Discover a imperfection

discover a imperfection


>multi-colored hair
>psychopath that kills her servants and bathes in their blood
>shitty voice

Because of her armor being in the way you can't see her fat anime tiddies.

sounds like tommy pickles

she needs a fucking dancer to make her passive be worth anything

Her skill is useful to buff her up on enemy phases.

You've already had Silas for about 5-6 chapters on CQ, and 1-2 chapters on Rev, and in CQ she also has to compete with Effie being close to promotion and potentially going great knight if she doesn't need wary fighter.

Also terrible personality

I actually like her armor design for the base cavalier class as it doesn't use the stupid battle panties and those colours look nice on her.

I like her much more ever since someone said that in any other FE she'd be a midboss, but since the "bad" side is playable she's useable too
it just makes more sense that way

I dropped Kaze in Conquest so she was my designated Mage killer. I think she hit like 35 Res near endgame when fully buffed.

Is Chapter 2 of CQ is good to grind if one of Archers is stuck in the fortress ?

Probably not since experience obtained from an enemies decreases each time they're attacked.


Kaze has 1-2 range attacks without drawback though.


Why would Xander hire her to be his retainer?

Her fighting ability. He also wanted a taste of crazy pussy.

That's Peri!Xander making the decision, not Support!Xander.

That ugly hood

>be mr noble knight guy
>hire a literal sadistic psychopath
fates writing ladies and gentlemen

define a problem

Jeigans are xp thiefs XD

Treehouse wrote out every line where she mentions how uncomfortable it is to tuck her gigantic tiddies into her armor.


she's an Oifey you uncultured pleb

I can't hook up with her in her games.

true, that's a big problem


it's the same VA

Xander is his father's son and thoroughly enjoys crazy pussy

Cuckhouse is truly the worst.

Ghast!Xander wrote this post

>be Mr Noble White Knight guy
>be on the wrong side of history
fates writing


she loses her special outfit on promotion

doesn't pass down her cotton candy hair to her kids

apparently people think only tumblrinas and sjws like her?

What hair color does she pass down?

The best shade of blue. It's still stupid she doesn't pass down her actual hair though.

Just blue hair


best wife


Trying to get her dark mage skills is a bitch.

Try using her as a Dark Knight instead.
She can at least still use swords.

She joins way too late in Revelations.


Never stopped me from marrying her


I’m having trouble finding a pro, honestly.

Unique quotes of Peri getting jealous when you talk to other women after you marry her.

Flaws are a good thing. If everyone was perfect then they'd all be this guy

>the first male peg is a bulkier flier with generally rounded stats
honestly if it's one thing i'll give fates characters is that they experimented with more unique character stat distributions (for better and worse).



You'll need to buy DLC to take full advantage of her skills.

Just use Aqua's dancing.

Peri is my wife!

She's creepy, she's problematic, her voice sounds like Tommy Pickles and this right here isn't flavor town.

She is not in Warriors as a Lance Cavalier and instead we got Niles.

How many faggot archers is too many? I'd say one but instead we got two.

Still mad

Tsubaki's insistence to be perfect is his own flaw

She's not Faye.

Cleric Faye is a tanky goddess!

No wonder they nerfed her by making her an Archer in Heroes.

She has more flaws than I have time to count.

I still like her though

Alm is not your husband you peasant.
Stop stalking him and take care of your real family.

t. cuck who married Faye

There's plenty of big titty on show in Fates. Camilla, Kagero, Orochi, Charlotte, Ophelia etc.

Tight pantaloons > Cleavage window

Thank god.


It's bad when one of my plans in Echoes when I'm back into a corner is to simply toss Faye into the group of enemies and watch as she takes no damage and kills everything.

But I need more. Tits is the source of strength in Fates. And I bet if she showed them that 65 would turn into 80

You still have to worry about enemy mages though if they have Mire, Thunder, or Death. Then again giving her the mage ring fixes that.

I get the feeling there's an enormous cock cropped out of this picture

>fell off his horse when meeting his superior
yeah sure.

I'm kinda disappointed that there isn't going to be a special Christmas Peri in Heroes.

It would have made sense considering her birthday is on Christmas Eve.

>so many peri bros
i knew you guys still were alive, how are you holding against the overwhelming hate she gets?

Wait until the chance to strike with threads like these, we're very patient but enjoy our time when it comes.

more peri please, if slightly lewd it's better.

She has always been bae.

Facts m'dudes.

Wasted potential.

She appears in Fates and not an earlier Fire Emblem game.

>she will never rape you after murdering a few dozen soldiers


>girls can't rape

It's on gelbooru. Not hard to find.

she's beaucoup cuckoo, babe

I love her

Fair enough. Just asking if there was an uncensored.

and she cucks you

No, that's Flora and Kagero.

at least treehouse could ruin something that already was shit


Not making Peri a major antagonist who constantly stalks the Player Avatar to kill them and seeing how deep they can take her insanity.


I ignore the hate. I think every Peri bro knows how fucked she is, we just don't mind. So all we have to do is not act like fuckheads in every thread and just let the lucina/camilla/tharjafags take all the heat.

>"Guess who just missed their period, user..."
