Kotaku does NOT like Okami

Kotaku does NOT like Okami.

And sorry, but they're not sorry


Other urls found in this thread:


>Linking to Kucktaku
Gamer gate changed this place for the worse.

What kind of retard even check for these articles? And then repost here? Fuck off dumbass

Have they ever written something that isn't pure clickbait?


>direct link to cucktaco

kill you are selve

Nice try Kotaku shill

Who gives a shit. They've gone downhill fast.

Okami is a bad game though.

jesus, what a cunt

Okami never fucking ends. You swear you've beaten it like 20 times but it just won't FUCKING roll the credits. At some point you look at your save file and it's something like 80 hours, you look up where you are in the game online, and you're only 1/3 of the way in.

Actually i agree, okami is supremely overrated.

>tim rogers
what a surprise

game takes like 30 hours.
It's just a Zelda game with a Zelda length

>there are at least 4 moments that scream FINAL BOSS, and yet the game keeps going

you're supremely retarded



make pastebin or something, I ain't clickin on that shit

With shittier combat and dungeons than even Zelda

this would be great if you didn't have to fight the same damn boss three times

Nothing is shittier than Zelda.

Tim Rogers isn't Kotaku

I was 50 hours in and only JUST got the power to make the curtain things platforms

There's no such thing as too much content, especially if the game is good

BotW says hi

okami is one of the best bad games ive ever played

it honestly might have the worst pacing of all time for a major commercial game

>There's no such thing as too much content

The game gets stale fast

´This game and Shadow of Colossus are literal overrated boring crap that pretentious shits keeps buying each time they get a remaster.

>80 hours
How? I played through the game two times and both of them took me 24 hours.

sure, if you're doing all the sidequests and shit, and trying to collect every single thing.
But my first playthrough I felt was at a leisurely pace, and think was like 35 hours

I explore and collect everything

>OP is a huge faggot
no surprise


Ps4 or PC?

>linking to shitaku
kill yourself faggot

So what the fuck exactly is the point of this "article"?

The people at Kotaku are entitled to their opinions, even if those opinions happen to be stupid.

Here's my opinion: As awesome as Okami was, it did not need a re-re-release for the third gaming generation in a row.

>grammar nazis
what is this, 2009?

>Blaming GG for shitposting.

They would be REEEEEing about not using Archive.

>Tim Rogers
The original hipster "game journalist". Kill it with fire.

>it's ok when nintendo does it


>I have no argument, so I'll point out simple grammar mistakes that don't impede readability

>Buy the game three times
>Each time only play a small fraction of it
Is this man actually retarded?

they're kinda right. game is the definition of style over substance

it's zelda but you have to wait 10 seconds for every battle to load, then button mash your way to victory while taking no damage and then wait 10 more for the results screen.

gay article but that God Hand shoutout surprised me
but wasnt kotaku the one who gave it a lower score than party babiez?

It literally says in the article
>[Disclosure: I worked with God Hand director / Clover Studio co-founder Shinji Mikami on a game from 2007 to 2010. Yes, we talked a lot about how IGN gave God Hand a 3 out of 10.]

this game has a lot of substance though

Weebs seething. The handholding in Okami is Skyward Sword tier which means it's fucking awful


Why am I not surprised?

Overrated trash. It doesn't help that it takes like 5 hours to get going.

Go away Tim before you get triggered.

>complain about handholding
>explain what your obvious comparison means

Kotaku sucks dick but they’re right. Okami suffers from all the same problems of 3D Zeldas yet gets a free pass. It’s one of Kamiya’s weakest games.

>Sup Forums shits on Okami
This board is irredeemable

only triggered one in here is you, weeb

He lived in japan for 10 years and speaks fluent Japanese. You can watch his found in translation videos if you don't believe me.

Okami is definitely better than Scalebound

It's your fault for not sage shit threads.


Okami was always overrated trash liked by autistic fedora weebs rejoicing over the fact that the game was a commercial failure so they could pretend to praise it to validate their hipster opinions despite all the flaws it had.

Implying, Tim.

There is if your "content" consists at least 1/10th of reusing the same exact boss fight 3 times.

My god i tried watching 20 sec of the video and i already got cancer. Professional game expert, hardcore game likers, fuck these people should die.

Just like the writing in Okami

its a kotaku article alright

>hardcore game likers should die
Go back to your Candy Crush and your Walking Sims, kid.

Why does the reflexes in his eyes are moaning anime girls? Not complaining tho

Honestly, if Okami were a Zelda game it would be as hated as Skyward Sword

Most underage post of the thread award, right here.

I was quoting the video you inbred retard, the fag uses those terms.


Sup Forums was always overrated trash liked by autistic fedora weebs rejoicing over the fact that the board was a dialectical failure so they could pretend to praise it to validate their hipster opinions despite all the flaws it had.

t. butthurt weeb

What's wrong with liking hardcore games?

nothing wrong with it but the terms he uses are killing me
>professional game expert
that and the fact that he's made an entire article plus video using nothing but biased facts.

>biased facts
You mean opinions?

archive link you FUCKING FAGGOT
Tanks annon

Kotaku is stupid and never says anything of value. Ignore them.

>game comes out on PC
>Sup Forums starts shitting on it
every time

Tim, Jounalism is NOT based on opinions.

>Niche-atemporal masterpiece that was aclaimed while it was on consoles.
>ported to pc
>Guys this is shit, it only looks good but it´s like a bad Zelda lmao.

>stating your opinion with a "sorry" attached
It can literally be hard countered by just saying "Apology accepted". Makes you look like a weak little bitch too.

>directly linking clickbait evil
Enjoy your ban.

What's worse, people unironically going to kotaku or people "ironically" going to kotaku to find cringe shit to repost here?
My answer is both

I don't remember people shitting on Vanquish or Dead Rising.

Opinion pieces are based on opinion. This isn't like an article reporting on the game coming out y'know.

Okami is one of the best games I've ever played desu.

The vid isn't cringe, it's gospel. Try watching it.

Now that's just sad. Play more games.

He's right though, we need a god hand port

Now that's just sad. Play Okami.

You guys should really read the archive at archive.fo/S0Vpm but he doesn't even elaborate on why he dislikes the game just that "it's bad". Oh ok, great, I didn't realise Sup Forums shitposts contained enough material to qualify as an article yet here we are.

Please leave, Tim.

>actually linking to kotaku
This board is dead

The article only serves to link to the video. Jesus Christ you're more helpless than that Dean Takahashi guy.

Realistically speaking, can I get 4500 praise in my first playthrough? Not dying, 4 million yen, and 300 demon fangs will be easy, but I dunno about the praise.


wow, so this is how a human with 1 digit IQ looks


It should be possible. Just be certain to feed all the animals and do the side quests, including stuff like refurbishing the shrines in Shinshu Field.

Alright, I hope the praise jumps up later; I've only been getting like 15 at a time, sometimes more.

i hate how this image ends so abruptly

i always imagine the guy getting even angrier when the angel gives him the paper saying "ok" but it has to end like this. i know its an autism thing but still