What's the angriest you've ever been at a video game?

What's the angriest you've ever been at a video game?


Mass Effect 3. Because the lies.

Usually MOBA games when I am one hit away from killing the opponent then they proceed to snowball out of control and then say gg ez in chat

Hits right in the feeling organ

But to answer OP's question, the angriest I've been at a game was probably when I repeatedly smashed my xbox controller until it broke while playing Arkham City.

I wrecked a PS3 controller because of the last level of killzone 2 on the highest difficulty. Still works, just all smashed as fuck.

Shattered a beer glass in my hand playing TF2 because my team was miserably bad at grabbing the second point on the first stage of Dustbowl.

It put a nice gash in my finger that I had to have glued shut and I've calmed down considerably playing vidya ever since.

Started singing something in german from the top of my lungs. (I'm not german, nor do I speak german)

I rarely get emotional over vidya but when I do I just raise my voice and swear a little. Usually just getting up and walking about / stretching for a bit helps to let the stress go.

Why did this comic suddenly start popping up in every single god damn LOL thread like a month ago? It even shows up on tranny comic hate LOL threads on Sup Forums

Is it just a single autist spamming it?

jesus fucking christ user were you fucking born like a month ago? at least lurk before posting your clueless drivel

No you faggot, it was almost never posted. Now threads get like 15 images from it posted for no fucking reason.

Just look at this thread, it has fuck all to do with the topic, its just a complete non-sequitur.

I can only assume you are one of the spamming autists.

My angriest moments in vidya have always been in WoW when the opposite faction WON'T LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE I'M JUST TRYING TO HIT 60 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Peoples like you are motivating me to kill other players in this shit game with no rewarsd for pvp
(when i was playing it ofc)

I returned the favor when I did hit 60 by 6 gorillion fold. I especially went out of my way to absolutely shit on UD/NE players.

>returned the favor
I was playing rogue, so i can't remember someone engaging me without my approval

I only get mad when people tryhard in a casual multiplayer game

>Finally capturing that helghan fucker only to see him get killed by that damn nigger mutt

Because everyone wants to fuck her, and have wanted to do so for a few years now.

>Yasuo is 1/15 by min 20
>Ends the game 14/17
>"heh, gg ez kids..."

>Not knowing how to close a game with a lead
>gets triggered by trashtalk
Yeah, sounds like a typical shitter.

Chrono trigger started my eternal hatred for moments in games that mess with your party formation

Probably SFV, while getting crush countered into a loss from full health.

>Hate to see what would have happened if he lost

Goddamn I love Nedroid

I broke a window while playing dota 1 10 years ago. I literally punched it while screaming like an angry retard

>Why did this comic suddenly start popping up in every single god damn LOL thread like a month ago?

I can't imagine what Sup Forums's deviant userbase would find appealing about a comic chronicling the romance between a huge sexy woman and an underage boy.

The end of Solatorobo pissed on humanity and the ancient "good guys" killed of the last ones.
I intentionally lost to the next boss battle.

probably the undead giants in bloodborne

... Eh?

never play Darkest Dungeon

yeah it's pretty STRESSFUL


Xbox 360 controller smashed against the wall while playing Super Meat Boy. Since then, i've beaten it with the same controller, and it's my lucky charm for 360 vidya

I have, the narrator gets me through

>renaming RPG characters

>playing street fighter4 online on 3ds
>like a billion seconds of input delay
how in the flying fuck can people play fighting games online

battlefield 3. i pulled a bayonet at a housemate in rage of the knife mechanics


never once

>He didn't play FF games as a kid with himself as the MC, his crush as the love interest and his best friends as the rest of the party

Look at him, look at him and laugh.

>friend spends an extra 20 dollars for a wireless controller just for it to be wireless
>avoids wired controllers like the plague

Act 3 of the Blue Planet: War in Heaven mod for Freespace 2.

