Bloodborne is a masterp-

Bloodborne is a masterp-

What about him?


He's a good boss, maybe try getting decent

Literally Phalanx but better, and a total mindfuck at the time too

Rom was fantastic, though. Next you'll tell me Shadows of Yharnam was a bad boss.

>Lol it's a masterpiece
>Prove it
>I don't have to, get gud
Every time, I especially love it when you guys post pretentious ass pictures from cutscenes as if it's a movie or something. Dark souls combat is nothing to gloat about, it's a clunky/broken mess.

>Dark souls combat is nothing to gloat about, it's a clunky/broken mess.
Maybe if you're a huge shitter. Or you just equip the heaviest armor and weapons at all times and are baffled by why you always fat roll like the obese frogposting retard you really are.

You're not entitled to people giving a fuck about you.

He did nothing wrong.


>not posting the giant version of the blue alien things
Your faggot ass probably didn't even fight it

*makes Rom an absolute cakewalk*

Frogposters are the worst, followed by wojackposters. Only worthless opinions are accompanied by frog pictures.

There is literally nothing wrong with Rom, hes a great boss


Rom isn't a bad boss though.

a good boss should constantly challenge you and force you to adapt (within reason), and Rom does that perfectly.

Up until that point you're rewarded for being ultra aggressive and staying either close or baiting out attacks from far away. Rom destroys those concepts and instead teaches you how to maintain pressure within certain distances, and punishes you for staying too aggressive (through adds and close range attacks).

in a game centered around being fast and aggressive, Rom is a boss that challenges that while still remaining fair. Sure it's not the most impressive boss fight around, but there's a reason why its remembered after all these years, and that's because it did such a good job at challenging the players without relying on cheap gimmicks (like Micolash) or artificially pads out the fight (like One Reborn)

hardest fight in the game is those 3 crazy hunter npcs before the one reborn

It broke my he to beat him, he just stand there watching you, why is so important to reveal the blood moon?


>sub 25 fps
Call me again when it runs on PC.

People are this delusional. There's no challenge id it didn't have adds. The boss barely does anything and you just need to know when to run in and out

>is so obsessed he can't help but open and comment in Bloodthreads

Its not, in fact it's bad to do so but you do not know that and you are being guided by the moon presence who is being kept away from yharnam by Rom.

>you just need to know when to run in and out
What a terrible boss, you just have to learn it's patterns like literally every other boss

>Call me again when it runs on PC.

:^) Maybe if you're really nice you can get our molded sloppy seconds 25 years down the line cuckboy.

this, just get a fucking PS4, they're $200 now. I get people not wanting to get a new console at launch but now you have no excuse for not going idort.

Why are pcfags so obsessed with bloodborne?

Dude, just forget it and go to play games.... woops

I think one of the notes says something about revealing the blood moon, or something, it is the only way to open the way to the hidden village.

>I didnt "get" Bloodbourne


I have to agree. I haven't played in about a year and im doing ng++ to get the last trophy i need for plat. Probably took me 2 hours tops to reach rom and after i died twice i dropped the game and have no motivation to play it. His fucking adds infuriate me, hes even worse in the chalice

I've noticed this too.
Never agreed with a frogposter in my life.

For clarification: i agree that rom as a boss is shit. Bloodborne is a masterpiece though and the character of rom is cool

Joke's on you, I've already played it. My roommate owns a PS4. The framerate and microstuttering is horrendous.
I enjoyed DS3 on PC a lot more simply because it was a much smoother experience.
Get fucked Sonyshit fanboys.

>I can't figure out how to circle strafe
What's it like going through life clinically retarded?

What's fucking wrong with him?
You just kill all the spiders and then attack him
Even complete retard can beat him in 1-2 tries

What’s the best Holy Moonlight Sword build?

It's not broken but it is much more shallow than everyone wants to make it out to be.

It noticeably slowed down 4 whole times for me when I played through 3 times to get the plat. Eat shit you lying twat.

Keep lying to your self

based A team

Have you never actually played the game and/or only go tank builds? Dex is fast and furious craziness, Blood Starved Beast is one the most constantly high paced fights I've experienced in vidya

Rom is a 0/10 boss

>Joke's on you,
Nah, I'm not a cuck so I have both PS4 and a gaming PC. The only joke here is you.

Its just so tedious and annoying. I tried to just nuke rom but i get circled by the spiders and literally cant move

>owning a PS4
>not a cuck

The game doesn't say once that rom is female.


The game might not, but...

