Thanks for Beta testing!

Thanks for Beta testing!

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Game actually runs fucking terribly on xbox.

Thanks for playing the shittiest "game" of the year on a console with no other exclusives

there is so much shit that's wrong with this case

>Game preview edition
>Console exclusive
>Game is a work in progress
>Requires xbox live gold
>Doesn't even have a disc inside but a download card
>Advertising how many copies the game has sold on the boxart

It's pretty amazing to live in a time where we now sell beta versions of games in physical form.

Fake news. It isn't bad at all once you get on the ground and the textures finish loading. Movement is a bit janky, and it has crashed a couple times. Still having a blast playing it though.

Just so you know, the game isn't finished yet and you need to buy a GOLD PASS to play it

You are also beta testing it shitlord

It's not out of early access so it's still a game preview.

Have fun with average sub 20 FPS

>and it has crashed a couple times

There's a new pubg xbox deal coming.

>It isn't bad at all once you get on the ground and the textures finish loading. Movement is a bit janky, and it has crashed a couple times

>Game preview edition

time to post this

enjoy your "crayon melted in a car"-tier graphics, user!

>Movement is a bit janky, and it has crashed a couple times. Still having a blast playing it though.
that's called Stokholm Syndrome, user. you oughtta be careful with that

Not bad for a preview game that just came out considering how it runs on high end pc's.

consoles from 20 years ago didn't crash as much as they do now

they are biting off more than they can chew

I have the game on Xbox and you’re a fucking moron

>Not bad for a preview game that just came out

Amazing how this is Xbox's big AAA holiday title. A fucking unfinished game that even markets itself as unfinished.

>game gets released on a fucking console
>20 million people already bought it
>wins GOTY from multiple publications despite not even being finished
>its STILL "in development"
The absolute state of these cucks.

"early access" was a mistake. Blame Gabe Jewell

We can all thank the "master race" for this.

>it has crashed a couple times.
Holy fuck really? The first and only time a console game crashed was Oblivion, how fucking bad is this port that they manage multiple crashes on console?


Okay so we all know what happened this generation, MS gave us the biggest lolcow console since the Ouya. But -why- did they do it? -Why- did they suddenly think it was okay to have a console with absolutely no games? What's their fucking endgame?

This makes me think the game will never be optimised now. Why would they bother when they have the 12 year old twitchfaggot crowd buying their game on console?

PC has reached all the sales they're gonna get and eggsbux will be the same come Feb.

I'm glad I got my fill in May.

>implying it's actually out of beta now

Their endgame is casuals. That's why they pushed it as a TV box that can play games.

Hold on a second. Since fucking when early access games started rolling out on consoles?

MS Corporate leadership doesn't give a fuck about any particular division. They're carried by massive OS sales, Xbox was like the Zune, a half assed shot at attempting to establish an immediate monopoly. When they got pushback they immediately just stopped caring. 360 was mostly carried by multiplats and being cheap compared to PS3. When gamers didn't flock en masse at a 90% marketshare the higher ups eventually stopped caring. Honestly surprised they even released the 360.


Remember when you used to get low fps so you'd look at the ground until shit evened out of explosions stopped fucking your graphics card?

MS investors hate the xbox branch and would rather divert the money into bing

The game is in early access on Xbox one too retard. You are beta testing like PC players.

>it's only kind of garbage

PUBG is trurly genre defining, in that it defined a whole generation of early acces shit a way onto consoles. Magnificent.


>four year old article
>ms is investing a billion into games as of next year

Nice try, lad.

>beta testing
Yeah, I think everyone forgot they were "testing" since beta "testing" isn't supposed to be forever. This is just how the game is. They'll patch it to some shitty mutant that runs at 20-30 fps then drop all support after a couple million retards buy it. Same strategy they use on AAA games like Destiny/Division. Hype hype hype hype hype, after a couple million fall for it switch to lootboxes and microtransactions, milk them for a few months, drop to skeleton crew for support, restart hype for sequel. Works literally every time.

i'm dying

Is it true there's no aim assist on xbox? If so is it even possible to fire any gun on full auto.

>ms is investing a billion into games as of next year
*That will also on PC ;)

games like what, PUBG?

this forced meme gets more and more retarded with every variation

>early access physical copies

>It happened in the past that means it didn't happen


pubg will make it's money back 10 fold I'm sure. I bet they're opening up a couple new studios for some new IP's.


enjoy the 20fps my friend :)

>crashed a couple times...on a console
>not bad

PUBG is just an exact copy of Arma2 Survival mode, there isn't a single difference between them

why is this game so hyped? what does it do better than the decade-old game it rips off??

it barely even looks better, which is sad considering how old Arma2 is

>You don't even get a physical copy either

Australia tier shitposting.

>Advertising how many copies the game has sold on the boxart

On PC too, i'm laughing hard

M-MUH 4K!!!!!!

because people are retarded now

That's marketing 101.

how do you subject yourself to this Stockholm syndrome? yknow there are other avenues to play videogames, right?

Fewer bugs than Arma2 though at least.

What if the final game is a separate purchase?

Literally why does every popular PC game seem to come from the Arma series?

Why is "PlayerUnknown" so fucking full of shit? Minecraft had a battle royale mod before dayz.

>> 2017
>> buying anything

fucking plebs

The alternative was letting Apple take over the living room with Apple TV and the Mac Mini which wasn't an alternative at all.

It's irrelevant though, how does this benefit xbox players in any way?

Just think, Valve got a ~30% cut from the 20 million copies of this game sold so far.

>game is a work in progress

OK, that seems like a reasonable comment at least, thank you for your civility.

I believe Arma3 has the mode as well, though it's probably just as buggy as Arma2's version

It's just so strange to me, the Survival mode wasn't even close to the most popular mode in Arma2 or 3, people often complained it was too long and drawn out, does that mean people now are more patient than they were just a few years ago??

and all the autistic items that can go for several hundred bucks

On a related note i've owned every console up until this generation. Nintendo consoles have not FAILED me once, i still have my nes/snes/n64/gamecube/wii and they all work great. Same goes for Sony with the exception of 1 ps3 that failed on me over a corrupted harddrive that was quickly replaced by sony themselves. I've had 4 MS consoles shit the bed on me. Two Xbox's and 2 Xbox 360s.

It's not supposed to? It's aiming at the sheer popularity of the game. Again, marketing 101.

Same way putting 5 star reviews all over the cover does; just tricks people into thinking they're getting a quality product.
Though obviously PUBG isn't that good so they went with the sales = quality approach.

I'm not the guy you replied to, I just hate Bohemia desu.

honestly like those textures not loaded. It feels nostalgic in a way, reminds i'm playing a video game. I actually want to explore the world more.

it's depressing ARMA does'nt get the credit it deserves...

i've seen streamers who play DayZ non-stop ask "what game is Arma2??"


and Arma2 had Battle Royale before Minecraft even existed

>honestly like those textures not loaded. It feels nostalgic in a way, reminds i'm playing a video game. I actually want to explore the world more.

It runs quite well on the 1.0 test servers on PC actually. The main game's version is obscenely outdated. They've just been making 1.0 for quite awhile now.


Yeah, the new map runs great. They just need to fix the shitty servers now.