Nintendo reinvented the platforming genre with mario

>nintendo reinvented the platforming genre with mario
>microsoft reinvented the fps genre with halo
>sony reinvented the ?????????

>>nintendo reinvented the platforming genre with mario
>>microsoft reinvented the fps genre with halo
>>sony reinvented the ?????????

Microsoft didn't make halo

Who are you dumdums quoting?

Rhythm genre with parappa the rappa

the cinematic genre, Sony reinvented the cinematic genre.

>sony reinvented the ????????
vacuum cleaning

Racing sim genre with gran turismo.

>microsoft reinvented the fps genre with halo

nope that was sega with shenmue

They reinvented a way to always win by being the best console to own. Hard to fuck up when one competitor relies on 3rd party support and the other is a family friendly console for children with no 3rd party support.

Sony reinvented the Video Game

jailbait genre ofc

games with soul

Oscar bait games.



Why does microsoft get credit for bungies work on Halo? Is it because you're a huge faggot?

Why does this bother you so much faggot

What about PC though?

PC invented the all in one media hub if you want it

because they literally own them, and before they did it was planned to me an open world rpg style game for macintoshes and thus wouldnt be fucking remembered?

PC invented most things. Including bad things.

PC reinvented 8bit though, and I wish I could stab the faggot that started this "retro" trend.

Sony reinvented Japan Time.

what makes micropenis fans so salty?

Halo just took goldeneye to space, they really only refined what already existed. No reinvention to be seen.

>most things
games are still developed on PC and then compiled for consoles. That hasn't changed since the beginning of games.

>being so salty you change the conversation from "why does microsoft take halos credit" to "yeah but halos just space goldeneye"

>phoneposter meme
>giving microsoft credit for a smaller studios work
>intentionally sequestering halo into a universe where it is devoid of influences
>never played marathon
Yes you're quite the scholar kid. How long ago did you get off the bus?

Sony reinvented butthurt

Sony reinvents whatever last popular thing Nintendo made is.


Sup Forums is literally obsessed with Sony

sony reinvented the high graphics, low substance game market

Because Microsoft is surprisingly responsible for how the Halo universe was shaped and how good the Halo trilogy turned out. As soon as Bungie started making Halo games without their watchful eye (ODST and Reach), they sucked.

>sony reinvented Nintendo and Microsoft's ideas because they can't come up with anything themselves

thats fucking hilarious when psn on ps4 is just features ripped off from the 360. zero innovation involved LOL

Is other way around, kiddo.

No, it's not, they copy almost everything Nintendo and Microsoft do.

>this delusion

>why is papa sony cucking me!?

demon souls
resident evil

>sits down for hours on end eith np physical activity because of unstoppable cutscenes

>Square Enix
What did he mean by this?

i don't know who's trolling who anymore

Sony turned games into movies tohe get the casual audience

You mean like when Microsoft ripped off the Eye Toy with the Kinect or when Nintendo ripped off dual analog sticks from Dualshock?

They reinvented the race genre with Gran Turismo
They reinvented the narrative in games with TLOU
They reinvented the adventure/cinematic games with Uncharted (heck, even Tomb Raider copied it)
They literately changed gaming with the first Playstation.

Sony created new ways to watch movies
And now the purchasing/renting TV/movies on your game console

Not poor inventions but Sony is not about the games no matter how many times they say it. They make a decent platform game developers like to build for.

You forgot nintendo ripping off Sony with the wiimote

Racing with gran turismo.

Thread over dumb pajeet.

This, it was originally a mac game
Does Jumping Flash seem like an important game?

Third person story based single player game

souls genre with bloodborne

The only thing of that sony actually invented is the bluray, good job on pushing back the adoption of superior flash-based storage.

with light stealth mechanics

Knack with Knack 2

>shortest "man" in every room
I wonder if even todd is taller than phil.

>normie games and movies

Survival horror with SH.
Unironically obsessed

sony invented the souls genre with demon's souls
then they reinvented it with bloodborne

Reinvented the push up for stuff to happen genre.

You mean inferior

Oh, and Halo/Mario are not normie games? Shut the fuck up mate, if a game is "normie" it's because the game was successful.

Daisuke did nothing wrong

>Oh, and Halo/Mario are not normie games?

