So what game are you learning Japanese for?

So what game are you learning Japanese for?

None, the japs haven't made a single good or even worthwhile game so far and it doesn't seem like they will in my lifetime

Bunch of untranslated kamige VN

This. Fuck the weeb delusion.

>Mars will be colonized soon
>still unable to make an AI which can accurately translate japanese into english

Every day I'm a little more dissapointed in humanity.

The Metal Max series.

Maybe because it would be way more difficult if not impossible to make that AI. We don't need to learn how the brain or language work to colonize Mars.

>Tony Sameface


Like if you had to name a game with exceptional gameplay, story or graphics I wouldn't be able to even think of a single one. It's all cookie cutter garbage regardless of genre.

>ywn see this in real life

>learning japcbro

Well I mean, I'm a boy, but...

>We don't need to learn how the brain or language work to colonize Mars.
You don't need to know that to make translation software either.

at least it's a cute face (as opposed to that faggot incase)

I'm no homo.

Yeah, assumed so
It's a'ight

It would take years to make a proper translator, it could be done today but it would be super expensive to develop and there's zero money in it.
The same word or symbol can have many and very different meanings depending on context, this applies to european languages too but is even more relevant in jap and chinese where the symbols have meaning in and of themselves as well as the pronounced meaning. You'll need expert linguists to go through all rules and exceptions and have some pretty fucking advanced algorithms to be able to string everything together correctly, and then you have to consider how to apply connotations and implied meaning and other cultural aspects of language to a translation to a different language or several other languages.
It's simpler to just hire someone fluent in both languages.

this one

None I've learned like 1000 words in anki then had to drop it because of my laziness
I wish this fucking language wasn't so hard

I love anime

You're right, we don't need to know anything about context or culture either since translation from Japanese to English is just a 1:1 logical process. That's why Google translate is perfect!

This. Fuck accuracy or any notion of ligual precision. Just do what feels right.

>not playing games in japanese without understating japanese

Eat a salad ya fuck. And work out more

Why are you putting words in my mouth?

>learning japanese so you can masturbate


Because the ones that came out of our mouth are insufferably stupid. Hopefully if you're forcefed some coherent thought, it will jumpstart your brain out of its lifelong hibernation.

I don't get it.

You really shouldn't call other people stupid if you don't know what you're talking about. You should probably read up on the latest advancements on translation software and see where the field is going rather than pulling things out of your ass.

Guys be nice.


>Mongolian field game contemplating forum comraderie, shattered.
>and so is my heart.


Too old

Me in the back

>tfw anki dick gets so long you need an anki codpiece
I started learning for root double but that got translated. I found new motivation in other games though so it was no big deal.

games i've already played in english so i can play them without (translation added) memes

Super Robot Wars.
Alpha is never happening.

Sakura Taisen since those fucks ONLY LOCALIZED ONE FUCKING GAME


Boku no Pico

Ones that don't have waifus

I learned it so I could play Monster Hunter early and understand it (even though its pretty basic), but then MHW confirmed that it's going to be more western focus, so now I know a language I don't even use.

Umh... S-sorry...
I wasn't even one of the people arguing, I just wanted to shitpost.

I don't remember. It's been too long.

boku no pico

>watching this outdated shit
otokonoko delivery is the new hot shit

When was the last time T2 put out a doujinshi anyway? It's been so long I forgot about him

Not just a single game, but to be able to read untranslated h-manga, regular manga, watch unsubbed anime, play dlsite porn games, etc. I want to seriously get into Japanese.

I can't into grammar but I've been mining vocabulary for the past year or so. I still can't read shit btw.

You're literally retarded.

>Tony Taka
>can only draw one face, but draws it damn well
Bless him.

I've been mining all those words I don't know what they mean from everything and looking at my own picture I don't even know how to translate or read most of those even though I've practiced them so many times.

Why is Japanese so shitty and what's the point of doing this anki shit?

Originally Baldr Sky. It was worth it, amazing game.
Then they created Utawarerumono 2-3, the first game was my favorite and they didn't disappoint.

Took a lot of time, but still more productive than just playing more vidya. Honestly, nowadays I only play a couple of games in Japanese each year. I should work at it a bit more, but it lost its charm a bit, even though I can do it comfortably now, and barely need a dictionary crutch.

