It's happening, Sup Forumsros. Last chance for a Vesperia remake.
Tales of thread
sir you seem to have posted a picture of a pony. the rules of Sup Forums are quite clear.
Remake? Give me a fucking sequel of it.
God, now that is cancer.
I really want all these faggots to fucking die
Barneyfag actually got me into mlp desu
Thanks Lee
kys you fucking faggot
Yeah, fucking kill these freaks
I'd really like them to die in pain
It’s a good show man, thanks for inspiring me to watch a few eps “to laugh at how shit it is” it really made my life better
So why haven't mods just permabanned Barneyfag out of existence if he's really the only thing keeping MLP in it's forbidden-status (aside from a few potential spammers should it be undone) on Sup Forums? The guy has legitimate insanity problems and such cases have been dealt with before.
I still don't get why people get so triggered over MLP, it's not like it's something relevant anymore.
>if he's really the only thing keeping MLP in it's forbidden-status
Not really, I've seen several cases where they've tried deleting my posts, but kept the GR15-breaking posts that I was replying to up.
I lost faith in this series that used to be a system seller to me. Expectations for next game are incredibly low. Dropped Berseria because it was BORING.
He just shifts his IP and proxies. He gets banned most of the time he does this.
>Dropping the best game in the series (OVERALL) since Tales of Vesperia
I literally want them all fucking killed
It's a walking simulator with boring combat, I even benched Velvet the whole time and yet it was still boring. Older games always kept me hooked wanting to play one more battle before turning it off but Berseria made me want to avoid every battle. Only the bosses were kind of fun.
Baneyfag's a special case and should just be treated as the lose fucking screw he is.
That said, kneejerk-autists aside the remainder who do still hate ponyshit is due to the unforgettable autism the fandom brought forth but with an even-thicker barrier to comprehension (compared to things like Sanic, CalArts, Undertale, etc.) due to the "little girls' toys" nature. Nowhere near big enough to cause uproar anymore, but there'll be those cases on either side clinging to it.
I actually want them fucking hanged
Fucking hang these goddamn fucking freaks
I really want them fucking dead
Probably because even mods understand the ridiculousness of your antics to preserve a rule that would've outlived its purpose if not for obsessive shits like you.