Will we ever get this game?

Will we ever get this game?

That's Twilight Princess.

I really want another zelda with realistic graphics and non open world

>expecting miyamoyo to give us what we want..

It was a tech demo for the Wii U, not a trailer for an upcoming game.

Will we ever get this game?

Man I laughed at people wanting this back then but it doesn’t seem so bad anymore. Give me a semi open world Zelda any day.

Yeah that's Darksiders.

All I want is a story driven zelda with realistic graphics, dungeons and epic boss battles

Twilight Princess had the best combat/swordplay of all the Zelda games. Especially once you unlocked all techniques.

Debate me.

Why does everyone want a zelda with realistic graphics?

Because they want it to age like shit and look like shit.

Realistic graphics are the best kind ofel graphics. Also the graphics in this trailer are not full realistic
You are correct. Botw combt is trash. Hopefully the next zelda gets similar combat to tp but improved

I just want the 90s medieval fantasy anime look back. It’s been almost 20 years nintendo.

Twilight princess is as realistic as I want Zelda, it's how I imagined Ocarina of Time to look on a next gen console

No they're not, are you 12? Go play The Order if muh realistic graffix is all you care about.

No, because Nintendo is never going to make a powerful enough system able to run a game with actual good looking-non cartoonish graphics. You'll get cell shaded shit with Ps2-tier assets and you'll like it.

Breath of the Wild could have been pic related.

You can make a cel shaded game that doesn’t have shit character designs

>mfw whenever someone points to a Zelda tech demo and says WE SHOULD HAVE GOT THIS GAME or THIS IS THE TRUE ZELDA
A tech demo video doesn't indicate anything about the structure of a game (the real meat of it), or even how it feels to play. It's just a hollow image, a nice art style, maybe an exciting video which hypes up your inner child. Everything else is a bullshit value that you've mentally attached to that image. Your desire is vague at best and superficial at worst.

The cumming over the Wii U one is particularly ludicrous. It's one fucking room that looks like a Twilight Princess retread, this in no way leads to a 10/10 classic game.


>we will never get a futuristic Zelda with Metroid references

Sh-shut up

Twilight Princess came out in 2006.

People who don't want to play as an attractive, young Link are super gay.
Who the hell actually wants to play as a buff chad or an old fuck?

>we will never get a prehistory ooga boga zelda recounting the hylian goddesses story
>tribal wars and alliances about hylians, gerudo, zoras, gorons...
>wood, rock, bone and endgame metal weapons
>prehistorik magic
>jurassic forms of traditional zelda enemies

No you'll get a sub 20fps port with 360p resolution then shit post on Sup Forums about how it's technically impressive

I like traditional Link, though not solely on him being handsome, but old characters are underrated.

Yeah and it sucked then and it sucks now.

Why? Everyone wanted OoT 2 and they got it.

>tumblr nose
>giant hands
>small legs
Thanks god it wasn't, that design is ugly

>attractive, young
>but not Chad
Just say you want him to be a twink, you fag.

I wonder how would people would react if Link was tall in a game, instead of his canon short appearance. He's always smaller than even most women NPCs, in that last game even his body proportions are hobbit like.

Those are just Asian body proportions

He's short in BOTW because they retconned his age, he was initially going to be a kid, but they made him a young adult.

they need to make an older link with a beard and some cool as fuck pirates of the caribbean hair. a 34 year old link. Im fed up of these fuking little teenagers

>way easier than OOT
>shitty wolf and midna gimmicks
>terrible dungeons

Grimdark graphics age like shit.
The most realistic Zelda games should go is OoT3D/MM3D graphics.
The only game that beneficts of dark graphics is Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess looks like shit.

>The most realistic Zelda games should go is OoT3D/MM3D graphics.
I would kill for a modern game that looked like these two game's art. Manga/comic styling with dark shadows and rich color.

Miyamoto didn't gave a lot to do with either BOTW or Odyssey.

Seriously? Good thing they scraped this shit idea. Not even kids like kid characters.
Though Link looks short in every 3D Zelda game, so I thought they just fucked up his proportions. looks like a good explanation.

Thank you. I'm so tired of everyone wanking over that fucking tech demo.