I can't wait until one day when Microsoft and Nintendo make that third-person action adventure Halo X Metroid game starring Samus Aran and the Master Chief. One day.

Vehicle combat, 2 weapon limit adds strategical value, more complexly scripted AI

>s-sony only has normie games and m-movies
>also they have the most jrpgs and largest international digital library (outside PC)

Sure user, go play your underground Mario game and leave Sup Forums.

Story based games.

>Microsoft made the fps genere shitty with halo


>reinventing anything

More like brought the biggest amount of dudebros ever in this hobby with its huge military circlejerk and reinvented the ways consumers could get fucked.

Sony reinvented the future of gaming.

>all western dogshit
>The few japanese games it had wouldn't even qualify in a list of top 100 ps2/gc/dc games
which seething weeb wrote this?

>no seek times
>less vulnerable


The waiting game

Cons Less space more expensive easier to lose
Pros faster load times
Seems pretty shit to me


jrpgs with FFVII

>sony reinvented the youtube fanboy

>"no, crash is better, i swear!"

>Less space
I ordered a 128GB microSD card yesterday. Flash offers more space.
> more expensive
Maybe if it was a bit more pressing to shit out fucktons of the stuff we'd also see prices go down already. Anyways, over the price of a game, the difference isn't much.
> easier to lose
Well how about you organize your place

You know another advantage? No more installations needed. You can just play off the chip and write to the chip.

Goldeneye is shit for the birds, tho. Halo is actually good.

with talledega nights

Movie genre

It's to be expected that inferior mediums would be cheaper to make. That's why they push for them. Selling cheaper stuff for the same price means higher profit margins.

>>microsoft reinvented the fps genre with halo
Nope, that was also Nintendo/Rare with Goldeneye.

And guess what you can get a blueray disc with the same amount of space for way way cheaper
And when cartridge prices start going down bluray is also gonna get cheaper
Explain how it is inferior
Blueray is cheap holds more space and can be stacked easily
No one cares about a game loading 5 seconds faster

Sony reinvented ugly ass protagonists, Jesus Christ. I've never had someone sum this shit up so completely for me, thank you. This image is going to be seeing some rounds, because it perfectly encapsulates the "We don't know how human beings look and don't feel like putting forth the resources enough to even get close" look that Sony games have had in the last 10 or 15 years.

>And guess what you can get a blueray disc with the same amount of space for way way cheaper
Glad to see you're all about saving your corporate overlords some cash.
> And when cartridge prices start going down bluray is also gonna get cheaper
Can't get much cheaper. It's already dirt cheap.

Enjoy your installations, slow seek times, and shit loading times.

Oh I forgot blueray also looks better high definition


i don't know why i even participate in this threads. Shit filled with people of 2 digit IQ

Nintendo reinforced an Ironclad quality sandard in the gaming industry where american profiteers made an absolute mess of it with a lack of exclusivity contracts.

Sony introduced a more open platform for smaller and independent game developers for those that couldn't guarantee that they'd meet Nintendo's massive list of compliances, creating explosive growth for third-party developers around the globe.

Microsoft introduced and reinforced practically every single negative concept associated with the gaming industry and deflected all concern and criticism by making these things a problem for the other two companies to deal with and diluting the quality standards previously present in the industry to which point the shooting genre itself had a nearly 15-year stranglehold on the market as the de-facto 'regular look' of the average game that is accepted as some sort of minimum or standard of what counts to be a "serious game" in the pop cultural consciousness while utilizing predatory practices that actively undoes all which Nintendo and Sony has worked to build for the industry.

This is why companies such as EA are behaving as they are now, Because it is the most suitable operating fashion based on the designs of the Microsoft-led operating model.

I only played the dem for jumping flash. shit was awesome. I remember some faggot staring at me weird in a small gamestore when i told my buddy next to me that i enjoyed it and might buy it. Gonna hunt that fucker down now that i mention it.

>because they literally own them
where have you been for the past 5 years?

So what time is the Nintendo panel happening tonight and where can I watch it?

Enjoy worse graphics and 5 second shorter load time
And how am i saving everybody but nintendo cash
Sony and Microsoft use the superior blueray unlike nintendo who likes to fuck the consumer and other company's with carts

This is bait, right?

>microsoft reinvented the fps genre with halo
So we laught at this faggot or what?

Nice argument