>Interviewer: And your favorite boss?

>Miyazaki: That's another hard one. Hmm… Which would it be for this game? Maybe this is cheating a little, but if you ignore gameplay for a moment, it's Rom, the Vacuous Spider. From the design and atmosphere to that kind of plaintive air she has, I really like her. There are some oddly cute aspects to her moves and modeling.


>when it runs on PC.

Then it would get infected by the faggy meme community. See DaS1 Prep to Die edition and beyond.

As ugly as Rom is. Rom's fighting arena makes up for it hands down.

Sup Forums


If he wanted him to be a chick he should have put it into the game.

>g-guys look
here's a pity (You)

I agree with this

good post

>Hurr hurr I can't defend it better deflect

Kill yourself immediately.

I couldn't care less. I could probably post more bugs and epic glitches in Bloodborne than you could and I love the game. Get a better hobby.

You love glitchy trash? No fucking wonder you give Bloodborne a free pass you have no standards.

Now please end your life.

I feel bad for your roomate that he has to put up with your autism whilst letting you play on his console like a good guy

Strength/arcane and Investing in skill doesn't hurt either

Wow what a completely unanticipated exchange of posts. I sure didn't see this coming from the start.

>one enemy pops into view
Calm your autism. Why don't you show an actual glitch that ruins the game?

That has never happened to me once while playing bloodborne, at least not that severe


Why are you still wasting oxygen for others? You're advocating this derivative, glitchy garbage so the standards continue to slide ever since Dark Souls 2.

Cheers for supporting bad games though. And you wonder why Dark Souls 3 turned out to be the worst yet.

Off yourself post-haste my retarded friend.

Don't respond to bait from our PCfriends. We have multiple good Bloodborne threads per day, no reason to have a shit one.

Explain to a Dark Souls player what each of the stats are?
Strength is probably the same I assume
Arcane is probably for "magic" though in this game thats cthulhu parts rather than spell scrolls
Is Trick dex?
What is bloodtinge?

>an actual glitch
The whole game at least was fucked up.
Bosses acted like retards when you left the game on for a few hours.

Skill is dex and bloodtinge affects guns and a couple of weapons.

Arcane is analogous magic. Bloodtinge relates to guns and specific blood-themed weapons. Skill is analogous to Dexterity. Everything else is self-explanatory.

Laugh it up poorfag, I'll still be around when you're slurping up my sloppy seconds later.

Strength determines two handed weapons effectiveness
Skill determines one handed
Arcane determines hunter tools/weapon enchantment and certain weapons
Bloodtinge determines gun effectiveness, and also the strength of two unique weapons

So bloodtinge is basically just the second magic state since BB only really has one magic equivalent?

No? It just affects gun damage and blood weapons, like he said.

Ups your discovery rating and arcane stat. It lets you do more damage with the spells and put out more damage with "arcane" (essentially any elemental based) weaponry

No, not at all. Bloodtinge is closer to Skill/DEX than anything else since it affects ranged weapons and certain blood-themed melee weapons. There's no Faith equivalent in BB.


Post games you think have good combat. Let's see.

Bloodborne is a poo poo game
Poo poo game for poo poo people

It's locked 30fps on Ps4Pro which is far better than Zelda BOTW. Stay anally devastated insecure PCvck

>tfw even with the dlc I think the game is too short with too few weapons and armor sets

She seems obnoxious at first glance, but she's actually one of the keypoints of the lore, and the cutscene we get after slaying her, with Queen Yharnam and the Moon Presence coming down, is quite kino.

>She seems obnoxious at first glance
She's always obnoxious


Obnoxiously cute, maybe.

You just know From only added those teeth to stop people from wanting to put their dick in there

imagine the succ

glad we agree

Imagine if they never bothered with chalice dungeons and gave us 3-4 completely fleshed out areas in the main game instead.

I'd prefer fleshed out chalice dungeons, to be desu

What are you implying by this? Rom is easy as fuck, how did you go through the pleb filter gascoing?

Rom is easy as fuck now. That wasn't the case pre-nerf when the game launched.

This. Bigger dungeons with more varied room chunks and more enemy variety.

>years later
>still seething

>her mouth doesn't close, segments that are lined with teeth move closer together
Okay that's actually kinda creepy.

Hey git gud is probably what I’ll be met with but I just cannot beat this dude even with tonitrus. First DSesque game can I get some tips on this spider loving fool?

>really really good visuals
>ruined by 20fps and chromatic aberration

What'd they nerf?