>that game you can't play anymore because it's associated with a painful time in your life
That game you can't play anymore because it's associated with a painful time in your life
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I'm afraid to see other people anymore because of how mean they are to me
Kirby Dream Land 3 does this to me. Me and my friend Alex co-op'd that shit, but we never finished it.
I haven't seen or heard from him in ten years. I miss you, bro.
back in 2016 I started playing dark souls 2 and staying up for 30+ hours at a time regularly. drinking so much coffee i damn near had schizophrenia. convinced myself that I could anticipate the future and had premonitions.
its me ,Alex
>that song you can't listen anymore because it's associated with a painful time in your life
Dante must die mode:
>that game you can't play anymore because it's associated with happier times in your life
Never understood this.
When my father killed himself I just withdrew further into the game I was playing at the time.
which was doom 2
I've had plenty of bad times but never connected a game to it. I only connected games to good times which then of course make me feel sad if I play them again.
Fuck. Pretty much any game I played with my ex-gf
>grim dawn
>risk of rain
Fire emblem gaiden and then Echoes. the relatioship between Alm and Celica hit too close to home with my ex cause it was a frighteningly similar situation in their relationship. don't think i'll play it again.
when i beat the game and saw Alm and Celica as King and Queen happily running through the field together on the title screen with that music playing i cried like a bitch
good thing overwatch and risk of rain are shitty games, that sucks about grim dawn though. that's what you get for being a normalfag that gets involved with 3DPD, though. you made your bed, now lie in it.
>with my ex-gf
user game characters aren't gf.
What happened, man?
Six months ago I was in a similar situation. Luckily I had the chance to start working from home. I'm much better now.
I just wished we had finished the game before we broke up. We got pretty far and I was enjoying the shift over to more kafkaesque regions
If that was actually a thing I wouldn't be able to replay most of my games.
It's okay user. It's all just bantz here, we love you.
Black ops 1, it was the best of times and the worst of times
>start to enjoy a game
>remind myself i have no friends
>stop enjoying the game and feel bad for playing
that sounds a bit fucking intense, user
>that game you can’t play anymore because that’s when robbers decided to start banging on your door while you were home alone
Fucking Pikmin 2 man
OP, my dad died when I was a kid. I was playing MGS2 at the time. I play it and fondly remember him as opposed to wallowing in the painful sorrow.