they need to be in the same office again, end of year/GOTY content shows how good they are together as a whole.

Ben and Abby can fuck off. I was willing to give them a chance.

I wonder if Drew sensed the decline was increasing and left while he still could or if he just had good timing.

Expand the side menu and press the chat toggle marked red.

Brad's been FUCKING JUMPING in the same FUCKING PATTERN on the same FUCKING MAP for nearly a goddamned half-hour.

JUST beat it. It's a 10-second-long level.


thanks based user

How does somebody who sounds like they're constantly whining with a mouthful of marshmallows and needs to blow their nose as well as looking like a troll get on a forward facing podcast/video based website?


Your first time seeing Getting Over It?

Literally He was literally hired (from a pool of hundreds of applicants) because he was once an intern for them nearly a decade ago. Jeff hired a friend (who was unemployed).

I guess so? Am I supposed to know "Getting Over It?" It looked like shit.

After two people used the site as a springboard for their career and furthering their agenda (Patrick,Austin) Jeff wanted someone who was as safe and bland as possible. Well he got just what he wanted.

It is shit. Its whole point is that it's punishingly hard. Not only is that the first level, it's also where you're gonna be spending a lot of time. If you fuck up at the top, you can go all the way down and start from the very beginning.

from the feeling of her, Abby is quickly becoming the next to move. She barely likes games outside of 'I know Bayonetta is sexist, even though I haven't played it'.

She's halfway between GB and Failpoint anyway. She'll bounce next year, just watch.

Abby is 100% going to use the site as a springboard. She'll be at vice soon enough.

She's already doing a side podcast with the waypoint goth

Abby will be easily convinced by some outside source to step into a new position that isn't Giant Bomb. She was hired on the guise of video producer, never filled that role and never learned it (Vinny continues to do it) and was a literal diversity hire. She has no interest in video games and it's recognized by both the staff and the audience.

Furthermore, she almost certainly had (regular) sex with Vinny, so detaching herself from the site soon will likely ease any tension she has in that environment/career.

Why the fuck hire a worthless fuck like this in the first place? The audience hates her, she knows fuck all and is a literal diversity hire. Are SJWbomb trying to commit financial suicide with their shitty hires or what?

>she almost certainly had (regular) sex with Vinny

vinny being nice and trying to get her to speak up so she actually does her job doesn't mean they're fucking

I say this with a heavy heart but this year has been their strongest year for subs and revenue. Jeff confirmed it a couple of months ago.

I'm just sad all these late comers never say the site in it's hayday. I continue to watch and I am running through my last year of subscription but I really don't know what I come for anymore.

I wish they hadn't split, Ryan dying was bad enough.

Parts of the GB audience adore her.

it was only semi frequent


Is GiantBomb good now or are they still mostly sjw losers?

Some of the "sjw losers" quit last year(wakers, dwyer, etc), so it's a bit better now

gb died in 2013

they keep reanimating the corpse but flesh keeps falling off


problem is, no one is going to waypoint. Hard to jumpship to a ship that's actually sinking much faster than your own. Vice Games is going to got he way of Vice Sports, it's just a matter of how much money will Vice pour into this thing until they realize it's a market that doesn't mesh well with their's

just for fun say ryan got resurrected today and went into the office. What happens? Who gets fired? does he review an energy drink?

He calls everyone except Jeff a fag and then murders everyone except Jeff.

alex fucked up the runs more desu, but half the party not being prepared didnt help

>she knows fuck all

When she didn't know who Kojima was I understood. Someone who doesn't give a shit about video games for most of their life probably wouldn't know. When she didn't know who fucking Vanilla Ice was or ever hear the song Ice Ice Baby I was just wondering how the fuck is she a human. Or is someone who is only 6 years younger than me so more far apart generationally than I ever considered.

She does (did) what every woman in a starting-role at a company does in order to gain favor and get the safety/security they think they need, and has sex with the boss in charge of the office. She's been there only a few months, and after feeling more secure, having given the 40-year-old married father some interest by fucking him despite half his age, she's able to act out a bit more and begin to demand her interests and opinions get heard.

They might not be often "getting it on" but you can absolutely tell that she and Vinny exchanged sexual favors in that office. It's how she (they) got comfortable.

would jeff feel an emotion again?

evidence: my ass

She's only about 8 years younger than me but she pisses me off when she comes out with comments like that. How the fuck do you not know who vanilla ice is? Cultural osmosis etc etc
She's constantly sitting on the outside of discussions because she's either 10 years too young (and ignorant/dumb) or it's about videogames

>inb4 'le wrong generation XD'

NEO GEO?! What's THAT!?!

>The audience hates her
Unfortunately, she's a woman in her early twenties playing video games on camera. That's all she needs to have fulfilled in order to become perhaps the most popular member of the entire Giant Bomb review team with their target audience.

So this is peak autism. You're an embarrassment.

