DMCA towards all Pepes on Steam

is matt that autistic?

Other urls found in this thread:

if i was him i'd hate my creation too

I wouldn't say autistic, just massively asshurt. He's not getting Pepe back, but he'll struggle with it anyway.

Makes sense to me. Steam's gotta pay him if they want that Pepe dosh. That's capitalism, baby. Don't be commies :^)

He left it too long to do anything about it.

I'm a cartoonist, I love Boy's Club, and I love Matt, but he fucked up.

Felt like he suddenly started having a problem with things way too late.
He's got every right to try and take these things down, but at this point, it's like trying to hold back a river.

He should just move on. His trying to kill Pepe stunt on free comic book day was just completely ignored.

Can you even imagine spawning that cancerous meme? It's only right he dedicates the rest of his life to eradicating it

>put Nintendo roms on Steam
>Nintendo issues DMCA

>shitty meme indie game awards mickey mouse as an emoticon
>disney takes it down

why is it that people who are all supposedly all right wing and shit want commie and socialist tier shit shit whenever something they like, enjoy or use is legally taken away from them. are they really that fucking stupid or are they actually just bunch of fucking pussys?

literally doing god's work. Please do not impede him in any way

I'm waiting for that unauthorized (and unfunny) Van Darkholm game to get taken down.

Hey, not everyone browses Sup Forums. It's not like Pepe was ever remotely in the mainstream until the Trump campaign.

>he fucked up.
you cant just shut down a meme

That's what too much soy will do to you.


only a matter of time until forever alone gets DMCA'd by its rightful owner
godspeed manly tears

i heard that matt became incredibly upset when the Sup Forums memed pepe so much that trump tweeted about it.

But he only took action when IDK what American organization categorized his character as an evil symbol.

I miss msn messenger when you could just make your own emoticons.

cutting edge wit, my man. really digging the newfag wojack too


Disney will sue the fuck out of anyone who uses the Mouse without permission.

Meanwhile Furie basically ignored all other use of Pepe until he was butthurt about Pepe related material being popular with the Alt-Right and Trump supporters.

If you don't defend IP quickly and hard, you lose your exclusivity.

>you will never be a failed starving cartoonist that has his only contribution to society used by the very people you hate to make thousands of $$$$$$

I remember that thread when people found out how he lied to get it.

Sup Forumstards are brainless
Wow look at that, someone is selling cards using someone else's copyrighted drawing. Why aren't you calling for this to be taken down, user?

Trademark user, that only applies to trademark.

>didnt care when poopoo peepee pepes where made
>cares because of trump
even if you hate trump, this isnt about, not wanting association with you see as awful, its entirely a political virtue signal

This will greatly increase demand for these emoticons. Expect the prices to skyrocket as these emotes have a special attribute and are still marketable. If any of you were autistic to buy one or the shitty meme game it was from hold off and wait for the "I Must get every special item" crowd to get really desperate.

>If you don't defend IP quickly and hard, you lose your exclusivity
Not fucking true in the slightest and really wish you retards would stop trying to pass it off as true.

Consider all the normalfag memes put out there by moms on facebook with Mickey Mouse and some text on top and bottom. Disney does NOTHING about this rampant "copyright violation".

Some tards heard that about trademark, and thought it applies to IP and copyright too. What do you expect when 95% of the people around here just repeat what they heard elsewhere on the internet?

Why the fuck would I give a damn about some gay meme from 2010 enough to go online and request it be taken down on someone else's behalf?
Is this shit even anyone's own property or isn't it just an MSpaint from Sup Forums? Either way, fuck off moron.

Fair use applies

>is matt that autistic ?
>when his creation has been misused and turned into something he doesn't like.

Also somebody trying to Bank on your creation just because its popular while the money isint going to you is the biggest fucking and I hate that I'am using this word "Cuck" thing you can do shit its downright illegal and considered theft.

Literally who? Nobody cares about this guy
Is that the guy who designed the first pepe? So what? That's not how memes work

Nevermind didn't know they were monitized

>troll face

It is. Whynne owns it.

Pepe le Frog will never die!

