i pressed F to pay my respects and clipped through the side of my ship
post yfw you didn't fall for Scam Citizen
crowdfunding was a mistake
How about coming up with something original for (you) farming
more like chris roberts get the perfect excuse to run away and not make the game
what happened?
Did they finally let the doctors call time on this brain death?
Spoonfeed me please, I want to laugh too
I still believe, fuck you faggots
Nothing. Just speculation about what the outcome of the law suite will be
I didn't even know there was a lawsuit.
quick rundown?
Yea and it's not going to do anything, crytek are pathetic
wut hapun
I love how PC gamers were scammed because the dev took a page out of the reddit master race book by saying pc gamers were smart and console gamers would be too dumb. Now we can clearly see the idiots.
Imagine being so obsessed with hating a game, that you meticulously track ALL news relating to said game for over four years, just so you can shitpost about it on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.
Nothing will happen, this is just Crytek flexing so they can be seen protecting their IP. SC will continue to scam people out of their money.
Yeah Crytek is suing them over a breach of contract regarding a few things (not for a gorillion dollars or anything too major) and naturally you get anons with no facts arguing agaisnt anons with half the facts on v/
t. Star Citizen crowdfunder
When CIG and RSI partnered with Crytek (yes, this happened) to make Star Citizen, they agreed to a very detailed GLA (Game's License Agreement) in regards to the games development. Over the years, it apparently turns out that CIG/RSI have gone out of their way to shit on the GLA at every possible turn and Crytek is angry. If you want a more detailed explanation just read this image.
>just found a two year old video with comments claiming that 3.0 is gonna launch in 2017
Why are Germans so stupid ? Falling for this stupid fucking scam and actually defending this piece of shit game
Hes right though. Idk which is cringier the haters screaming "hur its a scam youve been fooled idiots xd" or the die hard backers praising everything chris does and autisticaly lashing out at criticism
It is pretty funny to see it crash and burn though
thanks, now this is interesting.
>disclosed cryengine technology to third parties without permission
>removed copyright notices from their game
yeah RIP
How about you check my 3
If I'd known it was going to be such a shitfest I would never have donated to that KS.
Oh well. I don't like wasted cash but easy come easy go.
>over a few things
If Crytek wins then CIG will have to stop making the game, basically. They would be forced to get rid of anything that was made with CryEngine assets and basically start all over. That doesn't even include the money they would have to give to Crytek for the contract infringements.
you probably didn't put much in, but there are people who have sunk tens of thousands into this
Who cares? They're either people trying to flip packages for profit or people who would have ended up by farmland in florida.
>*buying farmland in florida
At least the pigeons have the decency to keep to themselves. What the fuck's your excuse?
best part is that it gets postponed by years
Doesnt that really depend on how far Crytek wants to go with this? Crytek now is all but a shell of their former selves and no one's really sure what their after right now especially after deciding to wait so long to suit CIG. Could be just money, maybe they want to stop the game, maybe they just want their advertising back?
It's one of Cryteks demands. They want CIG to stop using any asset related to the CryEngine if they win in court.
>CIG will have to stop making the game
>implying they ever started
Yes, you. The one screaming, "There's no game!" and "Chris Roberts lied to us!" and other slurs I dare not mention.
Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
I don't feel anxious hearing the latest news about CIG from the front lines, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are daring to dream about the beautiful world that has been procedurally generated for us -- and it IS beautiful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We Star Citizen fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow investors, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you.
I pity you.
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that Star Citizen is the bane of your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful Life Time Insurance offer. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to make these threads over and over. How many times have we seen the same >yfw post? I'm sorry that, to ensure your own value, you need to make others feel scammed. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimal, that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel value. I am truly sorry that day will come when Star Shakespeare releases, and the Shakespearean tragedy of a life will finally be yours
still baffles me that somebody actually wrote that in earnest.
Oh my... well hope ot doesnt come to that simply because I want a space mmo thats not eve or ed
>Crytek now is all but a shell of their former selves
>and no one's really sure what their after right now
You mean with the lawsuit? It's actually spelled out very clearly. They want compensation for damages and they want CIG to stop using anything related to the CryEngine for the games development. Are you illiterate?
Don't worry, Star Citizen won't die. But they would have to star over from scratch, so I would at least get to see the militant Cultists sperg out over the case.
>crytek launched star citizen
>crytek about to put the finishing touches on star citizen
>guys we need ANOTHER 200 million
off-topic, but boss ross was a national treasure ;_;
>those legs
holy shit my dick
bob ross is never off topic
It's Cyrtek you illiterate.
If they gotta start over they better simplify the graphics and details to make fps better. Though I cant even tell whether its the game or the player's pc sometimes because just about all the youtube videos of 3.0 are 4k ultra which can definitely bring fps down some more
I wonder how many backers they'll get after that.
Never trust a dev who sets out to make the "best gaem evar where you can do ANNNYTHING"
It's that simple.
>leg fetishists
>It's a "shepard calls his sheep 'woke'" episode
Any links to that? I'd like to give it a read
>he doesn't like legs
what's wrong with you, user?
sold my Hornet $100 package at ebay at 130 dollaredos in the first month
You can still get a refund, Google star citizen refounds.
Press S to spit on grave
Scoop, please. You fell for it and got a refund later.
>backed Elite: Dangerous instead
>been actually playing my space sim the whole time and now Scam Citizen backers will never ever get theirs
Reminder that Derek is winning :^)
however much i don't like elite dangerous, the threads where people were arguing against each other over which is better are funny in retrospect since only one of them has actually gotten to play the damn game
you know the scariest part of this?? its not only if the injunction that crytek seeks actually happens and cig has to almost start over, its that if cig has to pay damages they'll just invent another stretch goal which backers will gladly line up to throw money at.
This is no joking matter, there are fans who might kill themselves over this.
tell me this post is ironic and not a post from the star citizen official forum
Nice pasta.
Who cares?
It's from rebbit I think.
fans insist that SC is already one of the best games ever, so they shouldn't mind too much if development stops right here
>cig gets millions in revenue
>i get my spess game
>Sup Forums in a state of constant autistic screeching
I see nothing wrong with this.
Not bad.
that trick only works once fuckers.
Been seeing a lot of Kyokos recently. Have they released a YY movie or something?