He berates Jeff for surrounding himself, by choice, with these morons and chases everyone away by highlighting their ignorances whenever possible.

Jeff regains a soul.

You've never worked in an office before, or at least with a woman literally hired because of her female presence within the working environment (not for her talents or experience).

That woman knows what she has/is advertising and sticks to it until a safety net has been built. Not all women do this. Shallow, talentless women do this.

What is this image implying? Abby performed the best out of the three people who were on spook realm duty. She isn't bad at games, probably because she's young unlike the rest of the staff. See Sunshine; Alex and Vinny are abysmal, but Abby's actually okay at it.

god that would be great, just ryan calling out everyone's shit in his screaming voice and them being crushed emotionally.

>Abby at Sunshine

I keep thinking about what content West could actually produce and realizing none of it would be worth watching. Dan was the only thing keeping their dynamic interesting at all.

As much as I disliked Dan this is true. Videos with him and Jeff were entertaining, even if they were mostly about wrestling

When you were realizing that only the dorks and losers in your school were the ones who played games and enjoyed the same interests as you and then you noticed one of the kids in the group was WAY too fucking lame/retarded/ugly and even though you were a fucking loser you didn't want to hang out with someone that somehow managed me be lamer than you will ever be

that's Ben

Yeah, it would be great to project your personal gripes onto a dead man to fulfill a childish fantasy of him blowing the fuck out of his actual friends.

People who claim "R-Ryan would NEVER let this happen" are the worst.

Ryan is the type to immediately call out shit as he sees it, and then ask that person to justify themselves. He's acerbic and direct with very little filter, and constantly witty about it. He's not cruel, he just highlights anything dumb whenever possible. So when it comes to the current team, he'd completely demoralize the lazy idiots who can't do their jobs, absolutely hate Dan's personality but give him praise for his gumption and Jeff would remember what emotions are.

>See Sunshine; Alex and Vinny are abysmal, but Abby's actually okay at it.

How many times are they gonna play that shitty gangbeast game on a stream?

>He's a Dan fan

dumb nigger it was literally how ryan's personality was like to call shit out.

It just OFFICIALLY launched and is in 1.0
not to mention they are STILL recovering from GOTY discussions GET OFF THEIR FUCKING BACK

>they need to recover from talking in a room for 20 hours about video games by not doing content for a month

what a life

So, they got used to the new studio?

yeah but SJWs shouldn't be called out b-because we share the same politics...

What keeps everyone coming back to GB? Why can't we just give up the ghost?

hey give them a break they have to get ready for the holidays and then ease back in from being on holidays and don't forget all those darn meetings, why else would it take hours to get a single recording session ready

That's why Jeff isn't in the office today. All that talking about opinions of games is exhausting. I'm giving them until February before they can recover.


There's just enough good stuff, and hey quick looks are still a good for learning about new games, even if 50% of the hosts are boring and annoying

I haven't watched a piece of content since the last E3. I'm only tuning in now because the GOTY stuff is always fun and actually benefits from faggots like Ben and Dan to be pawns in the war.

i would love to know what a meeting actually entails

>uh so you doing that quick look?
>how is that game
>its alright
>what do you want for lunch

>and the audience.
Bullshit. GB audience would never criticize her.


They say that but it's also the heaviest year for them doing half off sales for them. They had a period of months where you could get the discount. Their views and discussion hasn't gotten larger either. It simply doesn't line up with what they are saying.

I check in every couple months to see how bad it is. Haven't watched regularly in like a year or two.

Ryan was the most progressive of all the Giant Bomb founders. Jeff has said this. He'd be on board with more diversity in the site and almost certainly wouldn't shut down their viewpoints. You guys are projecting onto Ryan this role of the one that kept Giant Bomb a sophomoric boy's club, but it's simply not true.

You're right, they don't criticize her for her ignorance, but that doesn't mean they don't see it. They just pass it off as "cute" or "millenial" or something, because she a girl and if they ever meet her she might sleep with them!


>Ben bought AMD

I don't claim he'd shut them down, just that he'd harass them for being idiots. Having a social viewpoint (especially on the political spectrum) doesn't mean he can't be a hardline-personality who keeps everyone involved and in-check. And given his leadership role, "involved and in-check" meant "contributing."

The current team doesn't contribute shit and he'd make sure they knew it. It's not rejection when your boss points out you suck at your job.

The ones that do get banned on the site. Klepek ruined their moderation, absolutely anything that can be taken as criticism is scrubbed clean, even if it's well worded it they did do something that warrants it. Like her retarded rant on how white men are evil in a room with 5 white men. Bitching about nepotism and diversity hires, despite being a nepotistic diversity hire.

I fucking knew it

Hopefully he'd ask why they stopped doing TNT and interacting with the audience.

Where's the manger???

For the matter, where' rein-luchadeer I hate all this

This is so entertaining!