Every single mission is a gimmick mission, and each of them uses a different gimmick. The gimmicks are all unlike anything that's ever been in Freespace before, and they throw you right into the deep end with no time to get used to the mechanics first. So just as you've gotten used to one gimmick, now you have to get used to a completely new one. Each of them is horrendously difficult and has absolutely no margin for error. I'm not terrible at Freespace, and I still died about twenty times on each mission. To top it all off, I utterly despise the player character and don't like having to facilitate her goals, so I have no motivation to succeed and I'm wondering why I don't just fucking quit.

>sorry my wireless headsets going
>why cant i move oh my controllers running out
>end up plugging them in so you really have it wireless 50% of the time

whats the fucking point


Life is Strange made me angry with how bad it was.

Wireless is fine for anything that doesn't require frame perfect inputs. If you're not playing a fighting game chances are you're okay. Most modern action games are generous enough that if you're off a few frames you'll be fine anyway.

I would rage pretty hard back when I played WoW and I got disconnected because my internet was trash.
Other than that I rarely got mad and nowadays I never get mad even in competetive games.

The angriest I can remember was fairly recent, I couldn't beat one of the hatless Odyssey puzzles and died over 100 times. Ended up kneeing my desk, knocking my drink over and I picked up my (wireless) keyboard and threw it across the room. Stopped playing after that.

Lost planet 1. I think i was swearing for around 30-35 minutes straight in 3 different languages and nearly broke my gamepad. Ni oh is fault i broke my new gamepad. Dark souls owes me around 3. I have anger issues but its getting better

When I reached Father in Fallout 4, I already was annoyed at the story but talking with this retard just sent me over the edge. I was pissed as fuck at how stupid this game was and how much time I had wasted on it assuming that it would make sense somehow in the end. But no, it was just bad writing and nobody had any reason for anything they did.

It wasn't like I was bunching walls or something but it was a slow burning rage that lasted days

That's good user

>I was pissed as fuck at how stupid this game was and how much time I had wasted on it assuming that it would make sense somehow in the end. But no, it was just bad writing and nobody had any reason for anything they did.
Expecting Bethesda writing to ever pay off is always a mistake.

The angriest I've ever been at a video game was either when I was playing Dead Cells and got comboed from full health in a near inescapable series of attacks on a really really good run, or when I was playing Bloodborne and had to fight Master Logarius on my 99 arc build (which I'm sure at the time had only like, 30-40 arc and nothing else) and I kept dying when I had him in the fucking bag because that boss is fucking bullshit.

I think I actually hurt myself trying to keep myself from breaking something. My blood pressure probably got higher than is considered medically safe. I'm just glad that I was home alone and doors can take a few (pulled as much as I possibly could) punches and kicks.

You would probably have an aneurysm playing Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy

I didn't think it would be amazing but I thought that at the bare minimum, it would make some sort of sense and characters would actually have a basic REASON for the things they did. I was expecting Fallout 3 levels of writing, but what I got was a disjointed mess. It seriously felt like the plot was written by 30 different people, and none of them every talked to each other at any point, and they just had a 1 paragraph plot summery to work with. I seriously thinks that's how the game was made, that's the only explanation for this mess.

>It seriously felt like the plot was written by 30 different people, and none of them every talked to each other at any point
I'd believe that. I highly doubt Kid in a Fridge would have survived any kind of peer review.

honestly nobody paid any attention to content you wouldn't experience in the first hour or two of the game, they banked on the relatively cinematic first couple missions being played on streams and convincing people to buy it, by the time you get into the plot they already have your money and don't give a shit.

I've punted my ps3 controller, ripped my mouse out of my pc and threw it out my window and snapped my keyboard with my knee.
Same as this user but its not getting better.

consider marijuana

I eat edibles every other week, it helps.

The maddest I ever get is swearing and hitting my leg. I don't really get the throwing your controller thing.