>pretending it's not hilarious how asshurt this fag is
yeah okay pal

Good. I'm so tired of that fucking frog

Steam is full of copyright infringing emotes, Matt is the only one autistic enough to care because he's broke

copyright doesn't work that way, you can't lose it just because other people ignored it and you didn't do anything
trademark does

It's not fair use if it's monetized

Good. Wojack is better anyway.

This, it shouldn't be sold by Valve. Do the people angry about this think Nintendo would let Valve sell Mario emojis?

War. War never changes.

The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth. Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory. Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower.

But war never changes.

In the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources that could be acquired. Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons: Smugpepes and Wojacks.

>Here's word "dick" i first said it back then 10 years later, it means "drawn stick with branches"
>guys stop using my word "dick" in stolen memes like dickgirl or dickberry or even modern meaning of word "penis" these all belong to me because... and i prohibit everyone from using them

They're selling it so no, hes in the right here for once.

are you fucking retarded?

Pepe got mainstream appeal once Reddit took it over, that was back before the elections. It's the reason /r9k/ did tho peepee-poopoo edits awhile back, as normalfag repelant.

No because Mario isn't a random paint drawing. The guy who "owns" forever alone tried (and failed) to get "his" meme taken out of Super Meat Boy. Nobody owns memes.

he literally stated he was cool with it until it got attached to an ideology he didnt like. he REALLY fucked up.

post yfw you're not matt furie

>removing r*ddit memes
No issue with this


actually, no if you look at the copyright resources, you'll see fucking tons of shit that always existed and only got copyrighted by a random nobody so he can become your average copyright troll, someone even copyrighted a stick as "dog toy design"

Matt Furie is insignificant
Just keep using his "creation" and he will be eternally kept at bay as long as anyone has an image of pepe kept on their computer

Remember that guy that copyrighted the word "edge"?

don't reply to me ever again you dirty fucking soynigger


you can't copyright a word or a phrase but you can trademark it it hold the same value in tribunals than a copyright fraud when you get sued

Pepe isn't a random paint drawing either. He's a character from that guy's stupid comic.


Are all modern children this annoying?

imagine being forced to be booty blasted for the rest of your life because you created pepe

it makes you think, who created whom

time to buy pepes, he can't remove what you already own, EA can't get your games removed from your library neither can some fucking soyboy

> he can't remove what you already own
Yes he can. It will just be replaced with something else retard.

What will happen to all of the pepe emoticons that people currently own?


>His trying to kill Pepe stunt on free comic book day was just completely ignored.
Not by Sup Forums. Lots of OC was made that day.

except anyone who has the emote now has an empty transparent box where the pepe used to be

>he can't remove what you already own

yes he can. you don't understand how IP works

The more he tries to stop it the longer this dumb frog will keep persisting on the internet. This is basic internet logic.

>Guy creates a character
>Retarded r/thedonald posters use him for nefarious attacks
>get shitter shattered when they can't use it anymore

>bought 3 pepes and frequently used them
give them back you fuck


This. Just look at what Sup Forums has done to it though, even Hillary's website had a page addressing it.


Please sue me for using your character, Matt.

Hey neogaf.


Imagine being this new

Maybe you shouldn't have associated Pepe with evil political bullshit.

Cool last name though.

>Nobody owns memes
But he does own a copyrighted comic character. You think if someone turns Mickey Mouse into a meme that Disney will just let people do whatever?

Matt Furie. More like Matt Furious.


>You think if someone turns Mickey Mouse into a meme that Disney will just let people do whatever?



>You think if someone turns Mickey Mouse into a meme that Disney will just let people do whatever?
let's find out

Where's our fucking money then?
I paid fucking $40 for all my pepe smileys.

god damn those mousepad threads were so fun

>I'm a cartoonist
Dob? Buckley?

IDK Disney sure seems fine with that Danger Dolan guy, who makes a living using their copyrighted character in his videos.

Actually he doesn't, when the Pepes that get posted are derivative works and not the actual Pepe he drew.

>it's autistic to protect your intellectual property

Wew fucking lad Sup Forums

That's a cute Pepe.

>reddit spacing

>Derivative works are the same thing as the original property
Get a load of this kike.

well congrats retard you lost 40$.