>I can't into grammar
You answered your own question. If you have no idea how the grammar works, why would you expect to be able to understand anything you read? That's what you should be learning first, so that you can actually parse what you read and acquire new vocabulary through reading.

I'm not, my nephew is though. He's already got a qt Asian chick. I'm happy for him for turning his autismo into something good. This is the same kid who played mine craft during our trip to England. Nigga look outside. And he did it.

An entire field of research would disagree with you. Look up Natural Language Processing.

uhh no if I don't know the jukugo it won't matter if I can grammar or not

how readable to you is "we are part of the thingamagggig thumbomaggics and we have dumbofoobo random squiggles desuyo"?

>not doing whatever it takes
Have fun being at the mercy of whatever translators decide to pick up filthy EOP.
You dont actually still look at fucking 3d porn right?

Oh, nevermind, was correct then.

I'm literally able to play most VNs and understand a great portion of them (though more often than not I'll rely on jisho for a lot of words) with like 2k words in Anki, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I haven't read a single grammar guide beyond surface level and I'm able to understand a lot of it just through constant exposure, repetition and context.

You barely need a grammar guide, at least if you're not a sub 100IQ subhuman retard.

> what the fuck is wrong with you?

I'm never able to recall words I haven't read in a while. I have no idea.

Even with furigana attached this shit is mostly unreadable to me.

She's literally just bullying him by reading his stupid nerdy fantasy shit out loud.

How dumb do you have to be to not understand that? No, it probably goes beyond stupidity. You're probably just not spending enough time with daily reading.

> How dumb do you have to be to not understand that?

I don't know what 世渡, 共闘, 遂に, 帰路 or 待ち構えて mean.

How much of a sentence can you understand when I white out 50% of it?

Wait you've grinded 10k words and you don't know what even 遂に or 待ち構えて mean?

Also, you're still learning. You're constantly learning. You chose the absurdist hell of 日本語, that's how this shit works. Just go to and learn what they mean, since you've learnt them through exposure chances are they'll stick in your long term memory for a while.

> Wait you've grinded 10k words

Nah, I stopped at around 4k. Still went at it for a year or two like a good little anki cuck until I decided spending two hours of my day to make zero progress was too much.

Now I spend about 10 minutes a day studied shit I mined only to forget it three months later.

Do you do much besides Anki?
Anki is a useful tool but it won't teach you a language. There is no replacement for exposure to actual usage of the language by its actual users. Anki will never teach anyone the natural flow of a language. Context also goes a long way in aiding recall, which Anki can only do in a very limited capacity.
i.e. if you look those words up now and make a note of them you're far more likely to remember the usage and readings of them down the line.
You have the context of that sentence. Subsequent encounters will then recall this first encounter and their seeding in your memory will be so much stronger.

Memory is all about context. Most things mean nothing without context. Things that don't seem meaningful fail to stick in our memories.

Just get out there and read. You don't learn to read by brute-force memorizing words. You learn to read by reading.
Professional scrabble players come to mind. They come out with the strangest words, which are legit words even if they don't sound like it.
But they have absolutely no idea of what 95% of them mean or how they're used.

None because I have no idea how to learn.
Please help me. All I know is everyone ever says to learn the grammar before anything else.

I stopped studiying Anki for a year now. If I go back, will I have a giant backlog of new Kanji I have to learn or will it just be the stuff I've already gone through?


>There is no replacement for exposure to actual usage

which is worthless if you don't know what the fuck you're reading unless you like spending 15 minutes figuring out a sentence like a Layton puzzle

> Context also goes a long way in aiding recall

Context isn't going to magically give you the reading and meaning of a jukugo.

> if you look those words up now and make a note of them

I'll forget them in three months.

> Subsequent encounters will then recall this first encounter

Then I'll read 遂に and try to figure out what the first kanji is, confuse it for house, pig or something and then misread it.

Japanese is retarded and so are you for trying to rationalize it.

I'm not. There's no game that's only in Japanese that I want to play hard enough to learn a new language for. In fact thinking about it I can't really name any off the top of my head. The Japanese games I do want to play are localised.