I think that you have to already be angry at something to break your stuff over a game. Like the game is the tipping point or something.

I just don't get why they don't fire the bethesda writers and just grab the obsidian ones who did new vegas.

>farming souls in Dawn of Sorrow
>after 30+ minutes, finally get soul to appear
>accidentally leave room just before getting the soul
Had to quit for a while after that.

i played the senran kagura game, it was so stupid, the girls are so airhead that is hard to play.
i removed from the vita and took a shit on top of that shit.

I know one guy who did this, and he's currently living off welfare trying to make it big as a poet on instagram.

Beartato looks fucking weird from the side

Protect me Lord Jesus you know i am a sinful man

so you cracked open a beer while playing TF2

Holy shit, don't think I'll ever stop being mad about the ME3 shitshow. The ending was bad enough, but the "PR" that followed was absolute cancer.
>ME3 is art if you don't like it you're literally an idiot
>What, you like the destroy ending because it implies Shepard lives? THAT'S THEIR LAST BREATH HAHA FUCK YOU
>Gamers are entitled because they're not sucking our dicks
Fuck Bioware, and fuck all the shit they pulled. The Mass Effect 3 aftermath was single-handedly responsible for creating the shitty divide in gaming culture that exists today. Journos learnt that they didn't need news anymore and could just rake in ad revenue by demonising their own audience. Now you're either a neo nazi orchestrating a new holocaust of developers you don't like, or a snivelling soyboy happily gulping down every bit of non-news being shat out whilst congratulating yourself on driving out the gross meanies.

I think I actually got a half-chub when I saw the fucking trainwreck that was Andromeda's trailer, I'm so happy it flopped.

playing Madden is the only time i ever threatened to kill someone over a videogame.

Usually I just groan and swear, it's nothing notable
I did become very insistent that Uruguay was pronounced "You're a gay" when I got destroyed at FIFA though

Man, how the fuck do you even counter rogues in PvP? I haven't played since WotLK, and I was eleven back then, but I remember every PvP encounter with a rogue outside of a battleground was just getting stunned, then ganked with crazy high burst DPS before it wore off.

Almost always when you're almost done with a boss and the fucker unleashes a pure shit attack to wreck you at his last hit point.

pic related

as a kid trying to fight final boss or close to the final boss Deidara in one of the Naruto clash of ninja games, and he just spams his chip damage hella knockback birdshit until finally blowing up the tiny stage you're forced to fight him in

>wanna play smash with friend
>"okay dude but don't salt"
>"nah dude I won't I know you're better than me"
>getting ass whooped but I'm still having fun and joking
>still getting ass whooped
>okay what the fuck I swear we used to be more evenly matched what the fuck am I doing wrong
>trying not to salt but can't banter because I'm too focused on trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong and I know if I ask him for help he'll hear the salt in my voice so I just keep quiet
>mid match friend lets out a long sigh and puts his controller down
>explode with rage
I want to kill myself

No, no I didn't. Because I'm not a faggot.

>I was pissed as fuck at how stupid this game was and how much time I had wasted on it assuming that it would make sense somehow in the end. But no, it was just bad writing and nobody had any reason for anything they did.

Eheh shit reminds me of the time i played dongpoarronpa and felt the exact same thing thinking some sort of actually smart twist would pop up in the end to make it all seem as good as people like to think it is. But fucking nope called every little fucking thing that happened before it did even the fucking """""TWIST""""" thing that was obvious as all fuck for anyone with at least an iota of critical thinking. Shit was lame.

Cause if i am not mistake they actually had people do multiple thing. So like someone writing shit would also be making assets or codding shit. So if they fired the writers then they would have quite literally have no one to work on the game given how fucking retardedly they spread the workload.

What a cute lil nose, I want to eskimo kiss that white boy.