>learning japanese to play game
>Not playing game to learn japanese

this will only teach you hiragana, though

that's like learning the abc in english

>5 hours
Wow you must be an expert by now, senpai

>which is worthless if you don't know what the fuck you're reading
If you're crying this badly just choose material appropiate for your level. Go play Pokemon, MonHun Stories or another children's game in Japanese or some shit while you're still studying.

>Context isn't going to magically give you the reading and meaning of a jukugo.
No, but jisho will. And after you're done looking it up you can either add it to your Anki deck or just learn it from exposure until it finally sticks. Some of the words you listed are common, so there are high chances you'll encounter them somewhere else, be able to recall them and further drill them into your brain that way.

>遂に and try to figure out what the first kanji is
That's why context is important. That's also why に is there, if your memory is so bad you can't even recall radicals and confuse 遂 with 家 (even though they look nothing alike).

I also think Japanese is a messy language I'm only learning because I have nothing better to do with my life, but jesus christ you're a literal retard.

Also this, but

>playing shitty learning games instead of just powering your brain through your dick and reading shitty untranslated nukige with god tier art for learning and practice

You joke, but that's about as long as it takes.

>which is worthless if you don't know what the fuck you're reading unless you like spending 15 minutes figuring out a sentence like a Layton puzzle
It certainly does take a fuckton of time to piece together sentences and the words within them from the beginning.
However as time goes you learn how to do this far faster, and you find yourself doing it far less often.
I'm not going to say it's easy but it works.
>Context isn't going to magically give you the reading and meaning of a jukugo.
Not directly. You'll have to look it up. However if you've remembered the meaning but not the exact reading then it already has a root in your mind and long term memory, and you won't be far off from having long term recall of the reading.
>I'll forget them in three months.
If in the next three months you encounter them again in your readings this is significantly less likely to be true.
Even if you forget both meaning and reading by subsequent encounter, but recall you've seen it before, you may consciously or unconsciously link it back to this once you've looked it up.
Remembering something perfectly the 1st time is not realistic, but by the 3rd encounter you're far more likely to remember it in future.
>Then I'll read 遂に and try to figure out what the first kanji is, confuse it for house, pig or something and then misread it.
That's fairly contingent on the misread somehow making some kind of sense in the rest of the sentence. More likely the misread won't make sense in context and you'll look it up.
>Japanese is retarded and so are you for trying to rationalize it.
Most of what I'm saying concerns how memorisation works for language learning in general, which if anything is even more applicable to Japanese given the additional work required to memorise ideograms.
I just love language, which was a bit of an unfair advantage in my case.

pls respond

> read stuff
> don't recognize this one
> look it up
> it's already marked as mature on my core vocab deck AND mining deck

this happens way too frequently for me to admit it as a problem on my side

I blame the language

Don't just blame the language, get revenge on it.
Burn that motherfucker into your memory just to spite it.
Glare at it every day as you're eating your breakfast.

Just press the again button more easily.
You are learning the language for yourself, not to compete with others.

I am, still forgetting them anywhere from three weeks to three months later.

This is basic Japanese grammar in a lower-intermediate VN. Just give up now.

Just keep doing them. Even I have some words that I can't recall at all. Sometimes hand drawing helps.
Try making sentences with the word too. The more different points of memories you have with it, the easier it becomes to recall.

I wish I was a NEET.


two years of anki how did I do lads?


Walkure Romanze / euphoria
but i don't really care now

You're pretty young m8, most of my classmates are 50yr+
By most I mean everyone except 2 kids, 2 teenagers.

I don't look at porn period. When I feel horny, I fuck. Money is a thing.

I think he meant the girls' age.

Give us what you feel it's saying and we'll let you know.

Kill yourself. Incase is the best artist.

None. The only way I'm learning Japanese is if I decide to either move to Japan, get a job with heavy Japanese influence, or happen to make content that gains a large Japanese audience.
There's only less than a handful of games that I wish I could play, but not enough to spend at least two years learning a language on an intermediate level to only use sparingly.

>that's not a building to their right
Damn, got me all excited for giantesses.

>What are you learning Japanese for?
American """education""", everyone.

must be a low test soyboy then.

while searching for the right reaction, the girl's eyes looked at the front of the line her gaze something as if looking for something?

>>What are you learning Japanese for?
except it says
>So what game are you learning Japanese for?
silly third worlder.