When I was a wee lad of ten, I was admin on a DarkRP GMOD server. Some guy kept spawning shittons of background assets (those fuckhuge but empty buildings you see in the background of Half Life 2 levels) and crashing the server. Whenever the server came back up he'd always log on before me, and he'd crash it again before I could kick or ban him. I got so mad I kicked a hole in my drywall.

I hid it for four years with a trash can before my parents found out.

I'm in my twenties now and more level headed, but multiplayer stuff really pisses me off. I really enjoy competitive multiplayer games, stuff like Hawken, Insurgency, Rising Storm 2, Chivalry, even Overwatch when it first came out. Unfortunately, I get super, super competitive and I'm hyper insecure about my KD/R. I'm average, I guess, and I have good streaks and bad streaks. Whenever I fall into a bad streak where I keep getting killed it really fucks with me. I get mad, I play even worse, I get more mad, I salt like a little bitch (thankfully not over mic, just text chat), and bants get under my skin like the shitter that I am. Eventually I lose my shit and start cursing, smacking the shit out of my thigh, etc.

I'm totally fine playing hard single player stuff, but for some reason multiplayer games just bring out the worst in me. I haven't played any in a while as a result, even though I really wanna play RS2 now that the ANZAC update came out.

at least you can kek at yourself now

I love typing "You can paypal me for the carry by tuesday" whenever I feed but still get carried to a win.

>its online games
>its not the fact that im playing on literally the worst platform for a fighting game

>Journos learnt that they didn't need news anymore and could just rake in ad revenue by demonising their own audience. Now you're either a neo nazi orchestrating a new holocaust of developers you don't like, or a snivelling soyboy happily gulping down every bit of non-news being shat out whilst congratulating yourself on driving out the gross meanies.

Damn lil fag nugget why to begin with were so overly emotionally invested in a fucking toy to begin with? The fuck is wrong with your dumb ass? Seriously the fuck man.

WoT: Arty and RNG

I want normalfags like you to fucking leave

I'm sorry, I don't speak retard.

>South american
>Love fighting games but can never play them online because of the lag
>Playing MvC3
>Find a random that actually lives in the same city as I do, literally no lag, we add each other and spar every once in a while
>This one day the fucker just infinite loops me out of existence, I literally couldnt do anything but watch in horror for like 50 seconds
>By the time he's done raping me I threw my controller AND phone against the wall in autistic rage
>Never again played MvC3


I bit myself hard enough to break the skin when playing Civilization III.

Why do people play this game? It genuinely sounds like a godawful, nerve wracking time. And not in a good, horror game way. It just seems tedious amd aggravating


>Trying to kill A-grade body with spin attack
>Trying to kill story npc with spin attack
>Using spin attack at all

>Won't fucking display their love in front of their fucking child

Holy shit, bitch is psycho

What a cuck

>implying I took a 480x360 screenshot of my own gameplay, of a 15 year-old game, and held onto it for just such a thread, localized entirely within my own kitchen
I hope that aint directed at me.

Punched a concrete wall and fractured my knuckle playing for honor, I play alot of fighting games but that one in particular rustles my jimmies everytime

>"here honey, let me hug you and show affection in front of our child!"
>"no, fuck off"

WWE Day of Reckoning, last match in story mode fucking HHH kept countering everything I did and I kept fucking up the timings to avoid his offense. I ended up slamming the Gamecube controller on our shitty thin carpet flooring and bah gawd it just about broke in half.

Probably this game, to the point where I ended up just dropping it and played other titles in the series before finishing it.
Most of the bosses in this game are pretty much just hoping that RNG doesn't fuck you over, except it usually does on a blind playthrough because certain bosses have movesets that are absolute horseshit and require a specific setup to beat. And it doesn't help that demon co-op is hardly worth shit in this game.

I found classic Megaten more tolerable with enemies that drain your level or instakill you with no way to prevent it. And it's a shame since SJ has really enjoyable dungeons.

>not wanting a hug from someone you love

Imagine growing up in an environment like that.

I bet most of you can relate